Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thanksgiving. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


I feel so lucky that we were able to go to St. George for Thanksgiving this year. 
We woke up so early and flew down as the sun came up.
The plane was pretty empty, so we got spoiled with lots of room and lots of treats from the flight attendants.

Renting a car is always the worst unknown, and this time it was insane. Two hours of chaos later we were on our way to The Funks. 

We just dropped in to a warm, smell good house full of food and family busy cooking all the meal for us. 
We ate and did puzzles and watched movies. 
Lots of pie. Pie is my favorite. 

The next night we went to the desert Christmas lights. 

Saturday Riley had a booth at the Farmer's Market, so we went and bought stuff and helped her clean up when it was over.

We met up with Rob and Mary and ate pizza, 

and watched the live nativity. It was cold, so good thing it was super short and sweet. 

I would say the highlight of the trip was playing with their dogs. haha
Such sweetie pie dogs. 

Murphy would tuck us in and wake us up in the morning. 

Koda didn't mind that we were having a good time with other dogs behind her back...
We cheated on her, she cheated on us. It's all good. 
haha She loves Kyle so much. Kyle is her boyfriend. 

It felt so good to be with family. It feels like there's never enough family time. 
We needed
 one more day with the Funks
one more hour with Rob and Mary. 


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

G is for Go to Fallon For Thanksgiving

I have so many pictures of giant adult sized cousins congregating in rooms. We used to fit on one couch or two, but now it takes the floor, the chairs, the other room, the garage, the outside for us to fit. 

**a few stressful things about this trip: 1. My kids got super sick starting about the week before we left. They were still coughing and not feeling awesome by the time we got there. Our flight was a late one, so we pulled into Rob and Mary's around 1:00 am. I was very stressed about traveling sick and getting people sick. Geez I think I aged about 5 years the day before we launched. 
2. Jim only had Wednesday off, so he flew with us and stayed 24 hours to get in on the family pictures. It was fun to have him for a tiny baby amount of time, but we missed him on actual Thanksgiving day.**

After family pictures, we went roller skating. 
I was just about to take Jim to the airport...we were walking out the door...and Aaron mentioned "I'm going to the airport in a few hours to pick up Brad." So we consolidated and had Jim drive a car and leave it at the airport for Brad. It was such a relief to delete two trips there and back for me and Aaron. 

Skating was fun, except my poor kids were just wiped out. They still felt a bit lousy and were so tired from the little sleep the night before. 

We ended the night with fudge sundeas at Kim and Aaron's. 
Emily called out, "gather round everyone, I have a story about your mom". 
She then told about the time we were all home from college. Me Emily and Nettie were driving to town in the dark. I had the hiccups, heaven forbid. Nettie kept demanding I stop. I couldn't because: hiccups. 
She said if I hiccuped again, I would have to walk home.
I hiccuped again. 
She made me get out of the car. It was dark and cold on Allen Road. I walked. 
They turned around to get me eventually. 
I mooned them when they got close enough to see my butt. 
I said "this story is more about Nettie than it is about me."
haha so good. 

The next day we had a Dairy Dash bright and early. 
Poor Annie fell off the four wheeler at one point hurt her arm. Lyle the Vet confirmed that it was most likely not broken. 
After we finished, me and Emily went to check out grandpa's old pool. It was dusty and dirty. Not like it was when I was a kid. I spent all my summers in that pool. 

Look at this line up of large adult sized children for their turkey. 
We sent most of them out to eat in the garage. 

This is how the cousins gather up and "hang out" these days. 

So many middle school/high school/university kids.
Not sure how we got here. 

We played a hot round of LCR. 
$94 dollars were in the pot. 
Every person thought they would walk away with the pot. 
It came down to Evan, June, and Morgan I think. 
Finally it was just Evan. he had just been handed a dollar the round before. 
Then he rolled a dot, and we all exploded. He about fainted. 
Andy took the pot and poured the dollars over his head. 
He was shaky and sweaty when he came and hugged me. 
It was so awesome. So fun. 

We ended the night lounging around digesting all the good food and good pie. 
Us five were in the sitting room sitting...

and then Jamie farted. It gave us all permission, and immediately that was followed up with
Emily fart,
Brandon fart, 
Kelli fart, 
and another Jamie fart. 

