Thursday, July 31, 2008


This video isn't very exciting; it doesn't teach you how to make a locket or anything. My question is, when you have more kids, what happens when you can't blog about the everyday minutia of their life? Will they get their feelings hurt? I know I blog a lot about Avery, but like I told Jamie today, I just have so much ammunition!

I can't wait until 9:00 at night rolls around so that I can give Avery a bath and put her in her jammies. She smells so good and gets so cuddly.

Equally as adorable is her cooing in the morning while I eat my cereal. (mmmm, cereal)

oh yeah, and let Piper in...don't forget Piper...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our Un-photogenic Dog

Our poor dog Piper has really taken a backseat to Avery. Anyone who knows us knows we LOVE our dog. Even though we can't get a doggie treat at Dairy Queen and go to Boulder City Park as much as we used to, she is still our best little friend. However, she doesn't always take the most flattering pictures...
( was Halloween)
This one cracks me up...she's just so proud of Avery
In her defense, she really is a beautiful dog. Sometimes we call her "professor's dog" when she lays down on the living room rug.

Top 5

Jimi and I always ask each other, "what's your top 5 favorite (fill in the blank)?" Usually it's in regards to books, movies, or music. My favorite book is usually the one I just got done reading, but here is a list of my 5 all time favorites:
#5 The Lord of the Rings I love the epic-ness of the books. One of my all time top favorite characters is Gollum. I like his dog-like qualities when with Frodo, and I like how he wants to be good, but just isn't.
#4 The Catcher in the Rye Another great character, Holden is just such a miserable misanthrope. This is one I always recommend to people when they ask for a good book.
#3 To Kill a Mockingbird I read this when I was in high school, and I declared that it should be left on your nightstand and read like the bible. Scout is such a ragamuffin in my head.
#2 Of Mice and Men I was lucky enough to teach this book, and even freshman in the year 2008 LOVE this book. I just can't get sick of it. I love the dog like qualities of Lennie.
#1 Life of Pi I love how it starts with nonfictional information about zoos, animals, and religion, then takes you on a super survival adventure. It ends with magical realism and a psychological twist. Bravo from start to finish!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Baby Feet

I realize it's no new discovery that baby feet are cute, but I just adore Avery's.
She was born with really long skinny feet. It was so sad when they weren't purple and peely anymore like they were when she was first born.
They are especially cute when they are sticking out of her blanket

Monday, July 28, 2008

Before, After

before... after... the fruits of our labor...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Things Avery Loves

all things cozy

the jungle toy grandma gave her

Aunt Jamie
piper and family floor time
nightly bath time
her swing (and SUU, go t-birds)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

An Avery is Born

(Disclaimer: this blog doubles as a baby book/ scrapbook, so the following is long and detailed!)

Right before we left for the hospital, Jimi gave me a blessing, then we took this picture. I feel like we were so young and unaware of what a huge change having a baby would be. Look how unaware Piper is.

I started with a cervadill to induce labor. Talking with my nurse (Deb) we found out that her husband works at Basic High School too, and we instantly bonded. When Deb was done with her shift, she said she would make sure the next nurse I got was a good one. So we got Terry, and I really do think that Terry saved little Avery's life! She made such quick and good decisions. To sum it up, Basic High School rules everywhere you go. My contractions were really weird - one minute apart without a lot of pain or dilation. I got some oxygen to try to slow them down. When that didn't work, we tried the epidural a bit early. The problem was that Avery wasn't dealing with my contractions very well.

Then Terry broke my water, and things really got scary. Avery's heart rate dropped so low it didn't register on the monitor. I didn't really know what was going on, but Terry was in super emergency mode. She called out, "I need Dr. Juarez!" I just remember whimpering to Jimi, "What's going on?" He of course did his best to be positive - when her heart rate started going back up, he gave me the thumbs up sign. But he was totally silently freaking out.

Dr. Juarez was at the other hospital, but he hustled over to DeLima. The minute he entered the room everyone instantly calmed down - he is the best doctor ever- and off we went to the operating room to have an emergency c-section.
During surgery they make you put your arms strait out like you're on a cross. I was shaking violently, and I couldn't console myself. I just wanted to be asleep or unconscious because I was so crazy with anxiety. The only thing I kept thinking was this would be over soon. Overall I don't remember much. Jimi came in ...there was music on in the background...the epidural guy kept telling me what to expect...Jimi put his hand on my forehead... Eventually there was huge pressure on my abdomen as they tried to pop Avery out. Jimi looked over the curtain, and there was her head sticking out of my kangaroo pouch! I remember them exclaiming 2 - no 3 times! The umbilical cord was wrapped around my little ballerina's neck 3 times! I heard her crying and Jimi said, "She's perfect! She has hair!"

When she was all wrapped up they brought her to me, and I kissed her- Jimi said "her skin is so soft." Then she and Jimi went to another room while I went into recovery. While in recovery, they had to x-ray me twice because their instrument count was off. (I'm proud to say there are no instruments left in me) She was much bigger than we expected. Dr. Juarez said even without the cord wrapped around her neck we probably would have done a c-section anyway.

The "after" picture. I'm still a little drugged and itchy.

You can't really tell what hospital babies look like because they are so bundled up with their little beanie on. In the middle of the night I unwrapped her to feed her. As I was burping her, I got my first real look at her with a clear mind. It surprised me how cute she was! I woke Jimi up - "She's so cute!"

And finally...

This may just look like pancakes to you, but to me, it signifies the first meal in 9 months that I could truly enjoy. I didn't have to take a "time out" to get my "sea legs", I could just eat and eat! Oh! the syrup and butter and sausage and orange juice and milk! Enjoying food is an unsung pleasure that I will NEVER take for granted. I LOVE FOOD!

Avery Jean Larsen
May 31, 2008
10:29 AM
8 lbs 8 ounces

Friday, July 25, 2008

Avery Made Me Do It

Ever since Avery was born, I can't stop taking pictures of her. I feel like she changes so much every day, so I have to capture every new outfit and every new look on her face. Thus, I have decided to archive her life in the form of a blog.