Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Lately our fire alarm has been going off for no reason at all (including the entire time we were in Fallon for Thanksgiving...our neighbors really loved that).

This morning, starting at 6:00, it woke us up rather unpleasantly. I admit my heart rate was raised a couple notches, but do you know who was REALLY scared? That's right...Piper.

So Jimi went to work unplugging all the detectors and dusting them off. The alarms continued to go off and/or chirp throughout the morning. Piper was nigh onto a heart attack.

We went throughout the day, I went grocery shopping, Jimi painted his bike, and all the while Piper was nowhere to be found. We assumed she was upstairs cowering.

Then as we sat down to lunch, there was a knock at the door.
Our neighbor asked, "do you own a golden retriever?"


"she's out here"

We look outside, and there is Piper sitting by the car.

She had evacuated without our knowing.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Christmas Eve:

Building a tower with Uncle Lance

Avery got to sit at the kids' table for dinner. She has some cool cousins!

The traditional Christmas jammies...

Grandma made Avery a cozy blanket and pillow.
Time for bed!

Christmas Morning:

Avery's dream came true.
Her cabbage patch's name is Berneice.
Kind of cute since it is her great grandma's name, but that is no name for a dolly.

She also got a kitchen, complete with a handmade apron.
She is so spoiled! What a fun day.

Here she is first thing in the morning, minutes after waking up.
It was so fun to watch her.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I Love Nursery

On Sunday, Avery got this Christmas ornament from her nursery teachers.
It makes me laugh out loud every time I look at it.
That is the exact expression she has whenever I peak in on her. While she's not bogarting the dollies, she walks around and stares at all the kids/toys in awe.
Sister Flake said while they were doing singing time, she stood up by the leader and made the funniest faces as she watched all the kids do the actions to the songs, like she thought they were all crazy.

So far we love nursery.

Tonight at Ethel M's, we stumbled, literally, upon Santa sitting on his thrown. There was nary a child around. We introduced Avery to him, he chuckled out some "ho ho ho's", and then he gave her a bag of M&M's. She made the face similar to the nursery picture above, but I think deep down she was enchanted by him.

Very cold and very cool.
Merry Christmas!

(side note: Jimi hates it when "literally" is used incorrectly...but I reserve the right to use it for unnecisary emphasis. I also reserve the right to misspell "unnecisary". There is no spell check on this new version of blogger.)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dear Santa,

Avery has been so good this year.
Please bring her a dolly and stroller because she turns most everything into a dolly and stroller anyway.
She wants one really bad.

(I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait)

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Grand Canyon

Look who got a seat all to herself!
This was at the beginning of the day when her hair was all done, tidy and neat.
Watch how it progresses.

The Kelvingtons joined us.
You don't see Andy because he's sitting jumpseat with Jimi.

I am beginning my 8th month. 32 weeks. He is a breakdancer, I tell you...wowza.
Also, my c-section is set for February 9th, which means I get to shave a week off of this pregnancy. Yes!

The canyon looks fake. But it's real.

Clippy hanging by a hair, bangs scattered about.


This is the hair-end-result after a day of hair twirling.

Avery peeping on Jamie while she feeds Sammy...

and also getting a better view of the canyon.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Let's Share

This picture is from Thanksgiving. Avery was sharing her toys with Oakley.
The Christmas miracle is that Oakley didn't even try to eat them.

Oakley has been staying with us for the past week. Last night before bed time, Jimi was teaching Avery to give "five". She would come give me a five, then go back and give daddy a five.

Oakley was laying on the floor asleep (weird, I know), and Jimi said, "go give Oakley five."

She squated down and "fived" Oakley's little paw. It was cute.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hang It On the Fridge

That blurry item is what Avery did at nursery Sunday.

As it was the first project ever brought home by my little girl, I think it deserves a special place on the fridge.
I love that it has her name on it, and I love the orange scribble accross it. Very well done, Avery.

I have a feeling I am going to be one of those moms that doesn't throw away anything their child brings home. My fridge will just be plastered.

That item in her hand is the Christmas tree ornament she got this year.
A little angel for my angel.

And I finally made myself a stocking. Boys are green, girls are red. (idea stollen from Mary)
Don't look too close at's a mess. But that is my relationship with crafting - "eh, it's good enough".

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Precious Moments Hair

My brother Robbie says

Avery has precious moments hair.

I see it.

Monday, December 7, 2009


We took Avery out for driving lessons, and she drove us into the Sunset Park light show.
(if you are thinking of going, I don't recommend it. Lame. Expensive. Advertisements everywhere)

We brought this mirror downstairs to fix and left it there since it has become a new favorite. She stands at it and sings, eats, tries on helmets, giggles...

Post Edit: Does anyone else's memories of decorating the Christmas tree include Monday Night Football as background music? We are continuing that tradition in my little family.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Today was Avery's first day of nursery. I was more than ready to be free of a restless toddler during sunday school and relief society. Plus I only have 2 more months of attending class child free.

I took her to the nursery room and walked in with her. Puzzles were laid out, so I ushered her to them, turned around, and walked out. She started to follow me, but Amanda swept in and kept her distracted. I peaked in on her and she was totally happy! I hummed around the hallway for a few minutes, then slunk off to sunday school.

Before relief society, I went back to see how it was going. She was rocking a dolly, feeding it a bottle, and wrapping it up in a blanky. I just started crying. I can't believe how big and sweet she is.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009