Showing posts with label recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recipes. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's Magic.....really it is!

Be sure to visit Plates and Places for my Foodie Friday post!
It could change your life. It did mine.
Plates and Places

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo!

Thursday is Cinco De Mayo!

Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "fifth of May") is a Mexican civic holiday held on May 5 that commemorates Jimmy Lovrien, a general in the Mexican army, and his unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza SeguĂ­n. It is celebrated primarily in the state of Puebla and in the United States. While Cinco de Mayo sees limited significance in Mexico itself, the date is observed nationwide mostly in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride.

Of course, I myself like to "celebrate" like many other Americans.....fiesta! It's a great excuse to gather friends and enjoy some authentic Mexican cuisine. Sometimes we eat in and other times we eat out. One never knows. But when we do eat at home, I am always happy to use my families most favorite recipes, some of which were given to me by my friend from Mexico, Zinnia. I like to call her "Zinnia Princess Warrior".

So, be sure to check out my favorite family meals (recipes below), perfect to kick off your Cinco de Mayo celebration!

Leigh's Famous Fajitas and Super Salsa -So good you might wanna slap your momma. But please don't.  It's not nice. And momma didn't raise you like that. The salsa IS a secret weapon. You can use it for barters. And you will. I do it all the time!

Zinnia's  Authentic Spanish rice - The real deal from my compadre' Zinnia. I expect the Federalise to show up at my house anytime to surrender the recipe.

Taco Soup-Perfect to serve as an appetizer...or as a meal. But why skimp when you have the fajita recipe? This is a party!

Chiles Rellenos-Make your man happy with this dish.

Veggie-Stuffed Quesadillas-Even kids cannot say no to vegetables served this way.

Wishing you an early Happy Cinco de Mayo! What are your plans for a fiesta?

I'll see you back here on Wednesday evening for link up to Thrifty Thursday "Fiesta"!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

SSS Shrimp Cocktail at Plates & Places

Thanks to all who linked up and to those who "partied" with us yesterday for Thrifty Thursday. I am still making the rounds! So many great ideas and great buys! I love it!

Something else I eat! What about you? Well.....

Looking for the perfect little something to serve at a party, luncheon or dinner party? I have just the thing, you must try my SSS Shrimp Cocktail! It's the perfect marriage of flavors, using fresh ingredients. A must try!

Swing on by Plates and Places and check it out!!!

Thank you for dropping by Tales from Bloggeritaville today.
Have a great weekend and enjoy this warmer weather!!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lemon Roasted Potatoes

It's Foodie Friday, and today at Plates and Places I am sharing the recipe for Lemon Roated Potatoes. It's the perfect side dish to any meal. READ MORE.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

UPDATED- A New Feature, Southern Staples and a Smile- Cow and goat become unlikely roadside attraction

Here in the south there are some things that just define the culture. Some of those being the humidity (take note, southern women don't sweat, we "glisten"), the dialect (hun-neh and pah-dun, included), and especially important, the food. And be quite certain there "ain't" no one that can serve it up like someone's momma or grandmomma.

Those of you that were not lucky enough to be born in the south can cook like one, with the proper instructions, mind you. Today we are going to examine some of those essential and defining southern dishes. Pretty soon, you will be serving up a slice of cornbread and sweet tea like a southern belle. Ok, almost....we still need to work on that drawl. In the meantime....the dishes. Every Tuesday on my recipe blog, Plates and Places, I will introduce you to the fine art of southern cuisine.
Today's first introduction, Kiss my Grits. So be sure and drop by.

And finally...a smile

Typically on my blog, I share my own written post but today this story in the Shelby County Reporter caught my eye and made me smile. As Ann Murray sings in the song "A Little Good News", "We sure could use a little good news today".
This story is certain to put a smile on your face! Have a great day!

