I've been making soap for my family for the past 12 months and thought it was high time I shared the recipe with you all....
Grate up 3 cups of plain, unscented soap flakes (you could just as easily use lux flakes if you'd prefer to not grate your own). Put these flakes into a heavy based saucepan with 2/3 cups of milk and 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
Heat slowly... This is important as you don't want the milk to burn and trust me, if you rush it it will!!!!
When the soap flakes start to melt add 1/3 cups of milk powder. Stir until all of the lumps have dissolved and your mixture is smooth, almost melted wax like in consistency.
Now I like to add my flavours... Have fun with this!!!
I add 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon essential oil and 1/4 cup of mixed oats and bran for my cinnamon oat bars. (I also love adding lemon rind and lemon essential oil for an odour busting bar. These bars are perfect to use after handling garlic and onions)...
Once you're happy with the consistency of your mixture it's time to pour it into a mould.
I have an old aluminium ice tray that I use for my soap, it measures 6cm x 22cm and is about 5cm deep. Any container of similar size will do (plastic, glass, aluminium, etc), just make sure you grease it well with olive oil.
Allow the soap to set for at least 2 hours and then turn it out onto a chopping board and slice into 1.5cm wedges. I now like to cure my soap by sitting it on a wire rack for at least 24hours.
From each batch of soap I usually get about a dozen bars which lasts my family of 4 for 3 months, minimum... At a cost of approximately $2.50 a batch this really is a much more economical way to clean your family, don't you think???