No, it's not a horoscope party. Nor is it a take on a comedian's tag line. At least in this case.
I have to admit, as soon as Misti invited me to enter, I couldn't help but begin singing...
I have to admit, as soon as Misti invited me to enter, I couldn't help but begin singing...
"Signs, Signs-Everywhere a sign, blocking up the scenery breaking my mind
Do this, Don't do that-Can't you read the signs?
So, without further ado, Can't you read the signs?
The first sign "speaks" for itself. Everything with me is a song. Everything reminds me of a song. I think it is a sickness, and my family would agree because it drives them bonkers, but just one word can remind me of a, I do what comes naturally...I break out and SING! (as "demonstrated above)~
These signs below are on the side of my fridge (the only part that isn't stainless. I purchased all of these from my favorite store, "At Home" in Homewood.
"May you LIVE all the days of your life"
"May you LIVE all the days of your life"
Live Generously, Praise Loudly, Live Fully (What great words to live by!)
How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?
How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?
It reminds me of a Jimmy Buffetism, "Growing older but not up". To be forever young with childlike spirit, where everything is new and exciting, where life is squeezed of every drop in it.
How old would I be if I didn't know how old I was? I would guess 27, maybe 30? We'll call it safe with 29.
You can guess where this sign, a magnet, came from......
You can guess where this sign, a magnet, came from......
This sign is above my stove in my kitchen. It reads the name of my family and established date (when Big Daddy and I were married) An Etsy find. One of my favorite things.
This above my kitchen window. Words for everyday.....
This above my kitchen window. Words for everyday.....
This sign is above my laundry room. It is painted on a piece of driftwood. I saw something similar at Pirates Cove that I wanted to emulate.
Speaking of driftwood.....
And this one for our deck, to point me in the right direction, should I forget....
(Painted on more driftwood-from Fort Morgan)
(Painted on more driftwood-from Fort Morgan)
AS IF. LOL! Nevah!
This is on my bed....
Good to remember-especially in times of me it stands for self discovery. It means that even in the worst of times, good will come from it. And from those times, lessons. And those lessons, if realized, will take you on a greater path.
And this, one of my favorite movie's and favorite movie lines because it is so true....
Geographically sometimes, but to me "Home" is with my family.
And there IS no place like home.
And that my friends....are my signs! When I began, I thought...I don't have any signs. Then I thought of one. And I began to walk around my home, reading the signs!
Can you read the signs? Do you have some signs to be read? If so, link up over at Misti's blog.
Thanks for stopping by! Leave me a roadmap to your place!
Have a great weekend!
If you live locally-hope to see you at the Buck Creek Festival! Say hello! Be there or be square!