Sunday, August 12, 2012

Um- Is this thing still working? June Cliff Notes version

So sorry for the unintentional absence of all things bloggy.  My only excuse is that life gets crazy here at the looney bin, and I haven't had motivation in the spare minutes to pull it together enough to post.  To illustrate my point-  I recently FORCED myself to take the time to get ALL my pics off of my camera.  If you know me- well- at all-  you know a few things-  ONE-  I take quite a lot of pictures, and TWO- I usually download them off my camera and have them backed up on at least two sources the same day or within a day of returning home.

Lets just say that I had 987 pictures on my big camera.  I had some of them on the desktop but not backed up anywhere else- so I didn't dare delete them from my camera.  It took me some time to get all the pics from Feb through the first part of July into appropriate folders and backed up as well.  I happened to be doing this while trying to get out the door on one more of my million and one trips I have been on this summer.  The DR was not happy with me for not getting on the road quicker.  I honestly can't remember where I was supposed to be traveling to for that particular trip- it has been that kind of summer. 

When Summer Break began, I had a few major things on the agenda.

One- Oldest going to EFY in June
Two- Middle going to soccer tournament first weekend in June
Three- Middle going to soccer camp in July
Four-  Buzz Reunion in July
Five-  Larsen Reunion in August.

I also planned on squeezing in horse riding lessons for Youngest during the EFY week and Soccer camp week, so that made those weeks busier- but still in the same time frame.

Not too bad, especially considering what our prior 9 months had consisted of.

WELLLLLLLL- that was the plan, any way.

You know what they say about the best laid plans????

They don't work.

In June we added another soccer camp- locally- and hosted one of the coaches.  No biggie- except I was out of town on Friday afternoon when I found out I was hosting - and I knew I wouldn't be getting home until late on Saturday night.  Add to that, the games got an hour behind- so we pulled in to the driveway at about 10- and I dumped stuff out of the car and took off to get a few groceries to get us through until Tuesday.  We also added another soccer tournament and then a rather impromptu trip to Oregon, which I found out was possible on Wednesday afternoon- knew for sure would be happening Thursday morning as I was making food for a funeral and leaving for the additional tournament by noon so I could pick up Middle and her friend from Girls Camp so they could make their first game, then took them back to girls camp so they could make it to testimony meeting.  I have a few Tender Mercies to share about all of this- but that deserves a post of its own.

Tired yet?  I returned home about 9 ish on Saturday night- LOL (she came home with me and Middle)and I ran to the grocery store for basic needs so she could have something to feed the In- Patients while the DR and I drove to Oregon for the week.  The trip was work related for the DR- but it is a long----- drive so I went along, leaving at 1:00 on Sunday.  So- I was home a whopping 15 hours to do laundry and re-pack? We managed to have a nice visit with several of our good friends while there- so that was an added plus!  We hurried home to be there for one of our nephew's wedding open house, arriving with not too much time to spare. We arrived home to a BIG surprise!  All the patients had been very busy worker bees while we were gone- and they had totally cleaned up the toy closet, the food storage room, and the room that will someday stop housing all our hockey gear and become a real live second bathroom.  Holy Cow!  We could not believe how much they had done!  We hurried to help with the open house, and then the next day we were able to be present for another nephew's baptism.  That was a special treat because they live in Washington, and it was held in Utah because he had an aunt get married the day before. 

And- Thus ended June 2012. Possibly one of the crazier months in my life.

Oh- and that tooth that I had the root canal in April??  Well- it has not been my friend. More on that to come too.

I will get back to May at some point.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Oh Dear- April disappeared too-

So much for keeping up with even monthly postings-  but if you could see in my head- you would understand why.

So-  April brought soccer, which is way less time consuming than hockey.  It also brought a work change as we added LOL to the workforce- alleviating half of my hours and taking a big load of daily pressure off my shoulders.  It brought a few other events too.  Like a root canal from which recovery seems far too distant.

I returned home from getting Middle back from her California adventures- and turned right back around and headed out to our dentist and then turned around again to get home and within an hour and a half had the trailer loaded up and headed out to camp for Easter weekend.  It was an interesting trip to say the least.  Total dust bowl thanks to our super dry winter and spring.  There were places when my van thought it was expected to be a dune buggy.  And the DR and I worked almost the whole time thanks to his hot spot.  The wind blew like crazy too- so wind and dust.  But Saturday was nicer than Friday- and the DR and I got a minute to ride 4 wheelers- kids went to the dunes-  and Youngest was granted at least part of her heart's desire which was a few horseback rides. The Easter Bunny managed to find us in all that dust.  The patients were spoiled as per usual.  I must have a talk with that rabbit.

