As America is now beginning to learn, our federal government has been taken over by (to borrow a term) "union thugs."
While other unions have their people in different positions throughout the government, none has had as many people put into higher places than the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). [To read more about SEIU, go here.]
For example, lavender-lapeled labor lord, SEIU's Andy Stern, has had the Obama administration put Ellen Moran into the Department of Commerce (after a brief stint as White House Communications Director), Dennis Rivera in charge of Obama's attack on health care and, like a hand in a rubber glove, Patrick Gaspard (from SEIU 1199) is the President's Political Director.
Due to revelations coming to light over ACORN, Gaspard's SEIU ties to the nutty organization are being exposed, as well as his current influence on the administration being called into question.