Sunday, September 8, 2024

Mount Washington Real Quick

Saturday morning, bright and early,
Jim and I went to the Langley airport to wait for Joe to pick us up in his airplane and take us to the island for a day at Mount Washington. 

I didn't have a sunrise to sunset day this summer, and here we are - watching the sun rise from the air. 

There was fog on the rivers, 

and the prettiest light on the mountain range. It was like someone painted the layers in light blue to darker blue. 

We met up at Mount Washington.
I love this vibe - gear spread about, everyone suiting up for an adventure. 

They all went mountain biking all day, 
us three moms went hiking around Lake Helen Mckenzie. 

At this bridge a ton of whiskey jack birds came swarming at us to get fed. They have been domesticated. 

At the lake we debated getting all the way in - but a quick foot dip was refreshing enough. 

Lunch meet up, 

then we rode up the chairlift. 
For one minute we thought about climbing the mountain, but it was way more better to sit and enjoy the view from our comfy lift. 

At one point I had to look on google maps to orient myself to where I was. 
How was I just suddenly on the island? Real quick? 

Every single time I ride up the chair lift while at Silver Star, one of the Black children talk about the bra tree here at Mount Washington. And here I am, seeing it in real life! So exciting. haha

And then we hustled back. 
With the sun setting, we drove down the mountain, 
to the airport,
up and over from the island back to the city. 
The light changing again as we came in for a landing. 

It was the coolest day. 
Home by bed time. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I chuckle every time I land at Langley now hearing Jim’s voice “that’s it, it looks like an aircraft carrier it’s so short” lol.