Employee Free Choice Act

Showing posts with label Congress Hotel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congress Hotel. Show all posts

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Union Tactic that Truly Stinks...

Some would argue that unions are getting more and more creative in their tactics.  Others would say that union tactics like real coffins and faux corpses are offensive.  But some union tactics, like this one, just stink...(literally):
A downtown hotel that has been the site of a labor dispute for more than seven years alleges in a lawsuit that members of the union representing the hotel's striking workers sent cow manure in heart-shaped packages to scientists to discourage them from attending a convention there.

In the lawsuit, filed Wednesday in federal court in Chicago, the Congress Plaza Hotel, 520 S. Michigan Ave., claims that members of the Unite Here Local 1 sent a heart-shaped package containing cow manure to scientists scheduled to attend a convention at the hotel. The tactic was used to discourage the scientists from attending the convention. The suit did not state when the incident occurred.

Union employees at the hotel went on strike in June of 2003 and that strike continues to this day. The hotel, according to the suit, "continues to adhere to the terms and conditions of the most recently expired collective bargaining agreement while engaging in negotiations with (the union) for a new bargaining agreement."

More here.

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