General Conference was amazing- so much food for our spirits- I was on the road so much but tried to listen to as much as I could- just couldn't take notes like I wanted-  but I did HEAR so much more that I usually get to because I was ALONE!

Life moves so fast that before I knew it- the TaVaci Spring concert was upon us-  and Youngest had been assigned a solo, which in her teacher's words-  had her name ALL OVER IT- and boy howdy- did she rock it!  She sang part of R E S P E C T-  and she sold it with gusto.  Tons of laughter and applause with overflowing compliments afterwards.  I videoed it-  but then Middle was messing with the camera and recorded over part of it.  (tad cranky about that !!!)  I know there was more that happened- a lot which I won't be blogging about-  getting fed up with our school district for one thing- that would be a whole blog of its own.

I may end up editing this later if my mind gets jogged.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

March- Where did you go?

March was incredibly busy.  Our bantam team took 3rd in one league.  Then three days later- we loaded up patients and Middle's hockey bag and headed to SD for a four state Girls Team Tournament.  It was a great experience and we turned it into a mini family vacation. Got home on Monday and left again Thursday for more hockey- and after way too many years-  our kids finally got it done and took State.  It was a very drama filled weekend- and I didn't get to watch much because every time I was watching, the other team would score- if I walked away, we scored.  So, after a few times- I just went and sat in Middle's dressing room- only coming out to peek- and watch the last period of the championship game.  It was an amazing feeling for my patients and their dad to hold that trophy.  I was so proud of our kids.  We fight a lot of prejudice and discrimination- not to mention flat out abuse from other teams and our kids usually have a lot of retaliation penalties.  This time-  they totally kept their heads and played super clean (for hockey).  We have had some sadness with the team as well-  March 12-  one of the hockey mom's passed away from a rare autoimmune disease.  Then- the week of tournament- the father of one of our long time team members died unexpectedly.  The team wore his number on their helmets to have him "with" them as they played. I have never been so proud of those kids-  and even if they had lost- as long as they played the way they did-  it would be the proudest hockey moment for me.

That weekend also brought a huge surprise trip for Middle-  her Uncle's company borrowed her to use as a Teen Spokesperson at the Pre-Events for the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards.  So- immediately after we got home- we practically turned right back around and took her out to fly to CA for that.  It was an unforgettable experience for her and she got to meet a lot of stars and some of their family members.  Part of the reason she got to go is because she is a 4.0 student- even with all the school she has missed lately for hockey.

Life is not going to be settling down much- so we will see how much I get back to this.  I want to post about SD- so crossing fingers I can post some pictures.  I have traveled over 4 thousand miles since January-  and that is just the miles on my van.  We also put miles on the DR's truck- and my inlaws every so generously let us borrow their much more fuel efficient vehicles as well.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Personal Message from Conference:

Stop It!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Funny today

This morning I had a phone call from someone who I used to VT (JM) - way back in the day :)-  she was subbing one of Middle's classes and she was looking for addresses that she hoped I would have for wedding invites.

Anyway-  the funny part was she said to me that Middle had told her we just came back from South Dakota from a hockey tournament- and JM asked which of her brothers had played in the tournament.  JM said the look on Middle's face was priceless- and she answered - Neither- it was MY tournament.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Never Dreamed-

The DR mentioned the other day that this hockey season has taken him (us) places we have never been before.  We have spent almost every weekend this month at a tournament somewhere-  with the biggie being South Dakota. 

Never in my wildest did I ever- ever- think I would take a patient to play hockey in South Dakota.  But we did. and I will have to tell you all about it as soon as I get a few minutes :)

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

February Wrap up

I never mean to get so far behind-  but before I know it- it is well into the next month.  Only a few more weeks and life slows down a little.  Very little-  but at least some.

February was busy busy busy.

Lots of Birthdays.  Cony, Jerry, Paula, MC, Youngest- (the most important), Buck, Elliot, Tanner, Ali, Jens, Andrew, Ashlee, Selene- and that is just the closest to us as far as celebrating.

