We have about 12 wild bee hives on our farm and DH has been watching this one in particular for the past couple of months, waiting anxiously for the perfect moment to poach a little honey from it.... When DH said this morning that today was the day, I was nervously excited!!!!! Thankfully he had done his research and knew exactly what to do. Smoke makes bees gorge on their honey leaving them feeling euphoric, mesmerised enough for us to grab ourselves just a little of their golden goodness....
With a steady stream of smoke hovering over their hive it only took a couple of minutes
and our bees were revealing their bounty of golden goodness.... So we broke off just enough honey to suffice, not being too greedy as we might come back here for some more one-day...
WOW!!!!! Look at this golden stuff....
As pure as pure can be, liquid GOLD!!!!
I just had to have a taste...
But a lick wasn't enough..... ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!!!!!
And even after all of this sucking with just a little squeeze, look at what came dripping out....
So with my honey haul in hand we headed back to the homestead for a bit of extracting....Now I've never done this before but thanks to my handy 'salad spinner' I was able to extract 250ml from my haul and it only took just under an hour....
I even added the tiniest bit of honey comb to the top, just because... *wink*
Have you ever harvested wild honey before??? I can't explain just how incredibly rewarding it is and am so looking forward to our next harvest in a month or so...
Honey carrots are definitely on the cards to accompany dinner tonight.... :)