Showing posts with label Childhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Childhood. Show all posts

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I've Got Your Answers - Part 4

Farmer*sWife Asks:

Have you and Casey ever had the "what if" talk about getting married?

[like jay] I also want to know an update on the medical issues and how the MDs are assisting you in dealing with the emotional and physical fear and stress.

[Ne has so many names ;-)] Expanding on her question, where are you planning or hoping to go with your "artistic career"? Is it a side line or do you have big plans to make it all the way?

Tell us something about you that makes you really happy!?

What is your favorite childhood memory?

Dear Farmer*sWife,

The “what if” talk? Not really. I suppose I could elaborate on this. You see, I have always said that I never much intended on getting married and if I did I wouldn’t do it while I was young. Now that youth is passing by I guess that conversation is bound to come up. The only time we ever actually talked about this topic was about a month ago. We have been together for two years and I guess somebody else asked Casey about it so he felt like bringing it up. We talked about it for maybe two minutes. Basically, we both agree that things are good how they are right now so why ruin it?

I think Gary was the one who asked about the medical stuff. You can see the answer in Part 2. I’m still having a lot of problems with anxiety but I don’t trust anyone to help me with it. Wait, is it anxiety or paranoia? I don’t know. Does that mean I’m dying?

I’ve been performing for basically my entire life in one way or another. I miss having it be my entire life. When I moved to New York I went to an academy focused entirely on music, dance, and acting. The idea was to work in Musical Theatre. I quickly learned I would be broke my entire life. I would have to live with roommates and I would never have medical care. So I switched to a real job and every day I miss performing. I don’t know what will happen in the future but I will always wish I was performing somehow somewhere.

Something about me that makes me happy? That is crafty wording and I’m not really sure how to respond. I could say that I’m really happy I’m so freakin’ cool. That sounds cocky though. My tattoos and piercings make me really happy. That is something sort of about me. I don’t know if I understand the question. That makes me unhappy.

I don’t have a favorite childhood memory but I’ll start naming a few good memories off the top of my head. My dad used to drive a .. hmm.. I don’t know what it was called. Like a covered truck or something? A Suburban? It doesn’t matter. He would pick us up from CCD classes (I hated those classes.) and let me, my brother, and the neighbor kids all crawl in the back. Then he would drive trough twisty roads and let us all rumble around screaming with joy. That memory reminds me that he would occasionally pick us up from school in a semi while blasting Frank Zappa. That is bound to get you some attention, right? I remember one particular Christmas when I woke my brother up at 2am and made him come with me to investigate the presents. We went upstairs and found an air hockey table. At the time it was the most exciting thing ever so we played for awhile in the middle of the night. The next morning we were told Santa left us another present and they gave us a cat. I was probably bouncing off the walls that day.

Knot asks: (I just answered right after the questions to make it easier.)

I always do the same questions.

1. Thong, bikini, granny panty, boy short or commando? I switch it up. I have thongs, bikini, and boy shorts. I go commando when necessary but never prefer it. It’s all about what looks best with the outfit you are wearing.

2. Shaved, landing strip or furry and natural? Depends on my mood. Again, I switch it up. Don’t you think this is a little TMI?

3. Length or girth? Seriously doesn’t matter. Worry about the foreplay dude.

4. Most memorable date you have ever been on? Last year for Valentine ’s Day Casey cooked me a fancy dinner and set up a romantic little table in his apt with lit candles and wine. Then he gave me a leather jacket. It was an amazing date. Another Valentine’s date was with a guy in high school who was really charming but he had a huge head. Literally. It was over sized. He came to pick me up at my house. Our driveway is a steep hill. Add that plus snow and bald tires. You get an amusing evening of watching my dad and brother try to shove my date’s car out of the neighbor’s yard. Was that what you meant by memorable?

Friday, May 23, 2008

I am who I am.

We will call today's segment, Reasons Why I Turned Out This Way:

* After day two on the road on tour we stopped at a disgusting hotel in Little Rock Arkansas. It was in a scary neighborhood and really dirty in general. The girl playing the White Rabbit role started crying and made herself sick. She threatened to quit the show. Across from her hotel room a white rabbit was tied to a traffic cone with a rope. What does it all mean?

* I worked briefly at Cafe Mozart on the Upper West Side. It was across the street from my student housing. The owner stopped me in the street one day and offered me a job as a hostess. Shortly after I accepted I learned that he was running an escort service. He kept calling and trying to get me to meet him at the new unopened restaurant location. I never went back in to work after that call.