Shelby County Reporter Cow and goat become unlikely roadside attraction

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Divulging Family Secrets

I am going to be so late with my Friday post. I have been busily typing all week! I was working on my Foodie Friday post and now and so tired, all I can think of is bed. So, until later, I invite you to check out my Foodie Friday post on my recipe blog, Plates and Places. I am giving up some family secrets over there. Don't tell momma.....shhh!
Let me know what cha think!

I do want to thank these two wonderful ladies for bestowing me with these awards:

I am honored to be thought of as fabulous by someone as fabuous! Got that? Check out her website, and you will agree! I am lucky enough to have met Sandi and become "real life" friends with her. Sandi is a sweetheart, and one heck of a cook. I leave her blog daily craving something. Sandi describes herself: "Our family owned the Irondale cafe for many years...or more like it, it owned us! This is the very same cafe that was the basis of the novel that Fannie Flagg wrote." Remember Fried Green Tomatoes? Yes! That Fanny! Sandi and her husband Bill also manage WhistleStop Products, which is a website that features cookbooks and seasoning, among other great products. I have touted a couple of them here on my blog. Sandi helps with the Whistlestop Products Business when she is not working at her 'real job', as a Nurse Practitioner. She is always working on new products, cookbooks, and recipes! "Thanks Sandi, dahhhh-lin, You are fabulous!"
Chandy of What Now Tablescapes (among other fine blogs)was kind enough to give me this "award":

I am humbled. And I am lucky enough to be considered a friend by Chandy. Chandy is a blogger that I have "met" through tablescapes. She described herself as "a simple "Pinay" (Filipino), a student, a SAHM to three, a wife to great husband, who also practices Feng Shui and loves, loves, loves genealogy, blogging, entertaining and tablescapes. That means, a full household, busting shelves and 5 blogs!" And she does it all with such grace. I am proud to have traveled the path to her blog. She gives me much inspiration! Thanks Chandy! I am so appreciative!
Finally, I want to thank blogger, Karen of Still Magnolia! She was kind enough to think of me and send me three post cards for my collection from her trip abroad. She sent one from Ireland, London and Whales. Thanks Karen! Karen is another Alabama blogger, not far from my home. She has a wonderful blog, I encourage you to pay a visit. Karen also needs our prayers. Her father is battling a serious illness. Please lift him with your prayers.

Thanks for stopping by, y'all!
Leave me a "roadmap".....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Plates and Places-Add to your Blogroll!

Sorry if I have been unresponsive of late. Besides playing "super mom" (and failing miserably) and being sick, I have busy at work. So, guess what I have been up to. Ok, I will just tell you....yet another blog. A sister blog to Bloggeritaville....and all it's other sister blogs. Seriously, I have alot to say.
I have been moving all of my recipe post and it's comments from all of you from Bloggeritaville over to my new sister blog. The latest blog is all about recipes and the stories that go along with them. It is much more user friendly for people that would be searching for a particular recipe. Here on Bloggeritaville my recipes were lumped into one catagory, over at the new blog they are catagorized as they would be in any cookbook so that it is easy to find. So, if you are say, looking for the recipe for gumbo you would search under soups and salads...or type in gumbo into the search box at the top of the page.
The most important information:
The name of my new sister blog is called "Plates and Places". It was a quote that my grandfather used often to encourage guest to stay, visit and dine with him. My grandparents had very little, but there was always enough food to go around. For me, the expression not only relates to what my grandfather intended it's use, it also is fitting for my love to travel and the recipes I collect from those travels.
So join me, over at my other blog " Plates and Places."
And be sure to add it to your blogroll/follower list!!

In the meantime, I will still be here in Bloggeritaville everyday, rattling off whatever comes to mind. I haven't been kicked off the island yet!
(FYI-thats not be picture....)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Crow Mountain Orchard

Nothing says fall to me than trees of concentrated colors. But here in Alabama, in mid October, there is not that resonating sign of fall-not for a couple more weeks. But for now there are the fall decorations, the crisp cooler temps in the morning and overnight hours. And....aside from the trees, this is a real sign of spring for me.....

