Sunday, January 6, 2019

Andrew is 6

We had some brownies and ice cream on Andrew's actual birthday. Jim had to work. 

Then Saturday we had little friend Ninjago party. 
This is abstract cupcake art. 
The m and ms are the ninja ties, the swords are swords. 

So Andrew is such a hoot. 
Every two seconds he is cracking us up. He is so pleasant and fun to be around. He is at a fun stage of kid hood. 

 We always go and visit Jim in the clerk's office after church. Today the 2nd Councilor was in there with him, and Andrew just went in there and pretended Jim was John and John was Jim.
(to John): Daddy when are you coming home?
(to Jim): Whatcha working on John?

One day he asked me, pensively: "Is it obvious that I'm a ninja?"

Whenever he poops, he yells "I need to wipe!"
So I go in there, and sometimes it's a false alarm and he still needs to go (and I grumble about it),
so I usually say "are you sure?"
and lately he replies "Yep, I won't let you down."

One day early in December, the kids had just got off the bus. It was pouring rain, and Avery and Evan hurried home. Andrew was taking much longer than I thought he should, so I said "where's Andrew?"
Jim stuck his head out to see, and there was Andrew, walking slowly down the street yelling to each house, "Merry Christmas!" 
in the rain! He was so wet by the time he made it home. 

He pronounces Evan "Evant" with a t at the end.

There is a boy named Shannon at his school that has some handicaps, so on the playground Shannon can get a bit rough with other kids without meaning to. Andrew is a bit afraid of the situation and usually hangs around the teachers/adults just to be safe. One day we were discussing how it is ok, Shannon just doesn't understand, but we still be nice and just avoid him. 
After a few minutes of introspection, Andrew said "if Shannon has issues, he should stay home".
lol. that one was funny to us because Andrew has never used the word "issues". He often just throws out these big vocabulary words and uses them in the correct context. 

 For Christmas he got some legos and he is really good at putting them together. During the first set he worked on, I sat near him to see if he could do it. 
After every step, he would hold it up and ask "is this correct?" except he pronounces it "collect".
so: "is this collect?"
Lately he has gotten lazy with the R sound. He used to say it perfectly well, but sometimes says it with the L sound. I correct him, and then he says it the right way - laboring the R sound. It's fun to see his mouth work so hard at the R sound. 

For his birthday he got more legos. This time instead of me sitting there and watching, I was up doing chores and exercising in the garage. Every time he needed me, he would put all his fingers in his mouth and "whistle" twooo ite! 
For hours he would whistle and I would come running. haha. 

I just love him. We all love him. I think he's extra special because it's the last of the innocent humor in our family.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Junie is at the same age. I want to bottler her and keep her forever. I guess that’s why we blog. I love Andrew.