* One time in high school I was lounging at my house on Sunday mourning in my smeared makeup, a long ugly see through sleep-shirt, and rat nest hair. My boyfriend and other male friend showed up at the front door and my dad let them in without telling me. So they walked up the stairs to find me a gross mess. I had never been so mortified in my life. I hid my head under my arms and screamed. I have not cared about such things ever since. Thanks dad.

*When I lived with A we lived in a building with a bad mouse infestation. They gave us sticky traps because the mice ate the peanut butter off the real traps and survived. One day a mouse got caught in the trap and started squealing. We both cried. She cried because she felt bad for it. I cried because it wouldn't die and I couldn't make myself go near it. I ran downstairs and asked the concierge to help us. He laughed at us as he put the sticky tray and mouse in a plastic bag, beat it against the wall, and then tossed it down the garbage chute.

*I once did a show based on a grim fairy tail. I sewed a dress made entirely of rags and then covered it in mud and twigs. This was my costume. We performed the show in a wing of a Villa and before the show started we were instructed to run around the woods and swing from trees outside. One of those days a wedding reception was being held in the same villa and we still popped out of the trees and yelled in tongues at anyone going past. They thought it was great and had no idea what was going on but they still did the chicken dance with us. Can you imagine twelve dirt covered kids that only grunted showing up to your wedding?

*When I was young and constantly going to sleepovers we always snuck out in the middle of the night to dance in the graveyard as long as there was one within walking distance. We were disturbed kids.

*I used to sneak into the cupboards and get finger fulls of Crisco. Mmmmm

*I once had an acting job in the local cemetery. I was acting the part of a fifteen year old girl that died working illegally in the candy factory. She was decapitated in the elevator. I told her story while standing on her grave.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

School Memory Number One

My first school memory is in kindergarten. We sat on a colorful carpet for music time and our music teacher Mr. Kermit Wells was attempting to teach us rhythm. He taught music class K-6 Grades for the entire district. To help teach us the song they drew out the lyrics in pictures. We were little, we couldn't read. I loved music time. Some of the kids would roll around on the carpet and drool. I sat in perfect Indian style facing Mr. Wells with his keyboard in his lap. I was in my hot pink t-shirt with the teddy bear holding gold heart shaped balloons. How can I possibly remember that detail? The teacher was playing and wanted us to clap along. I clapped. I knew where the claps went without thinking. The other kids were lost. They had no idea. Then Mr. Wells stopped and said. "None of you are getting this right. I want you to watch the teacher (our regular class teacher whose name I don't recall) or you right there. You've got it right. Raise your hand so everybody can watch you" He pointed at me! Out of all the kids in the class he pointed me! I was so proud of myself. Take that freak kid that knows how to multiply already. You don't know how to clap properly and I do. Yay for me.

I have wondered several times throughout my life why this memory stands out to me so clearly. I remember what I was wearing. I know I was facing north when it happened. I remember a lot about that teacher but then again I did see him once a week for seven years. I wonder if I was already musically inclined or if that small bit of positive reinforcement nudged me in that direction. It's really amazing what a teacher is capable of in a child's life in just a brief passing moment. Something adults should remember.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Beauty Queen

My grandmother put me in a beauty pageant when I was in the seventh grade. I was nervous about the pageant part but I liked performing and I would get to do a song of my choice on stage as well as buy new clothes. Let me tell you, pageants were not for me. I remember going to the rehearsals in a garage where they would ask us questions and tell us how to sit properly. (You can't cross your legs. You must cross your ankles and sit up at the edge of the seat.) Some of the other girls kept trying to talk to me but I found them all so creepy I didn't want to know them. They basically just ran us through the line up of the show a few times when we had rehearsals and then bam it was time for the show.

I don't think I looked much like a pageant girl. My grandmother did my hair and makeup all the time when I was little. I loved it. But I never looked like a drag queen and I never did big hair. I looked normal.

We went into an interview where I refused to answer the way I knew they wanted me too. I remember one question exactly. "What animal are you most like and why?" Obviously the panel was very deep. I remember answering that it would have to be a monkey because I'm a fun person who likes to play around and enjoy myself. I failed the interview.

The show opened with the contestants doing a little dance and then it was the casual wear section where we each came out and modeled an outfit of our choice. I wore bell bottoms with a few big flower patches. Thankfully my parents let me do what I wanted or I might have come out in business attire like some of the other creepy girls.

