Showing posts with label cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cooking. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2013

"Make No Place Like Home" notes

A week ago Saturday we had a super stake RS activity entitled "Make No Place Like Home."  They had sisters sharing ways to display family keepsakes/heirlooms and ways to keep the family close, the winner of the Cupcake Wars shared her story, and the Food Nanny even came.

Now, this will tell how little I watch current t.v. I had heard of the Food Nanny (I think), but really didn't know anything about her.  However, once she started talking, I was so impressed!  Go hear her if you ever have the chance!  She encouraged us to "get back in the kitchen" and cook!  We need to teach our kids to cook!  We need to spend mealtimes together!  She outlined a weekly meal planner:

Monday: comfort food
Tuesday: Italian
Wednesday: Meatless/Breakfast
Thursday: Mexican
Friday: Pizza
Saturday: Grill
Sunday: Traditional

She said plan 5 meals for the week and take 2 days off (go out or eat leftovers).

Provide a little sweet for your kids; otherwise, they'll go out and find it anyway and hoard it.

Teach portion control because it is the only thing that works.  Stop eating when you are satisfied, not full, not stuffed.

Always have at least one raw vegetable at dinner -- carrots are good.  She suggested having raw, frozen, and canned at each meal.  I'd just as well provide three raw or raw/frozen.  I try and skip the canned stuff for the most part.

Do your major shopping every two weeks with little stops for necessary items like milk and tomatoes.

Kids should at least taste the food offered at dinner.

"If you can't cook for yourself, cook for those you love."

She shared a pizza crust recipe that I haven't yet tried as well as a French Baguette recipe that I've already made three times!
French Baguettes from the Food Nanny
Combine 1/2 C warm water with 1 1/2 T yeast and 1 t sugar.  Let sit.
Combine another 1 t sugar with 2 t kosher salt and 3 c flour.  (I cut the salt down a little.)
Pour the liquid mixture in the dry one and add up to another cup of warm water.  Add up to another quarter cup of flour to make a soft dough, if necessary,to keep dough from clinging to sides of bowl.  Knead.  Break into two balls and shape into baguettes.  Cut down each loaf 1/4 the way.  Bake at 450 (or even 500) for 10-15 minutes.
Now I'm going to have to buy her book.  I'm also inspired to do more in the kitchen and plan our meals better.  To me, the RS activity was quite a success.