We died laughing. Let's not pretend our bodies aren't full of digested gasses anymore!
Oh yeah, Calvin was sitting there dying as well. 
This is a safe space, Calvin. No one will get mad at farting in here.

He said "we aren't allowed to THINK about farting in our house."

Friday morning we headed to the gym. 

We did a favorite things swap. 
The kids did a "pass the parcel". Wyatt stole the cotton candy machine from sweet little Hattie.
The Petersons left and we all cried. 
We went on a sunset walk. 
We ate dinner at Pizza Factory.

This lasted forever and ever.

We ended the night making cotton candy for the whole crew. 

We did lots of Be Reels. Look at Andrew's "be real" pose. He always closes his eyes like it was an accident. 

Dang I just love being with all these people. We all just want to be together in the same space. 
We don't always physically fit together, but no one wants to be anywhere else but with all the people. 
Mom and Dad had to get up super early for the temple the next morning, so we kept the chaos at Rob's and then Aaron's. 

Saturday. Our last day. boo. 
We spent the morning in the church gym playing chair soccer and bump and dancing. 
I love them!
The Kelvington's won 80% of the games. 

Then we descended upon McDonalds for lunch. 

Me Mom Emily and Jamie went for a walk.
These four kids were working on getting 8 cows that were "out" back into the coral. 
They worked for hours.

They finally quit after they got 6 of the cows back in. 

We walked past the Tree House. It's all cut down now, but when I was a kid it was full of branches and seats and levels. There was a rickety slide to get down. 
This is all that's left of it. 

We ended the night with diamond dot art and chatting. 
Abbey and Ashley started making memes about our week. They are so hilarious and I love how they capture the inside jokes and the memories. 

Leaving is the hardest. My kids cry.
Avery was crying and said "this is the only place I am truly happy."
That's not totally true, but Fallon with family is for sure one of the most special, safe places for us.  

Saturday, November 28, 2020

G is for Good Food, Good Friends

Wednesday night I worked on the pies.
 I have been watching a lot of the Great British Bake, so it was extra fun. 
I made pumpkin, banana cream, and chocolate. 
The chocolate was a bit stodgy. 

Thanksgiving morning Lisa and I went for a run at Point Whitehorn. 
We found this rock and I love it, so I put it in my pocket. 

Since the beginning of Covid, the trail has been blocked off because there was a bit of a mud slide. But everybody jumps the barrier, and now there are modifications to the caution sign:
"NOT BAD" etc.

After us gals got home, Jim and Joe went mountain biking. 

Jim had the turkeys in the smoker, and I made some Jamie-brussel sprout salad and some Brandon-woodpecker potatoes. 
Avery and Bailey worked on the place settings and table. 

I love what the girls came up with. I love that they are on just white computer paper, and the names are just ordinary old chicken scratch. They were up in her room working forever on it! 
Turns out having assigned seats is the best! Everyone knows where their silverware and cup are, and you can arrange it so that the knuckleheads are strategically placed. 

The food was so so good. We ate and ate... 

and then pulled out the "Thanksgiving Bed". 
Our couch has a pull out bed, so after a half hour of moaning and sitting uncomfortably in our tight waste bands, I pulled it out and dimmed the lights. We got our proper lounge on. 
Andrew loved the idea. He came down with some extra pillows and joined us in the Thanksgiving Bed. 

So you know the turkey cup that all the kids put slips of paper full of things they are thankful for? 
One of my favorites was Evan's. He wrote: I'm thankful for Heavenly Mother.
Haha it cracked me up, but also it made me happy that he just knows and assumes there is a Heavenly Mother without being taught - or UNtaught about that topic. 
I'm thankful for Heavenly Mother too. 

On my paper I wrote: You know the saying "if you're the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room"...well I am definitely in the right room. I have the best friends who are all so smart. I literally learn something new every time I am with them. Jim too. He's always teaching me new things and new words and new ideas. 

Gratitude has been a big topic in our world the past week, not only because it's Thanksgiving, but also because of Pres. Nelson's message about the healing properties of gratitude. It's not just for funsies, it can HEAL. 
I have been listening to this great, smart lady, Mandy Green (podcast). Today she talked about the ten lepers and discussed how they were all healed of their infirmities, but the one who came back in gratitude was made WHOLE. 
She discusses it better than I, but as I was walking around the stodgy forest with Koda, listening to it, it all came together. I love when everything around me feels in sync. It makes me feel like I'm walking down the right path.