Lots of Hockey practice.  Lots and Lots of Hockey practice.  More than a few long hockey trips.

Actually celebrated Valentines Day with our traditional dinner and stuff-

A super fun Mad Hatters Tea Party to Celebrate  Youngest turning 11.  Outpatient and LOL came out to celebrate with us- although the DR and Outpatient took the sleds out for the day, and the girls stayed to party.  Couldn't have pulled it off without everybodys help.

Middle played hockey in Cheyenne- Salt Lake, Park City, and a big tournament in Cody.

Oldest played hockey at home, in Park City, and Telluride Colorado.

Tax Season has hit- and the even longer hours for the DR have stretched out.  Good thing he had a calling change-  it actually lessened his schedule as far as church meetings and responsibilities. I still haven't adjusted my thinking to him not having midweek meetings- that has been going on for well over 4 years.

Youngest had fun with Activity Day and Ta Vaci, and Middle made the decision to quit TaVaci.  It conflicts with her sports and she loves her sports too much.

I had more than a few issues with my health lately and I finally dragged my super wiped out body and aching tailbone into the doctors office.  I still have to find time to go in and get my blood checked-  but  my tailbone is not noticeably broken or dislocated. or anything we can tell without a body scan.  It was actually feeling better more frequently, and my doctor very kindly handed me a paper with the word coccyxdynia which thanks to lots of root word memorization in high school English, and several months training for medical transcription, I said-  I have "Tailbone Pain"- he laughed- and agreed- and said it is rare- but not in my head.  He had a patient who suffered from it for years and he sent her to every specialist he could think of trying to help her.  All I can do is take a pillow to church, or walk the halls- since sitting on the benches causes me the worst pain.  Anyway-  no real answers yet-  but hopefully soon because I am dying on the vine.  I feel physically like I did back 10 years ago before I had surgery and I was anemic - severely anemic, and couldn't even function half a day.


It seems like February just started and poof, it is past.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tender Mercies Tuesday- On this day in history

It was Valentines Day in 1986.  I was working at the Campus Craft and Floral shop at BYU (it is no longer what it was- that is for sure).  A floral shop anywhere on and around Valentines Day is pretty crazy, but a Marriage Crazy College???  We had tried to simplify things for us by having those very smart young men and women who PRE-Orders their flowers and/or balloons pick their orders up in the hallway door- right by the barber shop.  I was given that work detail- to blow up and make balloon bouquets, and hand out the orders as well as prep deliveries.  I was so glad I didn't have to work out in the actual shop, where the line wrapped around twice and went out the door into the foyer of the ELWC (that doesn't even remotely look the same anymore either)

During that crazy busy day, we would leave when we had classes and then hurry back to work.  Most of the time we left out one of the back doors so as to avoid the crush in the store.  I do know that I went out into the store front on two occasions that day-  once to get an arrangement out of the fridge for someone, and once to go to a class.  Tender Mercy Alert.

During one of those times, the DR was in the shop, buying flowers for his girlfriend at the time.  Of course I didn't see him that I know of, and if I had- he would have blended in to the mass of humanity trying to get romantic gifts for their sweetie last minute.  Whichever time it was, he saw me, and he noted what I was wearing, and noted that I worked there and was not just someone in there to shop.

One week later- Sue, a girl I worked with, came up to me and asked if I would be willing to go on a blind date with a friend of hers.  I had no objections.  Seems he had seen me on Valentines Day, and was able to describe me to her- "She was wearing a red jumpsuit"-  Sue knew exactly who he meant and had kindly looked up my work schedule for him.  Before you get the wrong idea-  the DR and the girlfriend had broken up immediately after Valentines- and Sue  was trying to help him get right back out there.

Saturday- the DR tried valiantly all day to connect with me (no cellphones in those days-  we are THAT old), and finally managed to at 5:00 pm- hoping for a 6:00 date.  I did say yes- then I didn't know what to do because I forgot what his name was.  Awkward.  I was saved by my very best friend who kindly answered the door, and inquired for his name so he could sneakily share that information with me.

Things were a tad strange because I still lived at home, had a curfew (seriously, DAD???  12:00 in college?)  AND my dad had a strange rule that we couldn't go out of town for date.  I lived in Provo- and Orem was considered out of town.  Obviously, I didn't mind that rule very well.

