Showing posts with label Spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring. Show all posts

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Oh my goodness, guys! Spring is here! Can you believe it?! Are you absolutely LOVING the sunshine and good weather as much as I am? I seriously can't get enough of it. All these warm temperatures have given me spring fever, and with that I am in the mood to go shopping for cute flip flops and capris, swimming suits, beach toys, spring home decor... ah! I need money! Am I the only one who gets in the mood to shop at spring? I hope not!

On my day off this week I vowed to clean my house, like deep spring clean my house. So I did the main stuff in my bathroom and kitchen, but then I looked out the window which was a big mistake. The sunshine was calling my name in furious shouts that refused to be ignored, so I just had to answer the call, I had to guys. I packed Leland up in the stroller and we walked around the neighborhood and walked to the park where he rode his first swing for the first time. I was surprised by his reaction, I thought he would absolutely love it but the most reaction I got out of him was he was kicking his feet back and forth in glee and oh my gosh it was the cutest thing ever! After our walk I just wasn't ready to go inside yet so I spread a blanket out on our front lawn and I finished my book while Leland played with toys and then we played fetch with Zorro for a good hour. And did I mention this all happened in bright, glorious, brilliant, SUNSHINE! Wow, seriously a good dose of sunshine is just what the doctor ordered for me this week! And if that wasn't enough tonight Leland and I played outside with my SIL and my niece with sidewalk chalk and oh boy did that make me feel like a little kid all over again and bring a good dose of happiness to my soul!

Yup spring has sprung which means summer is right around the corner, holla! (Yes I really did just say holla!). My goodness I love flip flops, long summer nights, camping, smores, Bear Lake trips with raspberry shakes, fresh produce from the garden, the car show, the fourth of July, summer reading at the library, the windows in my car rolled down, tan skin, icy drinks, garage sales, and basically just being outside all of the freaking time!! I was pregnant all of last summer, which sucked butt, so I think I am even more excited than normal for this one cause I was so jipped last year. (totally worth it by the way but I could have done with less morning sickness, just sayin').

So did you know it was possible to dedicate an entire blog to warm weather? Congrats if you made it to the end of my neurotic obsession of summer, but in case you don't get it by now, I LOVE SUMMER!


First time with sidewalk chalk at 7 months

I traced Leland's bum and made a bunny out of it

The Divine Calling of Motherhood

It's late. I need to be in bed right now, but the pull to write is stronger than the pull of my night time meds, so .... here I am. T...