Showing posts with label quiz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quiz. Show all posts

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Story Quiz- The Answers!

And here are the answers to the quiz of A Christmas Story (that ran yesterday, quiz below). The winner of the quiz, Valarie Lea! She got every answer correct!!! She obviously is a huge CS junkie like my family. Congratulations, Valarie. I went to one store last night in hopes of finding a CS Christmas ornament such luck, but if I find one, I will send it to you! Congratulations. Thanks to all who entered. And Mari -a travesty! You MUST watch!!!!! It will run Christmas Eve to Christmas Day (24 hours straight) on TBS, tune in!

1. When Ralphie is sitting on Santa's lap his mind goes blank and he can't remember what he wants for Christmas. What does Santa suggest he bring Ralphie?
A nice football
Ralphie finally remembers what he wants while he starts going down the slide. He stops himself, and turns around and tells Santa he wants a Red Ryder BB Gun. Santa says, "you'll shoot your eye out kid."

2. What does Ralphie say Flick saw, by the candy store?
The correct answer was Grizzly Bears.
He used this as a hint to his parents to let him have his Red Ryder BB Gun.

3. What is the name of Ralphie's teacher?
Answer: Mrs. Shields
Ralphie gives Mrs. Shields a big fruit basket for her Christmas present in hopes that he will get a good grade on his "What I Want For Christmas" theme.

4. What color eyes did Ralphie say the bully Scut Farkus had?
Answer: Yellow
"He had yellow eyes, so help me, yellow eyes!" Ralphie says this about Scut Farkus because he keeps getting bullied. Later in the movie Ralphie beats up Scut Farkus.
(Useless information- I used to have a cat named Scut Farkus)

5. What is Chinese turkey?
Answer: A duck
They go eat at a Chinese place for Christmas dinner after the neighbor's dogs get in their house and eat their turkey. When they bring the duck out Ralphie's dad says "It's smiling at me," so the waiter chops its head off.

6. What grade did Ralphie get on his "What I Want For Christmas" theme?
The correct answer was C+.
It also said "P.S. You'll shoot your eye out," when he got it back.

7. When Ralphie is daydreaming about being blind, how does he say it happened?
Answer: soap poisoning
He had his daydream right after he had his mouth washed out with soap for saying the F dash dash dash word.

8. When Ralphie and Randy go see Santa, what time is the store supposed to close?
The correct answer was 9 o'clock.
The clock reads 9:00 p.m. when the elves say "hurry up kid, store's closin'."

9. Who made Ralphie's bunny suit?
Answer: Aunt Clara
Ralphie's dad said he looked like a derranged Easter bunny.

10. Where does Ralphie's dad hide the BB gun?
Answer: behind the desk
Ralphie's dad surprises him with it after he opens everything else.

11. How many times a day had Ralphie heard his old man use the "F" word?
The correct answer was 10.
"Now I had heard that word at least 10 times a day from my old man..."

12. In how many years had Ralphie's mother not had a hot meal for herself?
The correct answer was 15.
"My mother had not had a hot meal for herself in 15 years."

13. How many children were shown sitting on Santa's lap before Ralphie sat on his lap?
Answer: more than 2
The wet kid that smelled like tapioca, the kid with the goggles, and Randy.

14. To what letter and number does Ralphie set his Little Orphan Annie decoder pin for his first secret message?
Answer: B2
"Set your decoder pins to B2."

15. What was the name of the villain that Ralphie told would be pushing up daisies if he returned?
Answer: Black Bart
Black Bart and his cronies were climbing over the fence.

16. What was the name of the place where the Parkers ate their Christmas dinner?
Answer: Chop Suey Palace
It was right beside a bowling alley.

17. What did Ralphie's aunt think he was when she sent the pink bunny suit with the blue button eyes?
Answer: 4 years old and a girl
"My aunt thought that I was not only perpetually 4 years old, but also a girl."

18. What was the last sentence in Ralphie's Christmas theme?
Answer: I don't think that a football is a very good Christmas present.
He asks for the Red Ryder 200 shot range model air rifle.

19. How many smelly hound dogs does Ralphie say the hillbilly neighbors have? At least....
The correct answer was 785.
"Our neighbors the Bumpuses had at least 785 smelly hound dogs that ignored every other human being on this earth except my old man."

20. When Ralphie says "My mother was about to make another brillant maneuver in the endless battle of the lamp," what does she do?
Answer: turns it off
"We don't want to waste electricity." She says this when they are going Christmas tree shopping and all the rest of the lights in the house are on. You don't actually see her unplug it so the correct answer is "turns it off".

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Christmas Story Quiz

To say that I am obsessed with the Christmas movie, A Christmas Story wouldn't be an understatement. For me, it ranks right up there with my Seinfeld obsession. I have the decorations, the collectables figures, the movie, and of course a leg lamp in my husband's office.
I thought I would have a little fun today and have a quiz of A Christmas Story and see what you all may remember from the movie (that just so happens to run on TBS 24 hours from Christmas Eve to Christmas Day each year). If you see perhaps even half of those airrings (like my fmaily does), I will bet you can score pretty high in this quiz.
Leave your answers in the comments. I will post correct answers tomorrow.
We shall see who earns bragging rights!
Good Luck!
(If you plan to watch the movie trailer, be sure to pause the music that airs in my sidebar)

1. When Ralphie is sitting on Santa's lap his mind goes blank and he can't remember what he wants for Christmas. What does Santa suggest he bring Ralphie?
Some nice Tinker Toys
A nice football
A nice bicycle
A nice choo choo train

