Showing posts with label party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label party. Show all posts

Monday, October 10, 2011

Put on Your Leg Warmers and Tease up Your Hair! It's an 80's Party!

First and foremost, a special thank you is in order. First to Big Daddy for posting on my behalf when I "went down quickly" last Tuesday evening. He had no clue what he was doing in posting. And he somehow managed to interpret  through my benadryl induced coma my instructions. I also want to thank all of you for your kind comments both to me and to Big Daddy. I count my blessing each morning and every night, and my Bloggeritaville friends are always on my list. Thank you!
And finally, Thank goodness for Z packs. Tis the season of sinus infection....but I got my Z pack from calling in to my wonderful doctor and am now almost good as new!

Now onto more important matters at hand today...

Oh, the 80's......bad fashion, big hair, teen beat magazine, synthetic music. Aside from the hairbands I still rock and love, I am glad that decade moved on. However, for my friend, "Sweet Melissa", I would embrace it again in the name of love. Melissa is getting married. And she knew we were planning a shower. But Melissa isn't your average girl, no...she's extraordinary, which makes her so "awesome" (if you will) and she suggested a 80 themed bridal shower.

And so it was. We came up with a cute invitation. I hide the personal info so no serial killer would show up at the house. That's never fun. can get an idea (click to enlarge):

Let the Party Begin!

Step Inside... 

I created this chalkboard sign for our specialty drinks using a framed picture that I was no longer using. The original picture really was pretty, but I wasn't making practical use of it like I would a chalkboard frame. I will share the "How" tutorial later this week, but I am sure you can figure it out. Its not even rated on a difficulty scale. Yes, it's THAT easy!

I had my daughter and her friend do the lettering.
Please don't tell child services I had them write down the names of drinks.
 They were none the wiser, really.

Here is a look inside the poolhouse...

We went with candies that were popular in the 80's and neon cupcakes. We also had what I call "good party food". But it's what you see at parties so I didn't photograph.
If we are being honest, I was to busy shoveling in the cheeseball , crackers and delicious dips and vegetable tray to have a moment to photograph, but lets keep that amongst ourselves.

We got albums from the thriftstore. I found vintage 80's teenbeats at a flea market. We hung the albums and posters from teenbeat throughout the poolhouse:

We even used some of the old advertising inside teenbeat.

Hello! Alyssa Milano!!!
Girls wanted to be her.
Guys wanted to date her.
Young girls wanted to date her "father" (Tony Danza)....
Yes! Young Alyssa....She made it to the party too...

Now the record albums, we hung from the ceiling in our very own basement converted to dance club!

We "aint't " kidding around with this 80's party.
Way cool!
And the kids will make good use of it, even after our night of break dancing is long gone and the broken bones are mended.

The guest are arriving and everyone looks GREAT!!!!
The 80's a back.
Check out everyone's duds!

Its a moment for fashion police everywhere.
Begin issuing the citations.

But wait! Look who has made an appearance at our party..

Why! "He" lives and breaths..


Really its Melissa soon to be last name that begins with a "J". But lets pretend....

(cue the thriller music)

If she isn't channeling the great MJ, then I'm Sylvia Brown.

Here is a look at some of our guest attire:

Ode to Big Bangs.

Layered with Legwarmers:

What can I say about my friend Flo?
I think she speaks for herself...

Jon came and worked the "bar" in his members only jacket, collar up, mind you. He was kind enough to escort his wife Rene, who I am certain just came from a ZZ Top video.

You remember the one?


Here is me and Z. I love Z's crimped hair! Wish I had thought of that!

Even Madonna managed to come by!
I wonder if that outfit will make Lourdess new clothing line? Hmmmm...

Oh, I guess the 80's weren't so bad after all.
Or perhaps it was the "Sweet Melissa" I was drinking that blurs my memory.
But, Let's promise to keep our legwarmers in the drawer.
But promise to still love Jon Bon Jovi.
Because we can't give up everything from the 80's.
Why would we?

Heck, I am still hanging on to Big Daddy. I discovered him cira 1981.
Which really can make me appreciate the 80's.

And speaking of which, tomorrow is our anniversay.
Happy Anniversary Big Daddy!
Thanks for putting up and caring for and about this crazy ol chic, even after all these years.

Rock on, my lovely Bloggeritaville Friends!
See you back in Bloggeritaville tomorrow! There's much to post about!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Wine Tasting

Confession. I am not a wine drinker. Or a beer drinker. I guess I don't have a developed palate. Or perhaps it is just that I haven't given wine a chance. Perhaps there is one out there that will not make me make a face after I sip and swirl and swallow. Big Daddy's grandmother once gave me a piece of advice, make everything a celebration. So....why not host a wine party? I have plenty of friends who are win-o's. Ok, Wine Connoisseurs. It should make for a fun evening.  I consulted Epicurious for suggestions on hosting a wine tasting party.
"While you might think of wine tastings as things that take place at four-star restaurants and fancy wine shops, there are many compelling reasons to host a tasting in the comfort of your own home. With just a little planning and shopping, a wine tasting can be fun, easy, and affordable.

For advice on hosting an at-home wine tasting we spoke to Dina Cheney, a professional tasting host and author of Tasting Club. Cheney explains that compared to a cocktail or dinner party, a tasting requires significantly less planning, prep, shopping, or cleanup, leaving you more time to enjoy your friends—and the wine. Plus, with so many bargain bottles on the market, a wine tasting can be surprisingly wallet-friendly.

