Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Here are a plethora of random phone pictures.
These two are conserving couch space.

The toys follow us everywhere. The problem is, his hands are too small to carry them all.
So they fall everywhere and get lost in grocery stores.

Bubble bath.

This lego guy is a superhero when he has his hair off, and a daddy when he has his hair on.
Daddy is his mild-mannered alter ego.


I just found this picture while looking through the archives.
I miss that dog. Going on excursions is 50% less fun without her.


Sundays are awesome.
Both kids fall asleep on the twenty minute drive home from church, so Jimi and I get to eat dinner all by ourselves.
Clink, cheers!

She's practically a genius.

Evan loves parmesan cheese.
He would eat it off the floor if I let him.

Right before bed - that sounds like a good time to play chase around the pool table.

That long hair was getting out of control...
Avery kept calling him "Dallin" because she thought he looked like her cousin Dallin.
We went out to check up on Piper's spot the other day.

Avery in zen-like balance.

Evan throwing a fit when it was time to go.


Oh there's me, just growing a baby inside that tie dye shirt.

A pacific northwest kind of day.
Fall is definitely here.


Singing time in nursery. We are still working on getting a music leader for our primary. That's always awesome to not have a music leader.
Evan is doing way better in nursery, so I hear. Not as much screaming or running around.

You can look forward to this future blog post... 

When Jimi went to the Priesthood session, me and the kids went to subway.
Avery was making letters with her cheetos.

I had to wait patiently for Jim to finish reading this book, "The Secret Race" by Tyler Hamilton.
It is a tell all about the doping goings on in the Tour De France.
I can't stop thinking about it. It's crazy.

Two things here:
1. Bananas. What is the deal with bananas? They come in their own suit that you unzip to eat. Isn't that bizarre? Weirdest fruit.
2. The mess behind the banana.
Sometimes Jimi will go outside for a second and come walking back in with a rake and rake up the living room. It's out of control how fast two kids can turn a perfectly clean house into a war zone.
Plus I couldn't put the above mentioned book down long enough to keep things tidy.

Long legged naked kid.

Cozy on the couch because...

...the rainy season is here to stay.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

So, Yeah.

I busted out the maternities today.
That was so long ago. I don't fit into that shirt or those shorts anymore.

This is happening.
Avery always picks and eats.

There was a gnarly storm going on outside. We were scared.
I promise a lightning struck right outside our door. There was no delay between the light and the thunder.

Then it started hailing.
Evan was all, "what is going on out there?"

My favorite thing to watch during the Olympics was Woman's Soccer.
Every game was off the hook.
It was especially awesome when Evan was napping and Avery played quietly, as she is doing here.
Edited: Forgot these pics...
Dog lip on the couch.
Hi Piper!

I wish I was at Hogwarts...

Seal watching...

Darn it Evan.
Don't worry. We have lots lots more. But these were the first to turn red, so it was a shame.

Avery got this cute little mouse friend at Sunbeams.

Someone has been in the bath a long, long time.

Jamie, we found Oakley on the boat.
My kids love to pet people's dogs.
I like that they aren't afraid.

We went to the fair.
That's going to be me in a few months.

Remember bubble gum ice cream?

Evan is naughty.
This is his time out cage.
That is his finger in his nose.

Q. How do you know if someone has a mac?
A. They tell you.
Ha ha. I wish we had one so that I could tell you about it.

Lately these two have moments of not fighting and playing together.
I think a little brother is going to be perfect for Evan.

Peanut butter apple sandwich.
Every time I see this picture, I crave one.

Hot rocks.

We missed Piper at the beach yesterday.

She is actually eating green beans for dinner.
Ok, I'm going to tell you something and you are going to think I am so dumb. But I already realize that, so you don't need to talk about it.
This is the biggest "duh" moment of my whole parenthood.
I was complaining to my friends about how my kids don't eat dinner, and how they don't even sit at the table to eat. But we never really had formal dinners. I just kind of threw something at them while they were doing whatever in the evening. For some reason by the time dinner rolled around, I didn't feel like fighting with them at the table.
Anyway my friend said that she used to have this problem, so she started having real dinners at the table...table set...say a blessing on the food. Then she said not to make a big deal about if they eat or not. Just make sure you have at least one thing you know they'll eat at the table, and after a while they will start eating more things.
So I did that. I had real dinners with the table set, tv off, everyone together at one time.
(something that I imagined I would do once I had a family, but for some reason wasn't doing)
And now...they eat. Mostly. But I am calling it a success. Avery says the blessing every night, and the things she says are fabulous.
"bless Piper to be happy"
"bless Evan's food not to be hot"
"bless mommy not to be sick"
"bless daddy to come home safe"