Showing posts with label room redo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label room redo. Show all posts

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Shutters, Finally!

Here is one last look at the room redo that I did for J. Smooth's (8 yrs. old) room.
Burlap curtains

Barn Stars
This one lights up for a "night light".

The two striped barns stars are actually made from an old barn using reclaimed wood. I purchased them at Wrapsody in Hoover.
Antique chair with classic books.

And finally.....the shutters!

I purposely allowed the natural wood to peek through in some places.
The star, if you will remember ,was green. I got it at Kirlands in the green clearance for less than seven dollars. I spray painted it black, then took some copper paint and hit the relief areas to get the bronze look.

My mother bought the burlap coffee beans sacks at an auction. I used one here, and plan to use more (bolster pillow and other shaped pillows). I also used one in another project (to come).
The quilt was from a lead from Cherry Hill Cottage.

The shelf and plate rack were items that I had put into a giveaway pile. Glad I decided to give them a second look. Big Daddy's paternal grandpa actually made the shelf, his maternal grandpa made the plate rack-that is now holding pictures.
The bed it not what I was given to us by my MIL. I recently gave away J. Smooth's twin bed (and cursed the very days that I had to change sheets on it. Changing sheets on a bunk bed is not only back breaking, but it can cause ugly thoughts to go through one's head). This is the bed for now, and quite honestly, I am in no hurry to change it, I know that I will eventually come acorss the bed that will fit this space better.
On the right of the bed is an open space. I have plans to use my father's childhood desk in that space. I am going to paint it black and then give it a good sanding and put it in that very spot.
Til then,
This is Smooth's room redo.
Stay tuned...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Blood, Sweat....and perhaps a few tears.....

For those visiting from Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday-Welcome!

I am late on posting. I have been in full swing of another room redo. Thus the blood (consider it proven, Legos can draw blood), sweat (boy did I sweat!) and tears (I pulled my back out moving furniture, stupid me). This room redo, using things that are all either found in thrifting/consignments, inherited or reclaimed with the exception of of just two or three items.
It is still in the remodeling stages, but here is a sneak peek:

(Remember those shutters that have been in my attic for 14 years...)

For those visiting from Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday-Welcome! I am so happy to have you stop by!
You can view the transformation process and "big Reveal" completed room by clicking on these two links:
Thanks for dropping by "the island" of Bloggeritaville, I do hope you will come back soon. I love new friends!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Before and After-Living Room Redo

Finally! Here are a few pictures of my room makeover. Here you can see the paint before and after as well as the furniture placement redo...but remember this is only session one. There is an ultimate goal and that is one that is going to take both time and money. For example, we are going to be getting new flooring. Thank goodness. I hate my carpet and cannot wait for the day it leaves. And the two chairs (pictured) have an agenda with each.
The larger on on the right will go into Big Daddy's office. It reclines. Perfect for when he is "working". Another will go into it's place in the den. It's a barrel back chair that my cousin Beckie gave me. I plan to have both recovered, as well as the wing back (burgundy) that is pictured. When they are completed, I will post the B&A.
As you can see there is a list. These are just the the major statement changes...
New Flooring
upholster existing furniture pieces
paint booksleves (white and inset will be the same as the wall color)

But for now, here is my living room/den....


Much Lighter!
Cindy worked on the furniture arrangement by bringing the seating in this area, closer and out from the walls to lessen my "bowling lane" of a room. Meaning it is long and narrow. A big rectangle. Cindy added the bookshelves, they were brought in from other areas in the house. It draws attention to my high ceilings. The bookshelves hold my favorite books, old family photos and knick knacks that were given to me. "Special things" that I can see everyday. I like that

My windows are currently bare except for blinds. We briefly touched on that in Cindy's consultation visit. To drape or not to drape? That is the question. One for a later time. But look what she did with one of my mirrors and lamps. Oh, and that bookcase/curio was made by my grandfather. I treasure it.


This is the table between the two chairs that sit in front of the french doors. The table is actually an old sewing machine base that I found at my grandmothers house. I added a wood top that I bought for $1.00 at Adkins Furniture in Dogtown. Yes, Dogtown. Everyone in Alabama knows about it (future post to come).

Did you notice that clear little pedestal candy dish on the table ?

It is another treasure from a recent trip to the Thrift Store. Ya must know, the thrift store is only a few miles form my house. At night, when the chores are done, I hop in my car and browse. Honestly though, I cannot tell you the last time I set foot into the mall. So don't mistake me for a "real shopper". I don't do that well-shop. I used to love it. Now, I go for a purpose. Never to "just look".

Here are some other treasures I found on my visit to the Thrift Store:
For 99 cents I found what I believe is a Oneida sugar jar, but I am going to use it for small cut flowers. My children are always bringing me flowers from our yard (sometimes grass). I will proudly display it in this :

And these little bowls I fell in love with....

They were 2.48 each. They will be perfect for ice cream, or cereal or a hot cup of soup in the fall. YUM! Even yummier in these...

And finally, and one I am most excited about is this dish.....