Dinner at the Spaghetti Factory, then we went to this other girls home ( I have mentioned her before-  she was the best friend of the girl who waited for the DR on his mission). Then getting ME the BABY home by my oh so adult curfew.

Despite all of that- Here we are- 26 years, 2 dogs, 4 kids, three across state line moves, four across town moves, 8 years of infertility, living with each set of in-laws- unmarried and married, as well as untold other moments of drama.

It hasn't been roses and chocolate all the time-  but it has been often enough.

I love you, DR of my heart and soul.  You have made me a much better person, and I am in awe- still- at the events that took place to bring us together at the right time in both of our lives.

Thanks for the roses and chocolate covered strawberries.  They are beautiful and delicious.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Only Constant-

What is it they say?  The only constant is change?

Here at the Looney Bin- we are poster patients for this motto.

Today- just two months shy of 2 years, the DR was released from his calling as Second Counselor in our Ward Bishopric and called to serve as a member of the High Council.  He thought he might get a break until March-  but no- they are putting him right into the speaking rotation starting next Sunday.

His heart was a little battered when he got the call asking for him to meet with the Stake Presidency.  He has loved serving our ward for the past 4 plus years- first as the EQ president, and lately in the bishopric,  He loves serving with our bishop and the other members.  He has shed more than a few tears this week, and we both have today.  It is bittersweet- but right and the Lord's choice. 

I married an amazing man,  a wonderful person who loves people with his whole heart.  He isn't a perfect man, but he is a great person.  Those who know him in real life know this for sure.    He will do a great job- even though he is a nervous nelly about speaking, he has had lots of opportunities to teach in our ward the past few years.

I mentioned to the Stake President that we seem to be visiting with them about every two years, they asked if I wanted to schedule the next one now.  Um- no.

Friday, February 03, 2012

Hot Flashes

This morning I woke up feeling very overly warm- and then felt that the whole house was super warm.  I asked aloud if it was warm to anyone else or if I was having severe hot flashes.  No one answered me.

My "hot flashes"  turned out to be a thermostat jacked up to 77. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January in a Nut Shell-

Well- my blogging hasn't gone well as of late-  hampered a great deal by a huge increase in my hours of employment-  like doubling.  Like full time plus some overtime.  And an increase in hockey activity as well.

We started of the New Year with:

Grandma Bunnie had a birthday.  She is older. Ha.

The DR got the tree taken down and out of my house on the 2nd.  That may not seem remarkable- but the last few years it has still been up when Oldest's birthday rolled around.

PB&J was made a Bishop in a newly formed Singles Ward.

Miss Middle and Oldest played a lot of hockey.

Piano back in session after holiday break.

Then- more and more hockey.

I GOT A NEW OVEN!!!!! A double/ convection  oven.

Baby sister's baby A was blessed- but the girls of this ward were unable to attend because we were snowed in at hockey games.

Oldest turned FIFTEEN!  Not sure who gave him permission to do that.

Baby Sister's baby A had surgery on her skull, and that same day, her beloved dog, Flash, passed away. 

Then the night of the 30th, we received a phone call that a young man Outpatient and the DR had hometaught in our old ward had shot himself.


A little more detail-

 At the meeting where my BIL was called and sustained as a new bishop- there were two men on the stand from my home ward growing up.  That was rather surprising to me.  What are the odds?  He is going to make a great bishop.   We sent Middle to play hockey in a different state with a friend that weekend.  Everyone but her plays hockey on Sunday.  She had to stand up all by herself  (without even her parents) for her choice to not play hockey and break the Sabbath.  She was shocked to learn that two other members on her team are also members of the church (one she already knew was so there are a total of 5 members of our faith including her, which is a pretty high percentage considering there are only 15 girls on the roster).  It is hard for her to understand why they go to church and yet not only play hockey but do many other things that they have been taught are not good.  I was a little worried about what her choice would be, but she held firm and from what I heard, she did it with humility and class.  Good Girl! Her teammates had some interesting ideas for her, including saying that it was Monday instead.  I think they do respect her for her decision  and her coach told both me and her that he would take her any time he can get her, and he would rather have her half the time then not at all.

