Showing posts with label spring break. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring break. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Spring Break

Easter and Spring Break were the weirdest this year.
We were traveling home from Bora Bora on Easter Sunday.
Mom sent this Sunday picture to me. 

Did I mention on Friday Avery texted me in Bora Bora to let me know that Andrew is sick and puking?

So when we got home, all the dominoes fell, and all the children were sick. 
Actually Andrew recovered quickly, but Avery got a cold, and Evan got massively sick. 
I don't know what Evan had, but he was throwing up and so so sick without appetite for the whole week. 
He lost so much weight. I don't remember ever having him be so sick. 
I called Teledoc, and they gave us some Zofran to help get some food in him. 

Despite having a cold, Avery went to Vegas on Thursday to have the time of her life with the Kelvs. 
She had her first solo flight on Allegiant! It was so weird to just wave goodbye at security. 
She figured it out and all the pilots and flight attendants treated her like royalty.
Then Jamie showed her top notch Vegas entertainment. 

Meanwhile, us at home laid around A LOT. 
We were watching Scout while the Blacks were in Panama. 
Evan slept a lot, Andrew was bored to tears without a lot of options. 
I just told him how good it is to be bored sometimes. 

Evan's first time out of the house all week. 

Friday we met the Dickson at the beach for a weenie roast. 
It was very low key. 

We think maybe he has Fifths Disease? Because that's what Hunter also had. 
He eventually got a giant rash all over his body. 

Look at this! The rocks were lodged in the roots. 

Finally on Saturday we gathered some friends and went to Aim and Game. 
It felt like the most exciting thing ever after a week of cabin fever. 
Here they are choosing who is "it" for hide and seek. 

It was truly the weirdest Spring Break.
When Avery got home, she was still pretty sick, but it went ahead and ramped up into a disaster of a sickness. She got a fever and pink eye and missed four days of school the next week. We have been to the doctor and then called Teledoc again for eye drops. 

I also got sick with a cold, and Jim threw out his neck/back - so for a minute every single one of us (excpet Andrew) was running on less than 50% and it just felt like A LOT. We were scraping by on our hands and knees. 

I feel like we are coming out the other end of it now...moving on with life with residual coughs and such. 
But also today in church I noticed Andrew has a raised rash on his cheeks. 
He says he feels fine, so ok, whatever, everything is fine.

Except Iran has entered the WWIII situation and that's just great. Everything is great. 


Saturday, April 22, 2023

Spring Break

Holy Moly spring break feels so longs ago. 
We had our first weenie roast at Semiahmoo.

Andrew got lost TWICE over spring break. 
Once in the Mall, and once in Vegas.
Since then he has memorized my phone number in case of any future getting losts. 

In Vegas the kids went through the drainage tunnel every day. 

Andrew turned back and "went home" by himself and ended up wandering someone else's neighborhood for a while. He looked in windows and peeped in back yards.
Finally Jamie found him. 
So yeah. 
Luckily he's at an age where I'm not completely freaked out. Mostly just annoyed. 

Jamie cakes.

Lots of playing stick man.

The most exciting part of the whole week was when Jim was finished with his training and came to Jamie's in a rented TESLA. 
The kids lost their minds. So many car farts. 

We went on a couple of hikes in the beautiful sun. 

Showed the kids how over rated the strip is. 

It was a fun family outing though. Dinner at Rainforest cafe. 

Evan got to drive the golf cart around. 

We met Andy for Thai while he was working. We got put at the front of the wait list and treated like royalty. 
He does policing in chucks. haha. 

A cool hike to some petroglyphs. 

I have a picture of the kids through the years (while waiting for luggage) squeezed in this thingy. They used to pretend it was an elevator. 

I need to publish immediately. 

Friday, April 15, 2022

Spring Break

This year we stayed local because Jim worked most of the week (plus flying non-rev during spring break is insane).
We had such a fun week. It was reminiscent of summer - friends and sleeping in and adventures and late night neighborhood games. 

On Tuesday Jim had the day off, so we went to the Seattle Zoo. 
We haven't been since the kids were little - strollers and such. 
It was so fun to wander around with big kids. I watched all the moms and dads with strollers and babies and thought to myself "why would you ever do this with little kids?" but I know the answer to that. Sometimes the Mendoza Line is worth risking. 

The otters were a hit. So were the bears, primates. 

Wednesday Lindsay invited us to adventure on Lummi Island. We have never been before and it was so so fun!
I always thought you have to have some Native connections to go there, but you don't. It's open to everyone. But also Lindsay is my Native connection, and Anne has adopted a little Lummi boy, so I was covered no matter what.
That didn't stop the white lady from kicking us off her private beach (we were down were the tide was low, so I don't think it was actually part of her beach...We should have played the "these are our Native Lands card, but we didn't.)

The ferry ride is only about 5 minutes long, and can only carry 20 cars. Ferrys are always so exciting. 

Look at Evan enjoying the ferry breeze. It reminded me of this:

Look at that little cutie pie with his wild wild hair. 

We went on a little hike and found this tree rope. We spent a lot of time here.

We ate lunch at a beach, and searched for treasures with the metal detector. 
We found nails. 

Here we are heading over to get kicked off the lady's ocean that she owns. 

It was our favorite day of spring break for sure. I loved it. 

During spring break, but also the weeks before and after I read my new favorite book:
A Gentleman in Moscow. 
When I finished it, I made my friends read it and then I re-read it. 
I have never finished a book, then turned around and read it again, but here we are. 
It is perfection. It has been fun to discuss with friends. I just don't really know what to do with myself now that it's over. 

Friday we had a beach fire and ate hot dogs and made see-saws. 

Thursday we were pretty lazy, but eventually made it to rockpile,

and late that night we played some neighborhood kickball. 

Saturday was temple trip day!

It was Evan's first time. He had so much fun. See his fancy shoes? Yeah. 

Lisa stayed outside the temple with the little boys.

After we were done we went to see the Fremont Troll.

I love this for some reason. 

It went too fast. 
Life picked up real quick after the week was over. The boys' baseball games/practices are nonstop, but the bigger task is Avery's soccer season started, and I signed up to be the 7th grade coach because they only had one coach out there. 
There are 40 girls, and we don't cut anyone, so it's wild. 
So wild. I have had butterflies all week. I don't know why. But also I know why.