Cheney's at-home wine-tasting plan covers everything: scheduling the event, choosing a theme, shopping for bottles, and leading the tasting. She also shares her expertise on finding a good local wine merchant, choosing recipes (if you opt to serve food), and setting up your party space. And, if you really enjoy hosting tastings, consider forming a wine-tasting club or experimenting with different kinds of tastings—chocolate, cheese, honey, beer, and tea are perfect for tasting parties

Read More

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bama Prepares for Bama

The clock is ticking and high school graduation for Bama is just around the corner (Thursday to be exact). My friends from the Clematis Club hosted a graduation celebration for Bama on Sunday. Bama got some great gifts. There were many ooh's and ahh's, as seen in this video below (Ok trying to figure out how to post it.... )

He will have one cool dorm room at Alabama. And he will be eating good, for a little while anyway...young men can go through some food, ya know. Friends and Family gave him several gifts cards to restaurants, coffee houses and gas cards. He was quite pleased as he opened each card. He actually really enjoyed the cards that gave advice from personal experience of those that have traveled that same road before him. He plans to put those on a bulletin board that he got for his room. It was a wonderful day. I just have to say, to all who attended, to all who made delicious food, to those that brought gifts and delivered family sincerely thanks you from the bottom of our hearts! Here are some scenes from the celebration.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Weekend Highlights

I knew it was going to be a weekend of continual movement, though one really never can prepare themselves. When I say that I am "tard" this morning, believe it. For those that do not live in the south, "tard" is more than tired. Uh, huh.
Friday and Saturday were filled with the AYWA wrestling tournament. I have to say first and foremost, I was highly impressed by this tournament. It was very well run, by my good friend, Glenn Albarado, who is the coach on on the board of directors for the association. Glenn and his group of volunteers did an amazing job at orchestrating this event to run smoothly...with even some added pomp and circumstance. My youngest son, J. Smooth competed. Big Daddy coached and I was the team photographer for the two day event. Exhausting. But I caught my second wind late on Saturday afternoon when J Smooth's group was up. Smooth won 5 of his 7 matches, that put him in third place for his weight division. To say that me, as a mother, and the rest of my family (who are indeed a "wrestling" family) were over the moon was an understatement. I had to leave the complex to keep from embarrassing my family with the ugly cry. I held it in until I got to the car and let it go. I was so overwhelmed and so happy for Smooth, who just a few weeks ago said that he "didn't think he would win any this season {since this is my first year to compete". We gave him the speech, you have to believe in have to be a winner in your head (mentally) before you can be a winner on the mat. After Smooth's win, he came over to me and said, "Mom. I believed it in my head first." (Oh, sniff.) One of life's many lessons, understood.

Saturday night was the lingerie shower of my friend, The Boss, who is getting married at the end of the month. I literally raced from the tournament to home (to shower and finish the food I was to bring) and then onto the shower. Whew! All without my camera, which Big daddy had to finish the tournament. I borrowed Sister Sledge's and relied on Mama Joy to help with the snapping of photos.
The shower was alot of fun! Much! Boss got some really beautiful things, some really funny things (Joy Sister, that was to much. Really, that police badge get-up won the show), and a few uh, "scary" things too. It was funny, my friend High Mae took care of the invitations and asked that no one sign a card on the gift. The gifts were to reflect the personalities of the giver and "the boss" had to try and figure out who gave what gift. It was really fun. And you know, she guessed each one right with the exception of one or two. The boss knows her friends! There was a good turn out and everyone had a wonderful time.
On Sunday we celebrated my nephew's second birthday at a Japanese restaurant (Yuki). And then had "the Artist and Mida" (BIL & SIL) over to watch the Super Bowl while the kids played "cops and robbers".
It was an exhausting, albeit fun weekend!
I do want to make mention that though we were unable to be there, we celebrated the birth of our newest addition to the family, Gianna Marie. She is the newest daughter to our cousins Angie and Jason (and little sister to brother Christian). Angie delivered during the huge ice storm that took place in Indiana last week. Congratulations!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Join Us for a Virtual Baby Shower for Baby McCash!

My bloggy friend, Jessica McCash and her husband David are having a baby boy!

Jessica is 32 weeks pregnant and eagerly expecting the arrival of a baby boy!
The name has been chosen:
"Harbor William. We love that Harbor means "a place of refuge and safety", and William is a family name on both sides. Yes, Harbor as in a boat "harbor". We love the beach, what can we say?? " says Jessica.

The nursery is ready for little Harbor:

Now all that's left to do is to celebrate while we wait!

Join me as I host a virtual "Bloggy Baby Shower" for Jessica and David on Thursday, October 2.

Right here in Bloggeritaville.

Be sure to come back on that date.... joining us in this cyber-celebration with your good wishes, sage advice or other message by posting a comment, email, or card would mean so much! If you care to, please include several of your friends by forwarding them the invitation you received or the link to this blog.
Join us as we celebrate the expected arrival of Harbor William.

In the meantime, Grab the Bloggy Button (the first button I have EVER done, so excuse it) and post it on your blog through October 2, 2008. Jessica has alot of friends out there in the blogisphere and we want everyone to be able to participate!

See you then!