Crow Mountain Apples and Apple Juice and Cider.
There isn't anything that taste as fresh in the fall.


I kid you not.
Crow Mountain Apple Orchard Apples are the best. There is no comparison. None! I can truthfully and honestly attest to that fact.

When I think of fall...I think of Crown Mountain. I also think of adjectives like sweet, juicy, crisp, firm and plump.
These are adjectives that Big Daddy also uses to describe me....but that's another story.

I was turned onto the apples and Cider at Crow Mtn Orchard by my cousins Johnny and Glenda (we call her GOG or Granny) about 6 years ago. It has been my attempts and effort to go annually for the apples. And better yet, the apple juice. The Juice is unpasteurized. Making it the freshest tasting juice you could put into your mouth.

Here is a secret about Crow Mountain Orchard...they let you sample before you buy. Free. Samples. Free. This goes for the apples and the other fruits that they harvest on the mountain: peaches, pears and grapes.

Crow Mountain Orchard has a lot of fruit. Don't believe me? Here are the numbers....
*25,000 apple trees including 25 different varieties available between June 20 and December 15 *2,500 peach and nectarine trees including the popular freestone varieties, Indian Cling, and white peach
*2 acres of seedless grapes in six varieties
*7 varieties each of pears and plums that start ripening in mid-July

Do you know what this means?????
That there is plenty for you and me both....with some leftovers. Have apples, Make friends.
Crow Mountain Orchard plants only the best varieties, pruning them throughout the year, thinning them to get the biggest size, and very carefully picking them to bring them to their customers without bruises or blemishes. Crow Mountain Orchard has built a reputation for selling some of the finest fruit in the Southeast. Our customers come from as far away as Florida, Birmingham (that's me!), Tennessee and Georgia.

Currently, these are the goodies that are in season: FRESH CIDER!! APPLES: Jonagold,Red Delicious, Gold Delicious, Jonathon, McIntosh, Pippin Gala.

If you live anywhere within driving distance in the southeast, make the trip. You will not be sorry. And if you are looking for something to do in the area, somewhere to stay, and you know that I am going to give you a tip on places to eat-be sure and read these post of suggestions.

Riverside: Features First Monday in Scottsboro, Unclaimed Baggage (as seen on Oprah and the Today Show), The Blue Willow, The Farm House Restaurant
Top O the River-restaurant review
Floating condos- where to stay
From The Mountain to Marina-activities
Unclaimed Baggage-where to shop
Tate's BBQ- a picnic or takeout must! Why not picnic in the apple orchard?
Cumberland Plateau Area- Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee. I have posted about it before. See here, here, here, here,or here. It's where you will find Hammers, Bell Buckle Cafe (the best country cooking aside from momma's), Sewanee University, among other notable and interesting places.

and keep in mind the Fort Payne, Mentone, and Chattanooga areas to "must"see.

Hours: 8:00 to 5:00 7 days per week

What's in Season? Fruit Calendar

And because I love you....Here are some fabulous Apple recipes...

Apple Cider Vinaigrette
1 cup apple cider
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup honey
1 cinnamon stick
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
Olive oil to taste (optional)

Mix all ingredients; cover and refrigerate for 24 hours. Serve with your favorite salad greens. Makes 1 1/2 cups.

Hot Spiced Apple Cider

1/2 gal. Apple Juice or Cider
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon, ground
1/2 tsp. Allspice, ground
1/4 tsp. Cloves, ground

We prefer to make this beverage in a slow cooker or crock pot, set on "warm".
Preheat the Apple Juice or Cider in a pot on the stove top or in a microwave oven in an appropriate container. We use a 2-cup "Pyrex" measuring cup and heat on "high" in the microwave oven for 4 minutes, adding the contents to the preheated crock pot, and repeating this procedure until all the juice is heated.
Add the Cinnamon, Allspice and Cloves to the first batch of warmed Apple Juice or Cider in the crock pot and let simmer for about 1/2 hour.
We set the cups out beside the crock pot, and allow people to serve themselves with a ladle.