Isn't is gaw-jus? Actually the picture doesn't do it justice.I think it is really an oyster dish (see the condiment rings on the sides) but I plan to use it as a display dish for my deviled eggs. Olives in the middle. A favorite of Big Daddy and his brother, The Artist.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Living Room Makeover

I must say, there are some improvements in the Circus Household. I had my sister in law's mother (who is a decorator) come over yesterday and begin placing things in my house. I cannot be more excited to have someone do it for me. I have felt less than confident after visiting the blogs of some decorating divas such as Rhoda's Southern Hospitality, The Nesting Place, Bunny Bungalow , Back Porch Musings, Bless Our Nest and Chatting at the Sky. These ladies are complete decorating wizards. Through their blogs they take you on tours of their own homes and give great , simple suggestions that any bozo like me could do. But I don't. Because of my own insecurities. I would much rather someone else do it.
So, yesterday was session number one. I wanted to start with my living room. That is where we greet anyone that comes over, where the entertaining is done, where we kick back as a family. Who wants to be stuck in an ugly room? After painting a month ago, and having every single picture that was once hung in that room, propped up against the fireplace, it was well overdue for some attention. My decorator, Cindy Cochran, came in a worked her magic. Everything she used came from my house. I showed her every nook and crannie of disaster and mania. Basically, where all the junk was stored. It was as painful as having a tooth pulled, but like pulling teeth, it can lead to a better image. Cindy is scheduled to come back for some other sessions, but I had to share what we are up to. Pictures are soon to come....

In the meantime, check out this story of decorating ideas at Bless our Nest.
It is so clever and chic!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Room Update

I lied, people. I said on Sunday that I would post a picture of plates that I purchased at the thrift store in this post. Out right lied. I failed to do it. Until today...

I got 6 plates at the thrift store for between 99 cents and $2.00 each. On Sunday I went with my mother to an esate sale where I purchased two metal pieces of iron work.

They were $10.00 each. However everyting was and half off because it was the last day of the sale. So I got the two iron pieces for $10.00. I also got the black throw pillow for $4.00 and a free blown glass Christmas ornament.
One of the metal pieces I put above Sledge's bed. The other-undecided. I also didn't use all of the plates because the plate hooks I bought were two big for the remaining plates. So, it is still a room in transition. I think it needs more plates.
This is what it is looking like:

Monday, June 9, 2008

Room Makeover-Sister Sledge

On Sunday, I finished working on phase two of Sister Sledge's room. Painting the furniture. I tell you what, I would much prefer to paint walls than furniture! We inherited some furniture from my brother and sister in law. It had been sitting in my parents basement. It is where I like to go and "shop" when I want to swap things out.

When we got it it was wood tones, but I didn't think it looked good with the freshly painted walls. It really made the furniture look dated. So, it too was painted. My friend Randy once put a note in our mailbox when I convinced Big Daddy to redo our kitchen years ago. I kept it and put it in Big Daddy's toolbox.

If you cannot read it, it says,

Big D,

If you change the floor, you have to paint the walls
If you paint the walls, you will have to add a wallpaper border,
If you add a border, you will have to change the counter tops and paint cabinets
So-stop the madness and convince Leigh that she loves her kitchen the way it is.

Signed, Homeowners against projects.

True, He was worried because his wife got wind I was redoing my kitchen and then she wanted to redo her's too. And so we did, all four of us, painting walls, putting down new flooring, getting new counter tops, new appliances.......
And ya know what, he is right. As much as I hate to say it. It does open up a can of worms. Thus, the painting of the walls, then the furniture. But, tis the summer of room by room reclaiming. (even with the mubbling of harsh words under Big D's breath. This is IT!)

Today I assigned Big Daddy the seemingly simple job of installing a pair of curtain rods over the windows in Sledge's room. I should've gone with Nester's advice, "Fake it". For if I did, I wouldn't have big holes in the wall where Big D messed up the sheet rock. He has never claimed to be a handy man, in fact, proclaims the declaration that he isn't each time I ask him to do something. One of these days I am just going to have to have him bite the bullet, and as Andy Taylor would say, "Pay the Man" to do it. If that were the case, we wouldn't have holes. But, I managed to conceal them with the uneven curtain rods. Hmm.

Sledge has come into those "tween years". She had been wanting a change from the hideous green room we painted for her about a year and a half ago. At the time, she had chose pink and green. Good girl colors. But about a week after we painted it she went through a metamorphosis and hated it, saying git was to "girly". Yes, she "grew up" in that week. I don't know what happened, but puberty has set in. She hated everything about it. She wanted "red and black". That was all I heard. She hated the flowers on the comforter, the one that I had long since thrown away the receipt. She hated the green that scorched your eyes when you walked into the room. I hated it too. But after all the painting, I was not about to repaint. And so it sat for a year and a half. She removed the "girly" bedding and replaced it with a white coverlet. And that green walls that screamed green....It was awful. In fact, I cannot believe I looked at that room for over a year. I guess it was easier because I wasn't the one sleeping in there.

And so a couple of weekends ago, in my "summer of reclaiming the house" we painted the walls, and then the furniture. She still wanted red and black walls, which she associates with a "rock stars room". I wasn't ready to go that far. I still wanted a "girl", so we compromised. I found a black and white toile bedspread at Pennys online. For red, we put on a few throw pillows, that can be changed out.

And here it is. And I am happy. Except for the fact that I do not know what to put above the bed. I guess that will come in time. When I see it, I will know I guess. Unless someone in Bloggeritaville has any ideas?

Now, onto another room project.......