Showing posts with label Nintendo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nintendo. Show all posts

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

New Super Smash Bros. Trailer Reveals Frogadier!

Many of you are waiting for this moment, and chances are getting HYPE!.A new challenger from the shadows is coming to the arena and spotted in the trailer are Mega Evolution of Lucario & Charizard X. The game will be arriving to your Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Wii U~

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Pokemon: New Information on Diancie, Hoopa, & Volcanion

 The Pokemon that were reve last time are Diancie, Hoopa, & Volcanion. The following is some information about X and Y that we've known for a while, specifically pertaining to its hidden Legendary Pokemon.

  • Diancie is Rock/Fairy, 2'04", 19.4 lbs. #151. It is known as the Jewel Pokemon. "It can instantly create many diamonds by compressing the carbon in the air between its hands."
  • Diancie's signature move is Diamond Storm, a physical Rock-type attack. A bunch of diamonds are created and thrown at the enemy. "The user whips up a storm of diamonds to damage opposing Pokemon. This may also raise the user's Defense stat." It has 100 power and 95% accuracy. Diancie can also learn Moonblast, Safeguard, and Light Screen.
  • Diancie is not related to Carbink on its Pokedex evolution page. However it could be a Manaphy/Phione situation. Or maybe the diamonds it throws turn into Carbink after a couple million years? :p
  • At Level 100 with no EV training, Diancie's stats can be 222/236/300/236/344/135.

Pokemon Bank New Trailer


 It'll be a wonderful day when Game Freak's application for storing Pokémon online, Pokémon Bank, is finally available. Thankfully, the wait isn't too much longer -- the launch of the Bank and the Poké

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Square Enix Announces Jump Festa 2014 lineup


Square Enix has announced its lineup and opened its official website for Jump Festa 2014, which runs from December 21 to 22. (Same day as Comic Fiesta)

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Kamen Rider Travelers Senki New Screenshot With Gaim Wizard Arms

Dengeki Hobby has posted some new screenshots for "Kamen Rider Travelers Senki". The screenshots shows that Kamen Rider Gaim Wizard Arms will be playableand and some rider action with familiar places and arc. The game will be release in Japan on November 28, 2013.
Checkout the video below:

Monday, 25 November 2013

Disney Infinity Brings 3 New Movies for Character Figures

Fellow Disney Infinity players, it's time to get poor again! On November 22nd, Disney released the Wreck-It Ralph figure at Walmart, and the Rapunzel figure at Best Buy; both for US$12.99. On November 24th, at Target, Vanellope will be available as well for US$12.99. 

All of these will run as retailer exclusives from November 24th through December 31st. The Frozen Toy Box Pack will include Anna and Elsa figures, as well as the two Power Discs, for US$29.99 and will be released nationally on November 26th.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Second Largest Pokémon Center Opened !

Pokémon-mania continues, opening a new Pokémon Centre in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture’s Mitsui Lalaport Shopping Park. Called “Pokémon Centre Tokyo Bay” it opened yesterday, but media and select people got a sneak peek in early.  4Gamer have provided a large number of photographs of the place.

You can check some of the photos out below, including the special Eevee section you can see above which sees the limited edition Eevee 3DS XL from some time ago. As part of its opening, there’s a limited edition shopping bag if you pick out goods like the zounds of Pikachu’s and a jumbo card in the bag as well.

The shop is apparently the second largest Pokémonstore after the one in Osaka and has Inkay as one of its main mascots since the store’s pretty close to the ocean. More images are available over at the 4Gamer report, linked to above.

After the event releases of Pokemon X & Pokemon Y Pokémon-mania continues, opening a new Pokémon Centre in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture's Mitsui Lalaport Shopping Park. Called "Pokémon Centre Tokyo Bay" it opened yesterday, but media and select people got a sneak peek in early. 4Gamer have provided a large number of photographs of the place.
At the special Eevee section as you can see above which sees the limited edition Eevee 3DS XL from some time ago. As part of its opening, there's a limited edition shopping bag if you pick out goods like the sounds of Pikachu's and a jumbo card in the bag as well.

The shop is apparently the second largest Pokémonstore after the one in Osaka and has Inkay as one of its main mascots since the store's pretty close to the ocean.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Nintendo 3DS LL Limited Pack Revealed !

Nintendo has revealed 2 new colours for the Nintendo 3DS LL which will be release as a "Limited Pack". The 3DS will come with two different colours mainly Orange x Black and Turquoise x Black. Also a AC adapter and a 3DS LL pouch. Unlike the regular limited edition, The button and stylus follows the colour of the 3DS giving it more an exclusive look. 