2. What does Ralphie say Flick saw, by the candy store?
Grizzly Bears

3. What is the name of Ralphie's teacher?
Mrs. Heals
Mrs. Shields
Mrs. Shielding
Mrs. Sheedy

4. What color eyes did Ralphie say the bully Scut Farkus had?

5. What is Chinese turkey?
A chicken
A duckbill platypuss
A rooster
A duck

6. What grade did Ralphie get on his "What I Want For Christmas" theme?

7. When Ralphie is daydreaming about being blind, how does he say it happened?
red cabbage poisoning
he never wore his glasses
he shot his eyes out
soap poisoning

8. When Ralphie and Randy go see Santa, what time is the store supposed to close?
10 o'clock
9 o'clock
8 o'clock
7 o'clock

9. Who made Ralphie's bunny suit?
Aunt Clara
His mother
Aunt Carol
Grandma Carol

10. Where does Ralphie's dad hide the BB gun?
behind the desk
behind the couch
behind the Christmas tree
under the couch

11. How many times a day had Ralphie heard his old man use the "F" word?

12. In how many years had Ralphie's mother not had a hot meal for herself?

13. How many children were shown sitting on Santa's lap before Ralphie sat on his lap?
You never see Santa in the movie
Ralphie was the first one in line
more than 2

14. To what letter and number does Ralphie set his Little Orphan Annie decoder pin for his first secret message?

15. What was the name of the villain that Ralphie told would be pushing up daisies if he returned?
Butch Cassidy
Waco Kid
Black Bart
Black Beard

16. What was the name of the place where the Parkers ate their Christmas dinner?
Empire Buffet
Chop Suey Palace
Lo Mein Garden
Chop Suey Place

17. What did Ralphie's aunt think he was when she sent the pink bunny suit with the blue button eyes?
5 years old and a girl
4 years old and a girl
still a baby
an avid costume party attendant

18. What was the last sentence in Ralphie's Christmas theme?
A football is the worst present, second to a pink bunny suit.
I think a football is a terrible Christmas present.
I don't think that a football is a very good Christmas present.
Please, please I want a BB gun.

19. How many smelly hound dogs does Ralphie say the hillbilly neighbors have? At least....

20. When Ralphie says "My mother was about to make another brillant maneuver in the endless battle of the lamp," what does she do?
turns it off
unscrews the lightbulb
breaks it
unplugs it

Friday, August 15, 2008

Thursday Thirteen-Hair Metal QUIZ Answers

I was impressed with everyone's answers to yesterday's trivia quiz!

I had to laugh at bit at Himey, who insisted that every other song was Great White. There was no Great White as correct answers. And half the ones he gave, Great White wasn't even a choice. But good try though. I have to admit that I should have put a "Rock Me" in amongst the questions somewhere. I know Himey very well, so I can rib.
NancyGracey, forgive me, but do not buy your answers or rather lack of....if your son is my age, certainly he sang along to these songs. And I know you probably did too. How could you not? I know you "felt the noise". Believe me, your secret is safe with me that after you put the kids down to bed you tuned in to at least one episode of Monster's Ball? (Smile)
Troll missed only one answer! Don't be saying that he lives under a bridge somewhere. He knows his hair! Good job!
But it was only one person that had a perfect score on their test. I can only wonder if they are still perming, teasing and panamining in front of the mirror with their hairbrush. Ok, enough about me.... I am impressed with her hair knowledge.
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Hair Band Award goes to Kristy!

Wear your award proud!
Curious about your answers? Compare see how ya did. Thanks for playing along, everyone!

1. Who sang this song? "Out on the streets, that's where we meet. You make the night, I always cross the line." Answer: Ratt
"Round and Round" appeared on their debut album, "Out of the Cellar."
2. Who sang this? "Since I was born, they couldn't hold me down. Another misfit kid, another burned-out town." Answer: Skid Row
"Youth Gone Wild" was off of Skid Row's 1989 debut album, "Skid Row".
3. Who sang this one? "I don't know where I'm goin', but I sure know where I've been." Answer: Whitesnake
"Here I Go Again" hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 on October 10, 1987.
4. Who sang this song? "He's the wolf screaming lonely in the night, he's the blood stain on the stage." Answer: Motley Crue.
"Shout at the Devil" is the title track off their 1983 album.
5. Who sang this power ballad? "There's a lady who's sure, all that glitters is gold." Answer: Led Zeppelin
"Stairway to Heaven" is over eight minutes long.
6. Who sang this one? "Wait, just a moment, before our love will die." Answer: White Lion
"Wait" is the lead single from their second album, "Pride."
7. Who sang this one? "Love is like a bomb, baby come and get it on." Answer: Def Leppard
"Pour Some Sugar On Me", the first song on their greatest hits collection, is probably Def Leppard's most famous song.
8. Who sang this one? (the lyrics are from the chorus) "My Gypsy Road, can't take me home. I drive all night just to see the light." Answer: Cinderella
"Gypsy Road" was from their second album, "Long Cold Winter."
9. Who sang this one? "She stepped off the bus, out into the city streets. Just a small town girl with her whole life packed in a suitcase by her feet." Answer: Poison
"Fallen Angel" appeared on six Poison albums.
10. Finally, who sang this famous song? "So you think I got an evil mind, I'll tell you honey." Answer: Quiet Riot.
Quiet Riot actually revived "Cum on Feel the Noize" in 1983. It was originally released by Slade.
11. My favorite song by this group..."You are the reason why it tears me up inside and I break down and cry...didn't wanna say, goodbye Paradise" Who is the group?
12. Can you name the song title of said song above? It was right before you, "Paradise". Man, this song ROCKS! What a love song, if there ever was one. Such emotion and intensity. YOu can just feel the torn heart of Jeff as he rips through this one. Most impressive "ballad". But what I like about it, it is a ballad that jams. If you don't know it, watch it and be impressed.
13. "Here I am , Rock you like a Hurricane"Answer:Scorpions