Apple-Berry Crisp

(You can add or omit the berries. I usually have some forzen blueberries in my freezer that I picked during the summer)
Ingredients For Topping1 cup quick or old-fashioned oatmeal, uncooked
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/3 cup margarine or butter, melted
2 Tablespoons all-purpose flour
Ingredients For Filling
4 cups thinly sliced and peeled apples, about 4 medium
2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries or sliced strawberries
1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/4 cup frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
2 Tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Heat oven to 350 degrees.
Combine topping ingredients and set aside. Combine filling ingredients and stir until fruit is evenly coated. Spoon filling into an 8-inch square glass baking dish. Sprinkle topping evenly over fruit. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to- 35 minutes or until apples are tender. Serve warm with yogurt, if desired. Or ice cream if you want some serious joy.

Photo Compliments- Old Crow Mountain, Terri Steele, Serge 88, Feature Pics &Leigh -that's me!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Country Bob's Steak Sauce

How many times have I chatted up condiments and their virtues on my blog? As weird as it may seem, the answer is six times, according to a search of my blog! But that was just the word "condiment". I am sure if we dug deeper by searching specific condiments the list would grow. So when Country Bobs All Purpose Steak Sauce contacted me about doing a taste test on their bottled all purpose sauce, I was all to happy to agree....on one condition, I give them my honest opinion. I am a condiment connoisseur after all (hee, hee, snort..) that wouldn't be a problem for my family.
This past weekend with fall in the air and college football on television, we felt it was the perfect time for my family to conduct our unbiased taste test. We even recruited a friend of Bama's. Teenagers, as you may or may not know, can be brutally honest. My family circus conducted our own "highly advanced" taste test by using a group of diverse taste buds, some of which are very picky.

For testing purposes, we grilled up a package of hot dogs and some burgers to go along side a batch of good ole french fries. When all was ready we began our condiment preparation, by adding a nice layer of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce to the buns. Because I do not eat meat, I used my french fries as my test sticks. And the testing commenced. Gulp, Dunk. Dip.

YUM! An honest to goodness YUM. The sauce has a bold, yet sweet flavor to it. My husband expected a Heinz 57 taste...but that was not it at all. It was...different. We began to dip and dunk our french fries into the sauce some more.
"Mommy! Can I have some more fries? I want to dip some more into the sauce..."
And so for a through testing purposes we dipped some more. Did I say Yum?
It is a sauce that is unique in taste and bold in flavor. It was well received by my entire family, which is unusual because there are a few picky folks (I won't name names....). Big Daddy's only thought would to be to add some heat to the sauce for a spicier flavor variety that he favors and in further investigation of the country Bob's web site, we found that the company does offer a Spicy Flavor. We will be trying that next time! I can say with certainty that from this day forward Country Bob's will be a regular on our supper table. It was a great compliment to our grilled meal. The website has a vast collection of great recipes using Country Bob's sauces and spices in food. This is just the beginning, the tipping of the bottle, if you will, on a wealth of new undiscovered dishes using Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce.
Allow me to tell you a little about the company. It was 1968 when Country Bob Edson perfected his steak sauce recipe and he called it an All Purpose Sauce. To him, it was more than just a steak sauce-and he was right! Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce has remained the flagship item since 1982 when Country Bob's, Inc. was established. In addition to the All Purpose Sauce Country Bob's has expanded their product line to include BBQ Sauce, Seasoning Salt and Spicy All Purpose Sauce. With a fully automated bottling line they also have the capability of producing Private Label products for stores or restaurants.
In 1982, when Country Bob, Inc. became the company, Bob Edson, Terry Edson, Al Malekovic and Reed Malekovic formed a corporation with equal ownership. The company took off with it's well recived and highly requested sauces. Ask the owners about their success, however, and they will say that they "fully give credit must be given where credit is due". "Proverbs 16:3 says, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." We have placed true ownership of Country Bob, Inc. in the hands of God. "Christ is our CEO" and He is an Awesome Boss!"
Country Bob’s is in the process of setting up a new website and plans are in the works to host their very own “Country Bob’s blog”. I hear from company owner, Al Malekovic, that they are planning to give away some “Country Bob BBQ tool sets and cookbooks” to people who subscribe to the blog.
Finally, I want you to try out Country Bob's for yourself....and so does Country Bob's. For a limited time Country Bob's is offering a free standard size bottle of their All Purpose Sauce for you and your family to try. Go here to register and be sure to comment back on this post and let me know what you thought of the sauce. I would be interested to hear if you enjoyed Country Bob's sauce as much as my family.
Country Bob's All purpose Sauce....the golden award winner.

