Showing posts with label Cedro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cedro. Show all posts

Thursday, April 02, 2015

Fences: before and after.... Cercas: antes e depois...

Me at the the pathway to my house.

Family: Carlos, Sofia, Fernando and me. My husband attached two little chairs in his bike, as you can see in the photo below. Família:  Carlos, Sofia, Fernando e eu. Meu marido anexou duas cadeirinhas ao lado da sua bicicleta, como você pode ver na foto abaixo.

Update: now the pathway to my house has beautiful and huges cedars. Agora na entrada para casa há imensos cedros.

Monday, February 17, 2014


If you look with attention, you can see my dear Flora at the right of the photo. Se você olhar com atenção poderá ver a minha querida Flora à direita da foto.

My sweet and so missed Flora. Minha doce e saudosa Flora.



Photos of cedar hedge fence along my property, taken by myself. Fotos clicadas por mim da cerca de cedrinhos em volta da minha casa.


Friday, July 02, 2010


Cedar's photos taken by myself this morning... Fotos dos cedros clicadas por mim hoje pela manhã...

To view more beautiful skies from around the world, click on SkyWatch Friday

Monday, May 24, 2010


I chose these cedar's photo along my fence line, because today, I wish an image that would transmit "shadow and freshness". Escolhi esta foto dos cedros ao longo da minha cerca, porque hoje eu desejo uma imagem que possa transmitir "sombra e frescor".

I chose the photo of this tree in my garden, (it's barbatimão, a native tree from Brazil) because today, I wish an image that would transmit "cool and green". Escolhi a foto do barbatimão, árvore nativa do meu jardim, porque hoje eu desejo uma imagem que possa transmitir "frescor e verdor".

These trees are totally beautiful... pictures can not give the feeling! You have to seat under these trees, smell and feel the perfume and the freshness of the place. Como são lindas estas árvores... as fotos não conseguem transmitir toda a sua atmosfera! Você precisa sentar-se à sua sombra para sentir o perfume e o frescor desse lugar.

Photos by myself. Click on photos to enlarger.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Photos taken by myself in the morning and in the afternoon.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I'm posting this photo from my fence, so today I wanted an image that would say "shadow and freshness" to me.


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I'm posting this photo from my garden, so today I wanted an image that would say "cool and green" to me.


These trees are totally beautiful. Pictures can not give the feeling! You have to seat under these trees, smell and feel the perfume and the freshness of the place.
, from Ash Lane Farm’s

I want to thanks to Connie Peterson, from Ash Lane Farm and Mary, from Mary's View for teaching me to download huge photos as you can see on this post. I also want to thanks to Cris, from Country Patch and to Geraldo, from 21st Century Grandpa, for teaching me many tools about blogging. Last but not least, thanks to Judith Polakoff for the inspiration.


Thanks, as always, for looking and visiting!


Photos taken by Sonia Mascaro, in her garden.


Update: I just switch the layout of Leaves of Grass to add news tools on my page and also to download huge photos. This work is in progress.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Golden Trumpet Tree, "Ipê Amarelo" in Portuguese. The scientific name is Tabebuia chrysotricha. Tabebuia "is a neotropical genus of about 100 species of large shrubs and trees in the tribe Tecomeae of the family Bignoniaceae, original from Brazil.

That tree is native from Brazil, named Canafístula or Chuva-de-Ouro ( "Rain of Gold"). The Cassia ferruginea, from the family Leguminosae-Caesalpinoideae, bears the most flagrant flowers, which are arranged in hanging racemes. The flowers appear in October, November and December.

Flamboyant Tree, Royal Poinciana (family Fabaceae), is a tropical or subtropical flowering plant native of Madagascar and is consistently voted among the top 5 most beautiful flowering trees in the world. Royal Poinciana deserves its support. It may be the most colorful flowering tree in the world as well. Other common names for Royal Poinciana include Flamboyant Tree, Flame Tree, Mohur Tree and Red Flame.

This beautiful and extremely scented and fragrant tree, native from Brazil, is knows as Copperpod, Yellow Flame or Yellow Flamboyant, in Portuguese "Sibipiruna", scientific name: Caesalpinia peltophorides.

These two trees above are known as Barbatimão (Stryphnodendron adstringens), Family Leguminosae-Mimosoideae. This luxuriant tree in my yard is native to Brazil's cerrado vegetation.The Brazilian cerrado (savanna) bioma covers 2 million km² representing 23% of the area of the country (the same size as Western Europe).

We planted cypress all around our yard. Thuja occidentalis, a species of thuja, is an evergreen coniferous tree in the cypress family Cupressaceae, native to the northeastern U.S. and southeastern Canada, from central Saskatchewan east to New Brunswick, and south to eastern Tennessee in the Appalachian Mountains. This palm tree is a native plant in our region.

Photos by Sonia de Amorim Mascaro

Anothers photos you can see here

Click on photos to enlarge

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

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