Thursday, October 3, 2013

9 Months!

He is the best baby you've ever met.

I'm pretty sure he has another tooth coming in because he always has his tongue like this.

He's still not very mobile. I rarely put him on his belly.


Throughout the whole photo shoot, Evan was throwing his underwear around the room.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Now A Days

Three babies, one bath tub. 
I love when they can sit up on their own in the tub. 
Also, the days are getting darker sooner, and that means earlier bedtime. Who doesn't love an earlier bedtime?

For, like, the first month of school,  I took their picture every day waiting for the bus. 
They're just so cute with their little (and big) backpacks on.

Me and Evan love to go wait at the bus stop for Avery to get home.

The second day, the bus pulled up, lots of kids got off, and the bus pulled away. No Avery. 
I panicked for a second and called the school and the bus. 
Turns out she was on the bus, but just didn't know when to get off. She didn't see me, and the bus driver didn't realize she needed to prompt her. (I think the confusion came from us missing that second day of school to go to Chicago.)
So the bus turned around and brought her to me. 

Now, every day I'm out there like a mama bear, eye balling that bus driver to make sure Avery gets off the bus.

Besides that, the bus experience has been great - I dare say the highlight of their day.
Avery noticed that other kids do homework while on the bus, and has requested some homework of her own. 
I remember liking homework when I was in Elementary. It made me feel big and smart.

Noah! Noah!
(does Avery have a little crush on Noah?)

In the afternoons, about the time the kids start fighting, 
I take them on a "scooter walk". 
At the dead end of our street, other neighborhood kids gather to ride their wheels of choice. 

We enjoy our time outdoors before the rain comes.

So, potty training.
One minute I give up and declare the training is over. Diapers are juusssst fine with me.
The next day he makes me believe he's almost got it.

At least we have moved on from this stage...he went naked for a few weeks and would run out and pee in the back yard. 

Now he wears clothes and even goes to school and church with "unnies" on.

I'd say we are...85% there. 

These two are my favorites.

I just love Andrew. 
I love when he grabs my shirt and gives me a hug.
I love when he opens wide for the spoon of food.
I love when he lays his little head on my shoulder right before a nap.

He started eating food in Chicago.
 Flavor seems to be the caveat. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hey Gals, Come to My House.

Before picking Emily up from the airport, we went to Teddy Bear Cove to see the purple starfish, but it was high tide.
We just dinked around a bit until we heard the train whistle.
Last time I came here, we were hoping a train would come through, but it didn't.
So this time we got really excited.

It was actually a little bit scary. So fast and loud. I was afraid some shrapnel would fling out on us.
It was I thought about putting a penny on the track. Too late.
This is also why we were late to get Emily. Had to wait for the train.

Jimi picked up my mom and Mary in his MD80.
We stayed up talking and talking and talking. Nettie fell down the stairs a couple times.

The next day we went to Vancouver.
I didn't take many pictures, but among the 6 of our iphones, there are a lot of them floating around out there.

Granville Island

This darn bridge.
It scares me, ok?

Everyone else was out there having a dance party.
I could not get across fast enough.

Plus this kid was on my shoulders.

I love touristing around with all my gals,
but I do NOT like Canada's highway (lack of) infrastructure. It's terrible.

Ok, I don't even like thinking about this, so for memory's sake I will just say:
3 hours in stop and go traffic,
"we are going back to Vancouver!" (this actually gives me physical pain to think about),
border crossing with full bladders and crying babies,
picking up my kids from Courtney's house at 8pm in the rain...

I shouldn't have been as stressed out as I was, but yeah. I was a bit of a basket case

So the next day was just totally relaxing. No international travel please.
We went to Fairhaven and had a lovely lunch.

Hello my pretties.

This was my favorite: beach combing.
I just love that every single person is entertained and happy in their own way.
The pregnant lady can sit on a log and rest her bones,
moms can find seashell souvenirs for their kids,
my kids can make trains out of rocks,
watch the water,
throw a rock,
talk and talk and talk.
That's mostly what we do is talk and talk and talk.

Then when everyone goes home we still text each other.
Jimi and Andy want to know what we could possibly still have to talk about?

It was over way too fast.
I miss them.