On a Big Government post about union thuggery, the evangelist for free markets, free minds and free people asks an excellent and very poignant question:
At what point do the other 89% of Americans who are NOT union members stop sitting quietly like scared little sheep and start acting like the majority?
Especially since...
...Tea Party protesters repeatedly held rallies to express their concerns about the government’s takeover and bailouts of entire industries like the banks, they were labeled as ‘dangerous extremists’.
But when SEIU protesters chased down bank executives with knives and cleavers at the American Bankers Association last October, they were applauded and hailed as heroes by onlookers, the media, and even members of Congress. (Meanwhile, the executives were actually from small and medium sized community banks, not the big dogs).
LC's question bears repeating:
At what point do the other 89% of Americans who are NOT union members stop sitting quietly like scared little sheep and start acting like the majority?
“I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes.” Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776
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