Showing posts with label Performing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Performing. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

When it comes to updating this site of complete nonsense I have done a horribly shitty job.

So, let’s play catch up:

In my last post I declared my undying love for Moooooog35. He denied me publicly but privately I have received several perverse notes and constant rapping on my window at night.

I was cast in that play I auditioned for.  The show goes up in April. I shall be busy. Good times.

I wrote two posts ago that I was developing feelings for someone that I shouldn’t. I never imagined anyone would even blink twice at my writing that but it must have stirred up something because I started receiving guesses (and angry texts). I am indeed engaged to LL but that is not a forbidden love. Benji is an actual real life love of mine but I’m not keeping that a secret. He knows I’m crazy about him.  So basically nobody in blogland or reality came close to guessing. Thanks for trying?

Anyway, I said “I’ll just bottle it up until it goes away… or until I develop feelings even more obscure than these.” 

Turns out I developed feelings more obscure. Would you expect anything less from me? Some days I even impress myself with my ridiculousness.  Seriously though, when you meet a gorgeous person that finally gives your insanity a run for its money, how can you not pursue that?

What else have I neglected to mention in the past month? I did a fundraiser for the show I mentioned. Here are some photos:

 In other news, I've been plotting to take over the world. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why do I refuse to take care of myself?

That show I’ve been working on for the past couple months finally opened last weekend. We have seven more performances and so far the reviews have been pretty good.

Review 1
Review 2
Review 3
Review 4

I’m thrilled with how well everyone pulled together. It has been a great group of people that didn’t cause a huge amount of backstage drama. You know what bitches actors can be. I think for the most part nobody hates anybody else… yet. Overall I’m proud to have been a part of this show.

I let the stress of the show and other aspects of my personal life get the best of me. I probably did more than my share of grunt work and then tied that into going out to celebrate after rehearsals/shows plus a general lack of sleep. I have guilt and anxiety swimming through my veins thanks to this whole not knowing how to be single thing. With all that it wasn’t a huge surprise that I had two bad seizures last week.

I think the seizure/demons shook something loose in my brain because I’ve been a pretty emotional wreck since the last one. After the first I was okay because it had been ten weeks since my last grand mal seizure and other than being generally sore I seemed fine. The second one was worse. I was alone so I’m not sure what happened but I know I woke up on the floor in a puddle. I have some nasty cuts along my left knuckles and on my feet. My shoe closet is broken so my best guess is that I actually hit it apart while convulsing. I bit my tongue so bad that it started to turn black. That was the most disgusting of all.

Well, tonight I’m going to party like its 1999. That was a sleepy suggestion given to me this very morning. At the time I thought, “go back to sleep you crazy bastard” but now that I think it through it’s a good plan. I figure in 1999 I was 16 and I still had a curfew. So tonight I’m going to bed like a good girl and not sneaking out the balcony and into my boyfriend’s car. (Don’t worry mom, that only happened a couple times and obviously I never got knocked up or arrested.)

No wonder I have problems.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Holiday Gig

Do you know anyone that needs a Holiday band for their office party? Oh yes, it's already that time of year folks. Start planning out your xmas gifts and using Santa as a threat to the kiddies.

I can't type the name of the band here because I don't want any booking agents associating me with my blog and not my bio. Instead I'm going to post a little sound bite we threw together for our electronic mailings. I feel obligated to let you know what I'm up to every now and then. Plus, Gary asked nicely.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

No, I’m not dead yet.

I needed a break. I needed a big break. A lot has happened in the past couple of weeks. For starters, Casey (TLJ) and I are no longer in a relationship. This isn’t something I intend to write about on my blog but I will say that we remain friends and are on good terms. Shortly after that we went through another round of layoffs at the office. This time I got the axe and a severance package that won’t last much longer. I am worried about money but I hated my soul sucking job so much I was actually relieved to be rid of the place forever. Now I’m not quite sure what to do with myself. Which direction should I go? What is my life?

My fantastic friend Jason hooked me up with a last minute temp gig at his office for a couple weeks. That is what I’m doing now. It’s seriously an answer the phone and read a magazine type job so I can finally force myself to update you all on my whereabouts. I’m really thankful he helped me out because any income is good, right? They were really great about working around the small issue that I will be vacationing in Florida the first weekend of April. Yeah, I know vacationing when you have no job is a dumb idea but I’m going with my mother and she set it all up before any of this happened.

