Showing posts with label the beach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the beach. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Florida Vacay PART I

Hello lovely bloggy gals...long time no blog. Things have been craaaazzzzzy busy in my neck of the woods. A good busy though :-).
Wanted to share some of the 300 plus pics I took last week in sunny Marco Island, Florida.

Warning...picture heavy post!

This was a much, much needed Vacay. We got into sunny Florida on Saturday afternoon and drove to Marco. It was so pretty. A quiet lil town that is deserted for the most part this time of year. I felt like we had the whole island to ourselves. The people that we did meet always fell head over heels for our southern twang. And by people, I mean all the old, adorable men in their itty bitty male bathing suits ;-). Our weather was PERRFECT. Sunny and in the 80's everyday with a small lil rain shower in the afternoon, that hit right when we needed a lil break from the sun for snacks, then sunny again. 

On the way to the condo, we made a quick pit spot for beverages

Skinny know it!

Gearing up for some afternoon pool time

The Condo

We literally had the whole pool to ourselves all week. It was so relaxing.

The pool overlooked the harbor

We soaked up some rays and soaked up some skinny girl 'ritas and skinny girl sangria and threw on our Kentucky blue to support our Wildcats all the way down in Florida. We headed to a lil local sports bar to catch the UK vs. UofL football game.

Go CATS!!! what if we do loose to those pesky cardinals, we still had a GREAT time!

The next day we put on our bikinis bright and early and headed straight for the beach.


The walkway at Resident's beach on gorgeous

Always thinking like an OT...the beach had amazing handicap accessibility

The beach was HUGE...and the sand was so white. Breathtaking!

Toes in the was paradise

If you look really hard you can see a DOLPHIN! We saw them almost everyday just feet away from us in the ocean. One day, we saw them jumping vertically out of the water. It was one of the highlights of my trip. I have always been fascinated with marine life, especially dolphins. We were out on the sand bar one day collecting sand dollars, and two dolphins jumped several times in and out of the water. It was kind of magical, well at least for me. God is such an artist!


Me and my lil Amber

We took the skinnygirl to the ocean in our pink solos

After a loonnnnng day of fun in the sun and passing out a napsie, we got ready for dinner. Seafood is one of my faves!

Thank goodness for self timer..hehe.

This restaurant was right on the harbor. We sat out on the patio and had some great drinks and dinner.

I dig a good Mojito...and this one was superb.

Loved every minute of vacay with these gals.


Aren't we off to a great start....well it only gets better. More photos and details of our wonderful week together to come this week. This trip was was fun, drama free, and most importantly, relaxing. An ideal girls trip. Cant wait to show you all photos of the gorgeous sunset we witnessed right on the beach.

Hope everyone is doing well and having a great week!

Just a Country Girl
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