Wednesday, July 28, 2010

San Clemente 2010

Sunset on the beach.

Technically Evan has been here before. Last year I was pregnant with him (and sick).

I'm glad he's able to enjoy the view this time.

Avery likes the view from daddy's shoulders. She's not a huge fan of sand/waves just yet. Maybe next year? 
chasing a seagull

back at camp...

Got to protect that bald head.

Teach a 2 year old to give a high five and knuckles, and be prepared for a half hour session of high five and knuckles.

The bucket/rope game...

Avery won

Grandma Cook

Can you tell we just woke up from sleeping in a tent?
This is our traditional morning look out spot, watching for dolphins.
None this morning, but we saw some later while at the beach.

My poor kids. I did not bring enough cold weather clothes.
By the time we went home, Avery was wearing my dirty jacket with the sleeves rolled up. I need to learn to check the weather and over pack.

so snugly

See anything missing?
Jimi took off his ring before swimming in the ocean.
It's currently lost. So sad.

We all got sunburned. I blame the clouds.
They are so deceiving. You can't tell if you are in the shade or not, and they lull you in to false security.
The next thing you know, you're burned crispy.

In the words of Avery,
"bye ocean!"


jamie k said...

i love the top family picture. and avery's suu sweats. and that picture of een that makes him look like an old grandma. said...

Looks like a great fam vacation but cold. It's always a lot colder right by the ocean- weird. Nice break though. Happy Anniversary. I love the old pics. So fun!

nettie said...

avery and evan are so lucky to have big cousins! looks like fun. i love the beach. i can't decide if i am more of a beach lover or mountain lover. i think the beach wins!

Tiffany said...

I see SUU pants! I just returned from girl's camp at SUU with an arsenal of SUU wear, including matching hoodies for the wee ones. Adorable.

Mary said...

I thought my comment about the SUU sweats was going to be the first one. Apparently everyone has noticed the power of Thor.

Also, beach vacations are the most relaxing on earth. I love them.

Rob never ever has his wedding ring on. It's a treat when he wears it.

Allison said...

Jim lost his wedding ring a couple of years ago. I replaced it with what I think is a better looking ring for A LOT cheaper!