I’m singing at the Algonquin Cabaret on Monday. You should come and see it. Okay, almost none of the people that read my blog live anywhere near New York but you are missing all the fun! At least I hope it will be fun. I got a nasty cold and lost my voice over the past week. It isn’t fully back yet. If it doesn’t come back I will sound like shit. That will suck a lot. A LOT I tell you!

This job just got so much more interesting. I was just asked to do a simple task of cutting out pictures that children drew. The place I am temping at services the autism community and the drawings these autistic children made are so unusual. I wish there was some way I could share them with you.

This post is already too long so I’ll just leave this where it is and maybe pick it up tomorrow? We shall see.

Monday, December 22, 2008

As Promised

Even though the video I'm attaching here doesn't sound very good I'm going to share it with you as promised. It was recorded by a friend that was sitting in the audience and we had no idea he was taping. We had just pulled this adorable guy in the video out of the audience.

Watching the videos is a little awkward because you miss what ties everything together. It feels a little empty without the banter. In addition to that, I can't stand hearing all the mistakes and watching myself trip over all the cords on stage. I would have completely forgotten about my shoe coming off if it hadn't have been recorded. This is probably why I never got all that interested in film. I can't even commit to posting a vlog most of the time.

Grrr. My work phone is ringing. Must go.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Holiday Coquettes

The show is over. I think it went fairly well. Of course there were a couple tiny problems but we made it through and I think for the most part people had a good time. Especially when we had a lingerie gift exchange on stage and passed out condoms and pills to the audience. I have not seen all of the pictures yet but here are a couple to share.

Some of you mentioned you might like to see a video. Well, I have good news for you. There are a couple of videos available. Right now they are stuck on Facebook until I find a way to get the files from my friend but eventually I will post them here.

I need to get back to work now. Time to start on the next show!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Life Is Music

I don't update this thing nearly enough. Ugh. Alright, I've got a lot to fill in so I'll be vague.

I went to Carnegie Hall last week to see one of my favorite people in the world JASON/Doodle perform. He is a bass in the Gay Men's Chorus and they do a Holiday show each year. It was amazing! First of all, Carnegie Hall is pretty much the best venue ever. The sound is incredible and I was so high up my nose was bleeding on the chorus. It was a very exciting night.

My sad company is not doing anything holiday related this year so I have to live vicariously through Casey. It wasn't all that vicarious though because he invited me to his work party. It was north of Manhattan which made it feel like we flew to another state completely. They had a DJ that played the electric slide and when a conga line started up I tried to hide. People did lots of shots and did I mention that we were the best dressed couple there? It was a good time.

Saturday night we had tickets to see Rockapella. I have loved Rockapella since I was a very young kid thanks to my dad and the children's show Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego. Lucky for me Casey happens to be friends with one of them so he got us front row tickets to their gig in Jersey. I called them crotch shot seats and I was thankful because the current bass singer is the sexiest man of all time. He knelt down, took my hand, and started singing I have no idea what because my body temperature went up a few degrees and I was swooning. He isn't the guy you see in the video linked above. Only one of the original members is still in the group but everyone is ridiculously talented in the vocal department. Wow. Here is a video of the current group.

Sunday night I saw Duran Duran perform in some theater in Jersey. Two nights in a row spent in Jersey? I must be crazy! The show was pretty good but you couldn't hear the skill of Duran Duran because they had the amps set at eleven. I just got my hearing back today. Your Vegas opened for Duran Duran. This is only my second time seeing them but a couple of my friends are pretty much groupies now and I have to admit that they are justified because Your Vegas is worth checking out.

Holy crap is today Wednesday? That means I have a show tomorrow night! HOLIDAY COQUETTES at The Duplex! I'm not nearly as worked up or nervous for this show. Probably because I'm not alone on stage. I trust Ava to not suck so as long as I can live up to that standard as well it should be pretty good. Casey has been given permission to attempt recording. If this works I will share with you. Maybe.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Show Time!

It's time to promote my next show.


