Sunday, November 13, 2011

G is for Geeking Out

Jimi is reading Harry Potter for the first time ever. It seemed like fun, so I started them again too.
Don't you wish you could read them for the first time again?
I'm on book three, he's on book five.

Just for fun, here's what page I'm on...

and what page Jimi's on.

Every now and then he will randomly say Hogwarty words like "Neville Longbottom" or "Butterbeer".

The coolest thing is that Ron Weasley is in our ward!
Well, a kid that looks exactly like Ron is. His mom - Sister Meaker - is my favorite person in the ward. She is the nursery leader and Avery adores her - always drawing stuff to "show Micker Meaker". So I was happy* when I got the called to the nursery because it meant I got to hang out with her on Sundays. Today she got released and put in stake yw. So now I am saddish...

I have told her we are way excited to be in the same ward as Ron Weasley, and she said he always dresses up as Ron for Halloween.

*as happy as a young mom, whose both kids are in that same nursery, can be. but i don't hate it, don't get me wrong...there is a really cool collection of dinosaurs in there. i like to set them up in a row in order of  their same kind.
Brontosauruses over here...Stegosauruses over here...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

S is for "So"

So, you think you can blah blah blah...

We've been having a "dance off" every time the new Coldplay with Rihanna song comes on.
 "watch this, mommy" she says over and over.
You can see some of my reoccurring moves in all these pictures...

post edit: why do you think i said "so you think you can blah blah blah"
instead of
"so you think you can dance"?
I quizzed Jimi, and he got the answer right.

Answer: I hate the title of that show. I imagine the leader of the pack taunting the rival street gang as they snap their fingers and bend their knees in unison walking toward each other in the back alley -
" think you can dance, do ya? well...let's see it, pal"

There's no place for that in the TITLE of show.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

K is for Kindred

Today Evan is 21 months old.
That is how old Avery was when Evan was born.

21 months old

21 months old

*post edit. I want a redo on the picture. so i took one of him under the table to see if he could stand comfortably, and he can.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

N is for Napkick

That's what Avery calls napkins.
Napkicks are what she likes to use as a plate when she eats her tangerine in the living room.
Just like I do and just like my mom does.

Here she is on her way to Joy School to learn about the letter B.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A is for Allegiant

Hey Jimi, the mid 2000's called, they want their flip phone back.
(i think we are the only people left who have flip phones. besides your mom or your dad).

If you're sick of hearing about how much we love working for Allegiant, sorry, but the honeymoon is not wearing off.

I pledge allegience to Allegiant and to the md80,
and to the management who sends emails out often to dispel or confirm rumors,
one company, with an atmosphere of teamwork
instead of blaming others so they don't get in trouble like vision airlines.

That's what I pledge every morning with my hand on my heart.