This super creative ABC + 123 6TH BIRTHDAY PARTY was submitted by Sandra El-Ayoubi and styled by 3’s A Party. Such a cute birthday party theme, right?! This party would be perfect for the end of school, too. So many fun all the chalk board tags!
Here is what Sandra had to say about the party-- “My sister Lina came to me wanting to do a 6th birthday party for her son. His love for school and leadership qualities was exactly the reason to have this theme to encourage a more positive idea about schooling and healthy eating (minus all the treats) :). So the Theme of 123/ABC came about. Here is where the brilliant mind of Yassmine (3's a Party's stylist) came into action. The ideas went flying and the masterpiece came about.
Being a High School Teacher I was able to work my magic and find my way into a history museum in the school I work at (one I had no idea exited) and found an array of props that would make the event even more special and close to the hearts of all the children that were present. Props such as an old vintage school bench, school bells, vintage Globe, old historical book dating back to the 1800's, the Australian Map and Vintage looking flag had a priceless value adding element that completed the whole setting.
It was a lot of hard work but the collaboration of Yassmine, Diana and myself, we were able to contsruct a Vintage School setting that would make any person want to have one more day spent at school.”
Props and Decorations: 3’s A Party
Party Printables: Top That Paperie
Cakes, cake pops, cookies, cupcakes: Ellhaam Serhan-Wise
Photography: Photography by Sandra