Location: The Duplex 61 Christopher Street (@7th Ave), New York, NY 10014 US
When: Thursday, December 18, 7:00PM
Phone: 212-255-5438

Come pick your fix; Naughty or Nice? Celebrate the holidays with vocals performed by Ava Mihaljevich and Carly Knight with Alex Lawrence on piano. Don't forget the mistletoe!

$8 Cover and a 2 Drink Minimum
Make your reservations online at
(Seriously make a Reservation.)

Be there Bitches! -Naughty
Be there Kittens. -Nice

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I've Got Your Answers - Part 4

Farmer*sWife Asks:

Have you and Casey ever had the "what if" talk about getting married?

[like jay] I also want to know an update on the medical issues and how the MDs are assisting you in dealing with the emotional and physical fear and stress.

[Ne has so many names ;-)] Expanding on her question, where are you planning or hoping to go with your "artistic career"? Is it a side line or do you have big plans to make it all the way?

Tell us something about you that makes you really happy!?

What is your favorite childhood memory?

Dear Farmer*sWife,

The “what if” talk? Not really. I suppose I could elaborate on this. You see, I have always said that I never much intended on getting married and if I did I wouldn’t do it while I was young. Now that youth is passing by I guess that conversation is bound to come up. The only time we ever actually talked about this topic was about a month ago. We have been together for two years and I guess somebody else asked Casey about it so he felt like bringing it up. We talked about it for maybe two minutes. Basically, we both agree that things are good how they are right now so why ruin it?

I think Gary was the one who asked about the medical stuff. You can see the answer in Part 2. I’m still having a lot of problems with anxiety but I don’t trust anyone to help me with it. Wait, is it anxiety or paranoia? I don’t know. Does that mean I’m dying?

I’ve been performing for basically my entire life in one way or another. I miss having it be my entire life. When I moved to New York I went to an academy focused entirely on music, dance, and acting. The idea was to work in Musical Theatre. I quickly learned I would be broke my entire life. I would have to live with roommates and I would never have medical care. So I switched to a real job and every day I miss performing. I don’t know what will happen in the future but I will always wish I was performing somehow somewhere.

Something about me that makes me happy? That is crafty wording and I’m not really sure how to respond. I could say that I’m really happy I’m so freakin’ cool. That sounds cocky though. My tattoos and piercings make me really happy. That is something sort of about me. I don’t know if I understand the question. That makes me unhappy.

I don’t have a favorite childhood memory but I’ll start naming a few good memories off the top of my head. My dad used to drive a .. hmm.. I don’t know what it was called. Like a covered truck or something? A Suburban? It doesn’t matter. He would pick us up from CCD classes (I hated those classes.) and let me, my brother, and the neighbor kids all crawl in the back. Then he would drive trough twisty roads and let us all rumble around screaming with joy. That memory reminds me that he would occasionally pick us up from school in a semi while blasting Frank Zappa. That is bound to get you some attention, right? I remember one particular Christmas when I woke my brother up at 2am and made him come with me to investigate the presents. We went upstairs and found an air hockey table. At the time it was the most exciting thing ever so we played for awhile in the middle of the night. The next morning we were told Santa left us another present and they gave us a cat. I was probably bouncing off the walls that day.

Knot asks: (I just answered right after the questions to make it easier.)

I always do the same questions.

1. Thong, bikini, granny panty, boy short or commando? I switch it up. I have thongs, bikini, and boy shorts. I go commando when necessary but never prefer it. It’s all about what looks best with the outfit you are wearing.

2. Shaved, landing strip or furry and natural? Depends on my mood. Again, I switch it up. Don’t you think this is a little TMI?

3. Length or girth? Seriously doesn’t matter. Worry about the foreplay dude.

4. Most memorable date you have ever been on? Last year for Valentine ’s Day Casey cooked me a fancy dinner and set up a romantic little table in his apt with lit candles and wine. Then he gave me a leather jacket. It was an amazing date. Another Valentine’s date was with a guy in high school who was really charming but he had a huge head. Literally. It was over sized. He came to pick me up at my house. Our driveway is a steep hill. Add that plus snow and bald tires. You get an amusing evening of watching my dad and brother try to shove my date’s car out of the neighbor’s yard. Was that what you meant by memorable?