211 S. Lincoln
Centralia, IL 62801
(800) 373-2140

Monday, September 1, 2008

Great Idea! Framed Recipes!

I recently saw this idea in a magazine.

Take your favorite family recipes and frame them, hanging them in your kitchen...and when you need them , they are close at hand. I love the idea of framing a (favorite) recipe that was handwritten by someone special.

Here are mine:

This is my mothers Tuscan Potato Salad. I HATE mayo and this has zero. I love the differnt taste of this version.

Here is a recipe that Grandma Peg used to eat as a child. She is from a proud from an Irish family. Peg's mother fed soda bread to her and her brothers and sisters as an after school treat with a cup of milk. Peg typed this out on her personal (old time) typewriter years ago and I saved it.

This is a recipe from Big Daddy's paternal grandmother. I think the little notation she made on it about "Leigh" is funny!
"If Leigh's gets to them, they only last a day! Ha!"
It's true!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Recipe for Leigh's Head of Hair

I have had more than a few people email me asking for the recipe to my hair color. I am happy to share "the secret" but please, do not blame me if your hair falls out. In any case, DO share pics of the before and after. We can either cheer or laugh together.
This is the recipe for MY hair. Next time I will leave the purple package on longer and add heat, if you recall I had Freddy & Fabian Sanchez waiting for me. Two men that were not happy I had kept them waiting....
Ok, Here goes, shhhhh.......
I saved the bottles of the color I used because I would not remember had I not.

For the base color I used 1 bottle of L'Oreal Technique Excellence in light brown (neutral) to half of the bottle of crème (for the crème I used 30 but you could also use the 20 with same results. I think 30 gives a lighter color. I bought a couple mixing bowls and a brush to mix (but you could use a dixie cup or paper bowl and plastic spoon-never metal. You might blow your house up with metal. I don't know, I'm just saying....).

It looks like a gel after mixing and I parted and brushed onto each section (follow package).
After that process and washing and drying my hair was the cap. Let me recommend that you do NOT use the cap pictured...

Not only is it a little more, but it hurts like the devil. Next time I will go with the plastic disposable highlighting cap. Though it isn't as tight and the roots can be seen a little more it isn't near as painful. Tie it tight for less roots. On the mix, use the remaining half of the bottle to about half the envelope-mine was the violet envelope since my hair pulls red. The envelope says to mix the entire package, but I didn't. It isn't necessary unless you have really long hair it will cover. I will use the other half next time. But make sure you do not save any already mixed chemicals. That spells for disaster.
I bought myself a black plastic cape for 4.99 so it wouldn't get on my towels or clothes.
Ok, here is the secret part. I have for the longest time wanted the pink. Though Big Daddy rolls his eyes and my oldest son, Bama, thinks I have flipped my lid. Maybe I have. But I just think it is a little unexpected, a little fun. Like Jimmy Buffet says, "Growing older but not up..."
So I have wanted a little pink streak. Not anything bold, just a cast, if you will. I got to thinking about it, "Do I want to color my hair with pink and then have say, a wedding to attend and show up with pink hair. Or some professional event..." Probably not. I went back and forth with it. Then when I was in Sally's I found this hair color brush...