Next we did our performances. I can only remember a couple routines. Some girl did a tap dance. Another did a gymnastics routine on a hobby horse her dad made. I came out in a Victoria's Secret blue silk slip and sang "I Feel Pretty" while sitting on a white fur bench in front of a vanity. I want to remind you I was twelve.

Then we modeled our evening wear which was a dress and heels I couldn't walk in. After all this crap they finally get to announcing the winner and handing out the trophies. Trophies? I thought you got crowns. Whatever, I didn't care. So who wins? The chick doing gymnastics on the hobby horse. But I was awarded "Best Talent" and walked away with my trophy.

That was the one and only time I have been to a pageant. It was not for me. I did start performing at every venue in the area. I wore a hippie outfit and sang "Frank Mills" at every mall and fair in the city. Now THAT was a good time.

Found something exciting on Etsy today. Look HERE. Scary right? People come up with some interesting things.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What am I talking about?

I mentioned that I am crazy in the last post and I thought maybe I should clarify that I like being crazy. I think crazy is normal. Most people that think they are normal are actually naive and/or frightning. Like this woman...

Mike posted this video the other day. I originally saw this on Wife Swap on ABC a long time ago. I remember laughing and laughing. In this episode a Christian family swaps mom's with a Wiccan family. Other than the crazy mom you see flipping out here in the last five minutes of the show, the episode was pretty boring. This provides a great example of someone who thinks they are normal.

In the 60's people thought Hippies were crazy. I wish I had been alive in the 60's. I have wanted to be a hippie all my life. It just isn't the same thing now. I missed all the fun. I have to fight "the man", make love not war, AND cut/wash my hair? That isn't fair.

I put black nail polish on Casey's toes about six months ago and this morning I made him sit still while I removed the last bit of it. How can that stay on him so long and the purple nail polish on my fingers that was applied two days ago is almost completely chipped away already? Wtf?
What does that have to do with anything?

When I was a child I spent a lot of time around perm solution. That might explain a lot. I was at my grandmothers all the time and she had a beauty shop as part of her home. As a child I spent countless hours giving perms to mannequin heads. Imagine the fumes I must have been inhaling into my little lungs. *Sigh* Memories.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Holiday Memories

I'm starting to get into the Halloween spirit today. Probably somewhat because it's a little dark out and the city skyline is looking rather gloomy out the office windows. Perfect.
Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. Not every year works out to be an amazing adventure of course but in general it's a fairly thrilling holiday. Last year I went to a very wild party in Jersey dressed as Patsy from AbFab. My friend and partner in crime came as Edina.

That would make me the character on the right. It was glorious.

I remember as a child I had a knack for telling terrifying stories. I would tell them to the other latchkey kids after school. What a jerk I was but I think they sort of loved it. We had nothing better to do then traumatize each other for life. That's how kids are. Come to think of it, I remember having a similar evening in college. Guess I don't grow out of things too easily.

Some of my favorite costumes over the years include my drugged up Marilyn complete with my own bottle of vodka and pills. For the record, making a bottle of vodka part of your costume is a bad idea if you don't intend to drink the whole thing. I also enjoy the time I was Satan which I understand doesn't sound very original but it was really just an extension of my own evil personality. I had my hair teased as big as possible and my skin was covered in Satan like scrawlings including 666 and negative Bible verse. It was probably really inappropriate. Yep, it definitely was. In high school my junior and senior year I threw a party with a couple other friends. We went all out decorating this huge house for two full days. A couple hundred people came the first year. We didn't expect that kind of turnout at all. It was fantastic!

This year I don't know. I'm seeing the Parodivas on Halloween so I don't need to dress up for that. I have two other costume parties that I don't know if I will attend or not. Spirits have been low this year. My original idea of being Pat Benetar isn't panning out and I have switched to this glorious idea of David Bowie (Ziggy Stardust era). Wouldn't that be fantastic? If I don't dress up this year I vow to do it next.

Happy Haunting Freaks!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Mr. Rogers On Crack....and LSD

One of my favorite childhood shows!

Explains so much right? I loved this show. I can remember trying to style my dad's hair like Pee Wee Herman. I had movies as well as tapings of the show that my brother and I watched over and over again. Someone even gave me the bobble-head Pee Wee when I was in high school. Looking back I realize this whole show is one huge drugged out sexual innuendo.

I should have known then what my life would become.