Showing posts with label Zyuranger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zyuranger. Show all posts

Monday, 27 January 2014

S.H.Figuarts Tiger Ranger Offcially Revealed!

Finally the last ranger for Zyuranger is ready to be preorder by you. He will be included with 2 daggers, though some say that the body does look a bit feminine. Will be release in July, 2014 and will cost 3,780 Yen. Lucky for the the US they will receive female body treatment for the figure.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Kyoryuger VS Go-Busters Magazine Scans Reveal Abaranger & Zyuranger


 Several new images of the upcoming special "Kyoryuger VS Go-Busters" have given us a close look at the villains behind this explosion of saurian Sentais!

The Kyoryugers are confronted by Space WarGod "Boldos" who is able to resurrect several fallen villains as "Neo Enemies." Among the returning foes are Grifforzer (Goldar to US audiences), Gailton (known as Zeltrax to DinoThunder fans) and several Golems (perhaps better recognized as the "Putty Patrollers" in certain circles)

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Legacy Dragonzord & Dragon Dagger Release Date Set

If you remember back during NYCC, they preview the Super Megaforce toys along side with some fantastic classic Legacy Dragonzord & Dragon Dagger. Now both of them are up for pre-order!

Saturday, 21 September 2013

S.H.Figuarts MMPR Armored Red Ranger Box Revealed!

Following the revealed box for S.H.Figuarts MMPR White Ranger, Is the Armored Red Ranger!. The Armored Red Ranger will be on sale at NYCC before being made available through other U.S. retailers and as a Tamashii web exclusive over in Japan.

Figure-Oh Issue No.188 Magazine Scans

Bandai January, 2014 on sale: Robot Soul Hi Nu-Gundam 5,500 Yen. Robot Soul Sinaju (Animation Edition) 5,500. 12 "PM TIGER & BUNNY - Barnaby Brooks Jr. 27,000 Yen

S.H Figuarts Kamen Rider Garren & Motorcycle Red Rhombus Set 8,400 Yen  (Both in a Set)
Garren Only: 2,940
Red Rhombus: 6,950 Yen

BANDAI January, 2014 on sale: Saint Seiya Myth Cloth Saint Seiya Ω Bronze Orion Eden
BANDAI January, 2014 on sale: St. Cloth Myth Andromeda Shun God Cloth (10th Anniversary Edition) 7,500 Yen

SH Figuarts- Goku 3,990 Yen SH Figuarts- Mammoth Ranger  3,675 YenSH Figuarts- Kyoryu Gold 3,990 Yen
SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Psyga 4,200 Yen

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Reiko Chiba says "Burai" Returning for Zyuranger Special

The developments continue to build regarding exactly what the Zyurangers (the Sentai series that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers used the footage from) have coming up that actress Reiko Chiba, who played the Pink Pteraranger, revealed on Twitter!

Originally revealed a month ago that she and the other actors from Zyuranger had been contacted by TOEI, Rekio Chiba has all but confirmed that it is Kyoryuger related via twitter.

Dukemon22 has already reported that there is a Zyuranger/Kyoryuger "meet-up" in the works planned for the end of the series.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Possible Zyuranger Cameo in Kyoryuger?

According to  Dukemon22, Reiko Chibas twitter post last month about a possible new Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger project actually refers to upcoming cameos by the core 5 Zyuranger actors in December episodes of Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger!! 

Sunday, 23 June 2013

S.H.Figuarts Armored Tyrano Ranger Announced!

 Fans of Zyuranger & MMPR Rejoice, A coming soon figure is The Red Ranger in Dragon Armor/Shiled. The figure will be include with Another Sword and also another Dragon Dagger.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

S.H.Figuarts Pteraranger Revealed!

Joining in the S.H.Figuarts Zyuranger series is Pteraranger A.K.A, MMPR Pink Ranger. She will be include with a changeable hand, her gun and bow & arrow. Like every female ranger, this figure is probally going to be exclusive. She will be release on October, 2013.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Kyoryu Violet Teaser


Revealed earlier was the "Violent Hero" KyoryuGrey  partner to Zyudenryu #8 Bunpachy.
 The 9th Brave Warrior is apparently "Kyoryu Violet," partnered with Zyudenryu #9 Pleson due for release later this summer.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Additional Kyoryuger Confirmed as Bunpachy's Partner!


 This June will see the debut of Zyudenryu Bunpachy. By combining with Gabutyra and Ankydon Kyoryuzin Kung Fu is formed! And just as has been long speculated it looks like this info confirms that the 10 Guardians from Kyoryuger will all have partner rangers!

Monday, 8 April 2013

Akibaranger Season 2 Reveals New Super Sentai Figuarts


 The exciting premiere of Akibaranger Season 2 has given us a close look at some more upcoming Super Sentai SH Figuarts! 

First up are the remaining members of Zyuranger and Jetman, followed by the introduction of Dairanger and Hurricane Red!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

S.H.Figuarts Dragon Ranger Revealed!

The official Bluefin Tamashii Faceebook Page has just posted up official images for S.H. Figuarts Dragon Ranger or as he'll be known by his US release, the original Mighty Morphin' Green Ranger!

Dragon Ranger/Green Ranger will come with his trademark Zyusoken/Dragon Dagger as well as the Hellfried Sword/Sword of Darkness.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

S.H.Figuarts Tyranno Ranger Revealed!


 The long awaited, highly anticipated mighty morphin' S.H. Figuarts Red Ranger, AKA S.H. Figuarts Tyranno Ranger has finally been revealed (in color!)!. 

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Power Rangers S.H.Figuarts to be on display at New York Comic-Con


 As we draw closer to both the New York Comic Con and the 20th anniversary of the Power Rangers franchise, there have been more and more merchandise reveals. Bandai distributor Bluefin has planned for NYCC.

Hello everyone, we are 10 days away from New York Comic-Con 2012. We will be unveiling the first Power Rangers S.H. Figuarts prototype at the show among the other new products from the other Tamashii lines. There will also be surveys at this con to provide Tamashii Nations with feedback for what to investigate for future Power Rangers merchandise. 

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Pop! Television Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vinyl Figures

Toy Company Funko have revealed that they will be releasing a collection of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers vinyl figures in their Pop! Television line. With the announcement came pictures of the Red, White and Pink rangers, but it is unknown whether the remaining four rangers will also be released.