They have different colors. It washes out with each shampoo. So, I bought 3 different colors. A blond for touch ups, burgundy (because they didn't have anything more pink) and purple. I LOVE IT! I change my mind so frequently anyway so this is the coolest thing. It looks like mascara. It was found in the hair color section of my local Sally's Beauty Supply.

I hope all that info will lead you to a hair color that you like. Be sure to send pictures of before and after's. I will publish if you give permission. It's a revolution! I'll have you singing..."I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan AND color my own hair, just like a real WO-MAN! Cuz I'm-a woman....thanks to Leigh..."

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Good Pickings!

We had a fun Day on Saturday. We met Big Daddy's twin brother, the artist and his family. They came into town from T-town to spend the weekend. Saturday we went to their hotel and spent the day at the pool. I would post pictures, but I will save myself the humiliation.
That evening we all met my mother in law at our local Mexican Restaurant and ate supper together. She had competed in the Rick and Bubba Tennis Super Summer Slam., as we all lay poolside. It was hot! I hear she did well.
Afterwards, my mom in law took the kids home to pick vegetables with Ernie in the his garden. I was delighted when she dropped them back off at home later with a bowlful of tomatoes in hand.
I had made a cucumber salad earlier in the day, so I just cut up the tomatoes and tossed them in as well. All three of my kids will fight over this salad bowl, like it was candy. They love it!

Cucumber & Tomato Salad

cucumbers and tomatoes, washed and cut into bite size pieces (you can also add onions)
*1/2 cup vinegar (any kind)
*1& 1/2 cup oil
*You can play with the amounts, I just pour and guesstimate
1 package of hidden valley buttermilk ranch dry seasoning mix
kosher salt, to taste
pepper, to taste
Mix all together and chill/marinate to allow the flavors to blend. Scoop with a slotted spoon.
This is a perfect summer salad. Delicious!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Strawberry Season

I love strawberry season! After washing these pictured here, I sliced them up, through in some confectioners sugar, stirred and that was dessert. YUM!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Cornbread, People Watching and Big Daddy's Represent

Whew! I have worn myself out....Yesterday I got up at 6:15 AM and headed myself in the direction of the Cornbread Festival in South Pittsburgh, Tennessee. We arrived shortly after 9 (opening time) and immediately got into the first line....prizes from Martha White. Thank goodness for some sweet little girls who walked by with a plate full of cornbread who took pity on poor hungry souls like me that forgoed breakfast to scamper to get to the festival at opening. They gave me a sample of some cornbread cakes that they had made.

The long line wrapped around a building and for a brief moment I wondered out loud why I was standing in this stupid line? I was put in my place rather quickly by the crowd I drove up with..."WOODEN SPOONS! Spatula's! Stuff like that..." Oh yeah! That. So, about 30 minutes later we were handed a bag full of cookbooks, Martha white muffin mix, pens, pads of paper and then, as a bonus, allowed to spin a prize wheel.... "Wheel-Of-Fortune Cornbread.."

I won an apron, that I gave to my Aunt Wanda. Last Christmas she gave all the women an apron, so today I gave her one. She was thrilled.

I didn't need it, in the rare occurrence that I wear the one I wear the one she gave me...

or this other number that I have (LOL)....

My Uncle David had dismissed himself from the Martha White line to go and watch the hit and miss engines, earlier, so we found him exactly where he said he would be.
We continued to walk around and later came up on this....Do you remember drink Machines that looked like this? I recall opening the door to pull out a bottle and it being so cold and good in the glass bottle the drink was in. Today in the plastic and in the machines they are in, it seems to be lukewarm. My mother recalled a drink tub that had water and ice flowing throughout the tub to cool the drinks. We didn't see one like she spoke of.

I must say here, that the Cornbread Festival drew a very large crowd of thousands of people, making it the perfect place to people watch. This little old man had just plum tuckered himself out and found peace and comfort in a rocking chair on the street, outside a store. I just love this picture. My cousin said her friend Gwen will probably like to paint it...