Kirby: Triple Deluxe Japanese Release Date Set

The teaser that we saw early last month was certainly making some of us pumped up for the new upcoming Kirby game and now the release date has been announced. The game will be titled "Kirby: Triple Deluxe" and it will launch in Japan January 11, 2014 for 4,800 Yen.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Shin Chan Action RPG Coming To 3DS In April

 Namco Bandai has a new Shin Chan game and Shin Chan:.! The Storm Called The Kasukabe Boys Film Star If you recognized the title as the name of a Shin Chan movie you're right The Nintendo 3DS game has players shoot famous scenes from 21 different Shin Chan films.

Monday, 4 November 2013

"Kamen Rider Travelers Senki" New Promotion Video

The new promo shows the variety Action to action pack adventure. Travel to town and city with your favorite Rider, Ride Wizard's Dragon and smash foes like never before. The promo also shows the Strawbery arms in action.

Friday, 25 October 2013

"Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON’T KNOW!" Collector's Edition Announce!

As reported earlier Adventure Time is getting a new game But to make it more interesting, WayFoward Technologies has announce a Collectors Edition exclusively for Nintedo 3DS!. 

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Power Rangers Megaforce 3DS Game to Feature Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Power Rangers Megaforce will battle Vrak and the Loogies on your Nintendo 3DS!. To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Power Rangers, the game will feature unlockable skins for the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! and Also an Exclusive Trading Card!

Friday, 4 October 2013

Pokemon X & Y: Swirlix and Spritzee’s Fairy Evolutions Revealed

Girl's magazine Ciao has revealed two new evolutions: Peroriimu (Slurpuff), the evolution of Swirlix known as the Whip Cream Pokemon, and Furefuwan(Aromatisse), the evolution of Spritzee known as the Perfume Pokemon. Both Pokemon are pure Fairy-types like their pre-evolutions.

Pokemon X & Pokemon Y Intro With Professor Scymore

The Japanese Pokémon YouTube channel recently shared a pair of videos featuring Pokémon X andY's opening. The brief clips show the process of choosing between male and female trainers at the start of the game, and selecting the base customization of each. 

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Pokemon X & Y: Mega Charizard X Revealed!

During todays special airing of Pokémon Origins within Japan, a new Mega Evolution was showcased. This is an alternate Mega Evolution of Charizard. 

This Mega Charizard is exclusive to Pokémon X and is called Mega Charizard X. 
It is also to be a Fire/Dragon-type Pokémon with the new ability of Tough Claws which improves the power of Physical contact attacks. Its Attack stat is increased.

Checkout the video below:

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

New Kirby Game for Nintendo 3DS in 2014

Yo yo yo~ What's Up, What's Up, Kirby is in the Hoooouuuuusssee~!. After a long disappearence Kirby is now back with a brand new game!. It was announce during a Nintendo Direct and it will be develop for the Nintendo 3DS!

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Pokemon X & Y O Event + Shiny Giratina Event

The official site has updated and has announced that, across Japan, various O Powers are to be distributed to players at special events. These O Powers are at Level 2, making them more powerful and make them last long. 

First is HP Recovery Power which increases the amount you heal by 50%. 
Next is PP Recovery Power which increases the amount of PP recovered. Finally, there is Prize Money Power which increases the amount of money won in battles. These distributions run in Pokémon Centers across Japan from October 12th to Mid-November as well Aeon Malls across Japan from October 12th to October 14th.

And For those of you in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, the special Pokémon X & Y 3DS XL models are out today. These models are specially marked with a Xerneas and Yveltal print and cost £179.99/€199.99/$199.99 in the region. they don't come with anything preloaded but are perfect in preparation for Pokémon X & Y in two weeks

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Blacker & Whiter 3DS In October

Replacing the old Ice White and Cosmo Black, Japan is getting two "new" 3DS colors on October 10, Pure White and Clear Black. The units will retail for 15,000 yen (~$152), Cooler loking color for a change.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Pokemon X & Y: Evolutions Aurorus and Tyrantrum Revealed!

The images of a new Pokémon have been revealed, This Pokémon is said to be the evolution of Amaura and is called aurorus , Also revealed another new Pokémon called Tyrantrum an evolve form of Tyrunt.

 Tyrantrum keeps its Rock/Dragon-type and the ability of Strong Jaw. It also has the move Head Smash. It reigned over 100 million years ago as king. It's biggest weapon is its jaw that can tear through an iron plate as if it was paper. Aurorus' move, Freeze Dry, is confirmed to be super effective on Water-type Pokémon.