23:00h Settled down for the night on TJam's shoulder. She has been away for the weekend so I was glad to see her. Plus there was a frost and it was cold.
00:23h TJam disturbed me for a bathroom break. I moved onto the warm bit so she had to get back into the cold side of the bed.
03:57h I felt nocturnal and went out in the garden.
04:20h I brought my little mouse up into the bedroom to welcome TJam home properly.
04:23h I gave my best, "I've got a little present for you" call.
04:24h TJam clipped my claws the other day and because of this, I could not hold my prey securely and it ran under the bed. I ran after it.
04:25h Chased mouse from out of my playtime paper bag.
04:26h Mouse ran into the folded up plastic Christmas tree which is now out of storage and waiting to be put up. Distinct lack of help from TJam.
04:27-04:34h TJam started to come to and say something that sounded to me like, "Oh Carlsberg! You are so clever! You've brought me a lovely present! Thank you!" She came over to look more closely at my gift. I patted it so she could have a go at catching it herself.
04:35h TJam went for the humane mouse trap. I went into the other bedroom.
04:37h Mouse ran into trap (no bait needed, it was glad to run into a dark space).
04:38h Mouse deposited into garden.
04:39h Garden too frosted up to use for toiletting purposes.
04:40h TJam returned to bed.
04:44h Still experiencing thrill of the chase, so stalked around bedroom jumping on paper bags and all my toys.
04:57h Went on pre-going-to-sleep patrol of the house.
05:13h Settled back down on the bed again. Purred contentedly.
05:23h TJam's adrenalin levels returned to normal and she settled back to sleep.
05:24h House quiet again.