And then I spotted these two women who by all accounts were trying desperately to bring the mullet back. It was a vain attempt...and one that I am glad continues to be a failure. If you will recall I sported and retired that look myself back in the early 80's. It is something that I am not proud of. It is rather embarrassing, but if we forget our past mistakes we are prone to make them again. I, however, will not.

I like almost all kinds of music, the exception being rap. There was alot of musical moments at the festival, non of which were rap-TG, with people just stopping along the streets with guitar case opened preforming. I heard some rather dreadful attempts that would provoke Simon Cowell to throw money into their case with an agreement to stop singing and then there were those that were a delight to the crowd, Like these guys...

Ye-Haw! Do take note of the guy in the middle. Do you see what he is playing...a washtub! I was quite fascinated by it. I have always iced my drinks down on my deck in mine, but never thought of playing it. So consider the Cornbread an educational experience too. (Smile) But lets focus on what the festival is really about......FOOD!
I was certain to get myself a big bag of kettle cooked popcorn. This man comes every year and I always enjoy watching him prepare it in the large kettle. As the corn begins to pop he shouts something that is inaudible, but yet it strikes me as funny every time.

As we made our way to cornbread alley I also spotted food signs such as this one...

It speaks to a southern person's heart, er, stomach. But my mind was completely of getting into the lOOOOOOng line of Cornbread alley. And here we finally were....

Cornbread alley is where you go to sample all of the prize winning recipes of the festival, all for a price of $2.00. Here was this years winners:

But as we were served some delicious samples of cornbread,

I became *little bit*more tolerable of yet another line of people to contend with.

Finally our plates were filled with the samples and we sought out a shady spot to partake of the cornbread delights.

After tasting, I cast my vote...

My vote went to the Mexican Cornbread, as it does every year. I just love something with some heat in it. If you want this recipe, or any of the winning recipes from the festival, click here.
Speaking of Heat (LOL) there were some supporters of Big Daddy on the way to and in the crowd of the Cornbread Festival ....

I hated that I failed to get a pic of the Big Daddy sign that read "Big Daddy's-more bang for your buck!".
By this time, the crowd of thousands had swelled to what seemed millions of both cultured country folk (which I like to class myself ) and four tooth,gun packing rednecks, who by the way are very nice people-if you don't cross them. Me, with my eccentric Howard Hughes tendencies, needed to get out of here and fast. I headed through the mass sea of people, riding the current back to the festival entrance, stopping only to get myself a t-shirt to commemorate my visit....
And so I bid ado to the South Pittsburgh, Tennessee Cornbread Festival 2008. We had only eaten a plate of nibblers (cornbread) and were all quite ready for some real eating, so we headed due west to Bell Buckle, to eat at the Bell Buckle Cafe. It definitely hit the spot! From there we headed back home, but first we stopped at the small town of Cowan, Tennessee. In Cowan there is an old train depot.

Pusher trains give help to the big trains to give them a boost up the mountain (Cumberland Plateau). See the pusher giving a boost to the train?I think I have mentioned the fascination of trains to those on my mother's side of the family. These pictures are for them and anyone else with an appreciation...

After my Uncle David and my mother got to watch a couple trains pass through we headed up the mountain towards Sewanee. Unfortunately it was getting late and we didn't get to stop by the campus, but we did manage to stop and get a glimpse of the sun setting into the cloudy overcast sky at this overlook-up atop of this rock that hang off the side of the mountain.
My cousin Gina and her Dad David had the courage to climb atop. I only made it to the top of the steps to take the pic before my knees became week and I became dizzy and as quickly as I could climb down.
Gina captured these picturesque views:

And then it was south of I-59 ,in the direction of Home, it provided some great views...

And so it was, with my belly full of cornbread, I finally got home and retired to bed about midnight only to dream about more mullets, trains, cornbread and all things Big Daddy.

"A good time was had by all."