And finally, Thank goodness for Z packs. Tis the season of sinus infection....but I got my Z pack from calling in to my wonderful doctor and am now almost good as new!
Now onto more important matters at hand today...
Oh, the 80's......bad fashion, big hair, teen beat magazine, synthetic music. Aside from the hairbands I still rock and love, I am glad that decade moved on. However, for my friend, "Sweet Melissa", I would embrace it again in the name of love. Melissa is getting married. And she knew we were planning a shower. But Melissa isn't your average girl, no...she's extraordinary, which makes her so "awesome" (if you will) and she suggested a 80 themed bridal shower.
And so it was. We came up with a cute invitation. I hide the personal info so no serial killer would show up at the house. That's never fun. can get an idea (click to enlarge):
Let the Party Begin!
Step Inside...
Step Inside...
I created this chalkboard sign for our specialty drinks using a framed picture that I was no longer using. The original picture really was pretty, but I wasn't making practical use of it like I would a chalkboard frame. I will share the "How" tutorial later this week, but I am sure you can figure it out. Its not even rated on a difficulty scale. Yes, it's THAT easy!
I had my daughter and her friend do the lettering.
Please don't tell child services I had them write down the names of drinks.
They were none the wiser, really.
Here is a look inside the poolhouse...
We went with candies that were popular in the 80's and neon cupcakes. We also had what I call "good party food". But it's what you see at parties so I didn't photograph.
If we are being honest, I was to busy shoveling in the cheeseball , crackers and delicious dips and vegetable tray to have a moment to photograph, but lets keep that amongst ourselves.
We got albums from the thriftstore. I found vintage 80's teenbeats at a flea market. We hung the albums and posters from teenbeat throughout the poolhouse:
Hello! Alyssa Milano!!!
Girls wanted to be her.
Guys wanted to date her.
Young girls wanted to date her "father" (Tony Danza)....
Yes! Young Alyssa....She made it to the party too...
We "aint't " kidding around with this 80's party.
Way cool!
And the kids will make good use of it, even after our night of break dancing is long gone and the broken bones are mended.
The guest are arriving and everyone looks GREAT!!!!
The 80's a back.
Check out everyone's duds!
Its a moment for fashion police everywhere.
Begin issuing the citations.
But wait! Look who has made an appearance at our party..
Why! "He" lives and breaths..
Really its Melissa soon to be last name that begins with a "J". But lets pretend....
(cue the thriller music)
If she isn't channeling the great MJ, then I'm Sylvia Brown.
Here is a look at some of our guest attire:
Ode to Big Bangs.
Jon came and worked the "bar" in his members only jacket, collar up, mind you. He was kind enough to escort his wife Rene, who I am certain just came from a ZZ Top video.
I wonder if that outfit will make Lourdess new clothing line? Hmmmm...
Oh, I guess the 80's weren't so bad after all.
Oh, I guess the 80's weren't so bad after all.
Or perhaps it was the "Sweet Melissa" I was drinking that blurs my memory.
But, Let's promise to keep our legwarmers in the drawer.
But promise to still love Jon Bon Jovi.
Because we can't give up everything from the 80's.
Why would we?
Heck, I am still hanging on to Big Daddy. I discovered him cira 1981.
Which really can make me appreciate the 80's.
And speaking of which, tomorrow is our anniversay.
Happy Anniversary Big Daddy!
Thanks for putting up and caring for and about this crazy ol chic, even after all these years.
Heck, I am still hanging on to Big Daddy. I discovered him cira 1981.
Which really can make me appreciate the 80's.
And speaking of which, tomorrow is our anniversay.
Happy Anniversary Big Daddy!
Thanks for putting up and caring for and about this crazy ol chic, even after all these years.
Rock on, my lovely Bloggeritaville Friends!
See you back in Bloggeritaville tomorrow! There's much to post about!