Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rain. Show all posts

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Catching Up

It has been such a busy Easter, we have not had time to blog. Imagine! Life getting in the way of blogging! The CHEEK!

Firstly, we went of a walk with Echo. He is pushing 40kg now but in this picture he was in the low 30s). That is about 4 stone for those on imperial and 56lb for our American friends :)

Then we went down to stay with TJam's parents, Brazil and - hmmm, need to think of a spy name for Boy Wonder. ah, that can be his spy name.

It had been raining so much round there that our usual path was a stream. I loved it but the Boy Wonder had to go through the brambles to stay dry.

Next we met up with TJam's old friend who we will call Astra. She brought her dog, Dylan, and we had a grand old time, walking in the woods. The humans chatted and chatted, catching up on 20 years, so us dogs could just get on with being dogs. Bliss.

Then we met up with Piglet and Puppy (who you may remember from last year when we went looking for Winnie the Poo). They have grown up a lot and are a lot of fun to play with. They are pretty good tree climbers too.

When all that walking and socialising was done, and a bit more walking and some other socialising, and the humans had eaten a Chinese takeaway and we had had some of the leftovers (yum yum yum), Fliptop washed our van for us, and we came home. Thank you Fliptop!

What a couple of weeks we have had!

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Singing in the Rain

What was TJam saying about the weather yesterday?

Ok, so now we are making up for the "no rain" thing. TJam discovered that her waterproofs need reproofing. Urgently.
We nearly didn't make the walk because we had to wait in for our new washing machine. We didn't have to wait long though. They came to the house at 7am. TJam managed to wait til we got home til she tried the washer out. Seems to work fine. Whatever.

Friday, 18 January 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

-by Beanz
Rain. I am not impressed. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a bit of rain but I don't like still being wet indoors. I am quite bored of the whole rain thing. I don't like wearing a coat cos I can't sit down in it. It feels funny.
I have been prompted to add that we are lucky here and at least we are not flooded. I am a dog. That kind of meta-appreciativeness thing is for humans to be grateful about. (I am glad to be in a warm house though). And TJam is feeling for all those on flood alert.
PS Rain, don't bother coming back for another day any day soon.
PPS Thanks

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Holidays - day 2

-by Chips
This morning, we had a little rain. Here is Bamgee ringing out our bed.
A group of 5 families arrived on our field so TJam let us dogs bark as much as we liked and they pitched on the opposite side of the field. We sat and watched while they all got stuck in the mud and had to get towed out. You make your own entertainment when you're camping.
We have been told that, being at the base of Snowdon, the campsite has its own weather system. It is sunny 10 minutes down the road. TJam asked if it is ever sunny here when it is raining ten minutes down the road, but they wouldn't answer.