It's late. I need to be in bed right now, but the pull to write is stronger than the pull of my night time meds, so .... here I am.
Tonight didn't go exactly how I thought it would. After a family BBQ for memorial day at my in-laws home we miraculously pulled off an 8:30 bedtime for the kids. A half hour late on bedtime on a holiday is a win in my book. Usually after the kids go to bed my husband and I bury ourselves in some good ol' Netflix and have some much needed, kid-less, alone time. Tonight however, we looked at each other, and were like, "Nah. Let's go to bed instead." We were still a little 'binge watching hungover' from the night before when we stayed up past two in the morning to finish the final episodes of our current show. (side note: isn't finding a new show to binge the friggin' worst?!) Anyway, so the hubs is in bed by nine. Kids in bed? Check. Hubby in bed? Check. Nine? Me? No way! If this isn't the perfect opportunity to read my book than I don't know what is. Quiet, peaceful, alone-time reading... ahhhh.... bliss.
About twenty minutes into my reading sesh I hear the kid's bedroom door crrrrrreak open. Oh crap. The three year old is going to refuse to go to bed.... again! Then I hear the sniffles. Nope. Not my feisty three year old but instead, my sensitive tender six year old trying to hold back tears. He rounds the corner and sees me in the living room and immediately starts crying. I pull him into a hug and it takes a moment or two for him to choke out the words that he is scared and can't sleep. I grab his B and tell him to take my phone and watch funny videos on Youtube (the kid is a AFV junkie!) to try and get his mind off of the scary stuff while I read my book. We cuddle on the couch that way for a while longer. When I tell him its time to try bed again he starts to blink tears but is trying really hard to be brave. We go into his room and I tuck him into bed and then the crying starts. Except its not from him it is now from the three year old who was just so rudely woken up. Great. Bedtime for mom is getting farther away and yeah, remember how I am already exhausted AND took my night time pills already? Cue eye roll here.
So I sit on the floor next to her bed and stroke her hair but she is MAD and seriously not having it. So I grab my phone and turn on kids lullabies on Spotify. She calms down enough to listen to the music and looking over at my other kid, I can tell he is still struggling with scary thoughts. All I can do at this point is plop my butt into the rocking chair and listen to lullabies while hopefully my children calm down their nerves and fall asleep.
I love my rocking chair. It's big and cozy and absolutely wonderful. I have spent a lot of late nights in that chair. I do some of my deepest thinking in that chair.
Tonight, rocking back and forth, listening to the most beautiful piano music, watching my kids eyelids grow heavy, I pondered on motherhood. Have you ever felt guilty for not loving motherhood like you think you should? I constantly feel that. Being a mom to these kids is my divine purpose, I truly believe that. So how come I don't enjoy it more? How come, instead of delighting in being a mom, I so often feel drudgery instead? I love my kids to the moon and back again, you should know that. However, that doesn't mean that motherhood has been easy on me. I look at other women and they just thrive as moms. They are in their element. They are the Pinterest moms. The mommy bloggers and vloggers. The ones who go above and beyond on every single holiday including national pie day. The moms who can pop out six kids, no problem-o. (Like, they actually like being pregnant) I had a friend who didn't go on a date with her husband for the entire first year of her son's life because she couldn't bear to be away from him. I went on an anniversary weekend getaway when my son was only two months old. Some moms are SO happy with this homeschooling/quarantine crap because they get more time with their kids. I literally booked myself an airbnb for a long weekend just so I could be alone. No joke. I have often wondered if there is something fundamentally wrong with me and my feelings about mom life.
So these are the thoughts I am thinking as I am rocking and longing to be in my bed instead. And then..... something happened. The song "You'll be in my heart" from Tarzan started to play. It was just piano music but the lyrics ran through my head. I looked over at the sleeping forms of my children, and was immediately filled with so much peace. There was so much peace in the room it was almost tangible. I wish there was a better word than peace. Peace doesn't seem to do the feeling justice, but its the best word I have. There is something magical that happens when you watch your child drift off to sleep. I can't explain it, but it's the best feeling in the world. The feeling of pride in what you have created. The feeling of a love you never knew existed. The feeling of home and family and eternity all wrapped up in one. They are so precious, these little heaven sent angels of mine.
So maybe I don't get overjoyed with the day to day drudgeries of motherhood. But I DO delight in the bond that I feel for them. That everlasting bond that can't be broken. That is a beautiful thing. I may not be the best mom in the world, but I am a pretty damn good one. (but maybe not tomorrow morning because it's already 1:00 am haha.)
A little family, having little adventures, and learning about life as it comes.