We had ordered a new oven and it was supposed to be delivered on Dec 23.  It wasn't.  Then it was backordered again.  Well- actually- it was built specifically for us because we ordered white I guess.  Anyway-  I didn't get to do my Christmas cookie baking in it-  but we christened it by cooking lasagna, brownies and then three pizzas all at the same time.  And I have since baked 9 dozen cookies in just a couple of hours.  I need a few more silpats and good baking sheets :)

Oh-  and I taught RS in there too-  I was not at peace with the lesson, and felt that I didn't present it as well as I would like.  It didn't help that my neighbor had her farewell talk that day and our former bishop whom we are very close with spoke as well.  I was emotional, and coughing up my lung- so it wasn't my best.  I hope the sisters felt the spirit though.  Many spoke to me after- so I guess maybe it went better than I was afraid.

The weekend of Oldest's birthday was a crazy one- the girls headed to Middle's hockey.  Outpatient drove out and the boys took off a day to go find snow and ride the machines.  Then Oldest also played hockey games.  The girls got up and headed out of town. nearly had a wreak on snow packed roads and then had to endure the bulk of the trip in a stinky car after Youngest got motion sick and threw up. She gets that from her mother.  Thank goodness that my aunt lives where we were headed and even more thank goodness she was in town and Youngest got a shower.  Miss Sophie wasn't so lucky- but I wiped her with wipes as best I could.  As we headed to the rink, it had begun to snow.  Lots of snow.  By the end of the game there was over 4 inches.  The only roads home are mountainous, dark, lightly traveled, and poor cell phone service at best.  So- after fueling up our tummies and car, we headed to the one remaining open road- only to find it super slick, snowing heavily, and pitch dark.  So we turned around and got a hotel- sneaking in Miss Sophie.  She is a good hotel dog- surprisingly.  I had made the girls grab extra clothes and over night stuff just in case, and I had grabbed my computer so if we got stuck there- we would be prepared.  Well- I forgot to grab clothes for myself- and who knew that Youngest would have used hers up in the first 30 minutes.  So- we made a quick trip to Wally world- and I did a load of laundry at the hotel.  And I vowed to RESTOCK my  car's emergency supplies like wipes and sacks for sick kids.  I also found that I left my power supply at home so I worked like a crazy woman for as long as my battery lasted. The drive home the next morning was bright and sparkly-  very slick and a few scary moments when I wondered what I would do if I could not make it up the iced over hill and I started to slide back down-  but it was all good-  I think we said 4 or 5 prayers for safety- and after the first 30 minutes- the roads were clear. 

In the meantime-  the DR, Outpatient, and Oldest headed back from their trip and got up early and headed out to Baby A's blessing.  I feel so bad that I missed it :(  I haven't missed very many of my niece and nephew's blessings.   The DR and Oldest got home very late but safely.  I am thankful for that.  It was a bit of nutso.

We had Oldest's birthday breakfast-  but because his birthday fell on a payroll Monday- we deferred the rest of his celebrating until the next Sunday. I made his cake in two layers of cherry chip and one of chocolate and it was decorated like the Wild Thing in "Where the Wild Things Are"-  it turned out cute, I think.  I got a little teary as we were singing Happy birthday with our great Neighbor/Friends, and I thought back to the first time we had gathered for his birthday-  the same group- only older and with the addition of Youngest and one other little brother, and a cousin who is living with Grandma and Grandpa.  We have all lived here for nearly 15 years now. 

Friday brought Baby A's surgery on her skull which went very well- but the day ended in sadness with my brother in law returning home from the hospital to find Flash had passed away.  I am probably almost as sad as if he was my dog.  He loved me a lot. :)  He had started having seizures recently and it is probably for the best- as he most likely had a tumor or something-  but still so sad.  My youngest brother and my BIL buried him in their backyard, and in the morning- he and the kids had a little funeral. Baby and Mom got to come home on Sunday- and get on with the healing. 

The phone rang at 11:00  pm on Monday night, and it was Outpatient telling us that V had shot himself.  I wrote about him a little bit here.  He is currently stable and Outpatient and LOL are going to try and visit him.  I was so sad for him that night, I couldn't sleep.  I though about the bond formed with Outpatient during those months when Outpatient and the DR were hometeaching, and the little extra effort for friendship that Outpatient made.  I hope that this will be a turning point for V- and that somehow- that bond can be strengthned and he will find his way out of the darkness he has been living in. 

In all- January was a rather rollercoaster month- super busy, and now on to February.