Showing posts with label Isilee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isilee. Show all posts
Monday, May 25, 2020
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Girl Talk
When I got pregnant I really really really did NOT want a girl. And if you ever tell Isilee that I will deny deny deny! Growing up I had terrible experiences with girls. I don't know why I always seemed to attract the "mean girls" as friends- but I never really had good experiences with my so called friends. They were the type of girls to cancel plans last minute if a boy came knocking, to gossip and spread rumors about you behind your back, to be besties with you when things were going well for you, but then drop you like a ton of bricks when you actually needed them. I even had one friend date the guy that I was crazy in love with just to prove that she could get him and I couldn't, true story. I always got along much better with my guy friends. I am not a big fan of girls. I don't like drama queens. I don't do the whole girly-girl thing. And I definitely can not stand divas. So I just didn't want to raise a girl to become those things, or even for her to have to deal with those things the way that I did.
I was hoping and praying for a boy. Boys are easy. Boys are nice. My boy is awesome, incredible, wonderful, loving, kind, hilarious, etc. I wanted another one.
However. God had a different idea for me. The weeks leading up to when we found out the gender I knew God was working on me. I am the Activity Days Leader in our ward (8-11 year olds) and I love my girls. They are sweet and kind to one another. They are polite and helpful. They are funny and adorable. The more I spent time with them the more I realized that I wouldn't mind raising a girl to be like one of them. Then that Halloween I worked my usual Pumpkin Palooza booth in Kaysville and my heart practically exploded at all the princesses, cowgirls, fairies, mermaids, etc. I realized what I would be missing out on if I didn't have a girl. Boy costumes are so boring. There were many other occasions where I knew that God was working on me, so that by the time that our big gender reveal appointment came, I not only knew it was a girl, but I wanted it to be a girl. And of course, it was. And I was excited.
The second I laid eyes on Isilee I was in love. I literally felt my heart jerk out of place when I saw her for the first time. She is perfect. I am so glad she is mine. The boys went out for a father-son date and I said "It's just us girls" to Isilee- it may seem ridiculous, but in that moment I knew that I was raising my best friend. I got really excited for that possibility. Just us girls. Isilee made the genders even in our home and I like that a lot. I am excited to paint her nails, dress her up, buy barbies and dolls and ponies and trolls- oh the shopping! Thank heavens for little girl toys and make up and dress-ups! I know the teenage years will be hard, but hopefully I can raise a kind, caring, confident girl who doesn't put up with bullies and stands up for those that are being bullied. I am excited for the future I have with my daughter and I am thankful that Heavenly Father knows what I need and doesn't listen to what I think I want.
I was hoping and praying for a boy. Boys are easy. Boys are nice. My boy is awesome, incredible, wonderful, loving, kind, hilarious, etc. I wanted another one.
However. God had a different idea for me. The weeks leading up to when we found out the gender I knew God was working on me. I am the Activity Days Leader in our ward (8-11 year olds) and I love my girls. They are sweet and kind to one another. They are polite and helpful. They are funny and adorable. The more I spent time with them the more I realized that I wouldn't mind raising a girl to be like one of them. Then that Halloween I worked my usual Pumpkin Palooza booth in Kaysville and my heart practically exploded at all the princesses, cowgirls, fairies, mermaids, etc. I realized what I would be missing out on if I didn't have a girl. Boy costumes are so boring. There were many other occasions where I knew that God was working on me, so that by the time that our big gender reveal appointment came, I not only knew it was a girl, but I wanted it to be a girl. And of course, it was. And I was excited.
The second I laid eyes on Isilee I was in love. I literally felt my heart jerk out of place when I saw her for the first time. She is perfect. I am so glad she is mine. The boys went out for a father-son date and I said "It's just us girls" to Isilee- it may seem ridiculous, but in that moment I knew that I was raising my best friend. I got really excited for that possibility. Just us girls. Isilee made the genders even in our home and I like that a lot. I am excited to paint her nails, dress her up, buy barbies and dolls and ponies and trolls- oh the shopping! Thank heavens for little girl toys and make up and dress-ups! I know the teenage years will be hard, but hopefully I can raise a kind, caring, confident girl who doesn't put up with bullies and stands up for those that are being bullied. I am excited for the future I have with my daughter and I am thankful that Heavenly Father knows what I need and doesn't listen to what I think I want.
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The Divine Calling of Motherhood
It's late. I need to be in bed right now, but the pull to write is stronger than the pull of my night time meds, so .... here I am. T...

Tuesday night as I was leaving work I got a text from Justin telling me to drive safe cause the roads were really bad. He wasn't kid...
Sunday night as I was brushing my teeth I went to rinse my mouth out and could not hold the water in my mouth. You know the movie ‘Just G...
It's late. I need to be in bed right now, but the pull to write is stronger than the pull of my night time meds, so .... here I am. T...