Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Voltron License Returns To Toynami + 24″ Jumbo Voltron

What’s old is new again as Toynami has announced the return of Voltron: Defender of the Universe to their stable of licenses. In announcing the new license, they also reveal that they will be producing their own 24″ Jumbo Voltron as well as a highly detailed transformable die-cast metal Voltron. Here’s their statement on the acquisition:

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

2014 Sentai Name Confirmed: Ressha Sentai Tokkyuger!


With Kyoryuger ending in a few months time, The new Super Sentai for 2014 has been announced!. This time it will be called Ressha Sentai Tokkyuger,

Sunday, 15 September 2013

The TMNT 2014 Movie So Far...

Apparently there is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie coming in August 2014. 

The filming has started and there are much set photos leaking in google. One of which I find interesting is that the actor really dress up with CGI tracking costume and have to add some grid on their face so their acting on expression will be animating the CGI face of the Turtle itself.

 One consolation for TMNT fans is the Turtle vehicle in this movie.

There isn't any release on the CGI looks of any of the Turtles...yet...

Source: G4TV via Open The Toy

Monday, 8 April 2013

Kyoryuger Rumors: Bakuretsu Kyoryuzin, Spinodaioh, Carnival?


 It's that time once again! New toy catalogues for Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger will be out later this month, and with the reveals in them looming we have a few advance rumors of what we'll see.

- #9 Pleson will be a violet & white plesiosaur partnered with Kyoryu Violet and will have 3 modes. Plesiosaur, boat/sub, and a robot mode named PlesOh. When Pleson combines with Gabutyra and Bunpachy Bakuretsu Kyoryuzin is formed!

- The rumored Kyoryuger summer film will feature a brand new Zyudenryu, #0 Tobaspino, a blue & yellow spinosaur. Tobaspino can combine with Bunpachy and Ankydon to form SpinoDaioh! It's rumored that Tobaspino will be a repaint/remold of Gabutyra!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger Season 2 Event News Roundup

It’s been roughly 9 months since season one. Akagi is back to his old habits, spending his days working as deliveryman with no joy. One day he walks past a shop specializing in Sentai toys. He enters and sees that the MMZ-01 is being sold as an official toy called the DX AkibaLaser! Did the Akibarangers turn into official heroes without knowing it themselves? What could this possibly mean? Could something have happened to the real official heroes!?

Meanwhile, Luna Iwashimizu, a schoolgirl who hopes to become an idol has been appointed as the new Akiba Blue, as Mitsuki has left to pursue her martial arts training. Yumeria returns as Akiba Yellow, but no longer works as a business woman.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Kamen Rider Wizard’s Magical Rings and Animals!


 Kamen Rider Wizard’s uses magical rings to fight with various types of magic. These magical rings, Wizard Rings, are also able to summon mystical animals.
With the WizarSwordGun, Wizard perform two special attacks in its two different modes. Shooting Strike, in the gun mode Wizard is able to fireballs at a super speed, and Slash Strike. The effect on Slash Strike is different depending on Wizard’s current style.
 In Water Style, water forms around the sword and he’s able to control the water.
While in Hurricane Style, a layer of wind surrounds the sword and Wizard is able to slash with the wind.
If Wizard uses the Defense Ring, a shielding wall will appear. However, if Wizard is in the Land Style, the wall will be made from the earth. The Liquid Ring lets Wizard turn into water if he’s in the Water Style.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Otona Fami HEROES Launches


 Known for their entertainment website and magazine, Otona Fami is launching a new guide book specifically targeted at older fans of tokusatsu. So what’s inside? Find out after the jump.
This magazine actually broke the news that Seiji Takaiwa would be the suit actor for Kamen Rider Wizard. Otona Fami Heroes – Kamen Rider and Super Sentai – Official Guide is the title of the magazine and if you’re looking to buy this bad boy, it goes on sale September 2nd.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Code Geass: Akito Of The Exiled Characters & Mecha Revealed

The latest update on Code Geass: Akito of the Exiled has revealed that Yoko Hikasa (K-on!'s Mio Akiyama, Working!!'s Izumi Takanash)i, Satoshi Hino (Bakuman's Akito Takagi, Familiar of Zero's Saito Hiraga, Gintama's Kamui, Naruto Shippuden's Sai) , Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Heaven's Memo Pad's Narumi Fujishima) have been added to the four episode OVA's cast.

The first episode hits Japan August 4th, with the other three following seasonally.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Customised Designs Breathes New Life into QR Codes


QR codes were first created in Japan where users can use their smartphones to scan the code and obtain product detail. However, the bland black-and-white design made it difficult to attract consumers’ attention until now.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Moe Rice 2nd Design Announced


The manufacturers promised to change the illustrations every three months, and now they have announced the next series of illustrations that is drawn by Ginta from Chuablesoft. The one on the left is the first design, and the one on the right is the upcoming second design.

BLOOD-C The Last Dark Movie Web Trailer


The movie was earlier announced during the final episode of the anime series BLOOD-C, and the story will take place in Tokyo one year after the television series. Folks who are not residing in Japan will still get a chance to watch the movie, because it will be streamed with English subtitles via NicoNico Douga after it is released in theatres.

2012-2013 Kamen Rider Is a Painter?!


Previously, a rumor regarding 2012-2013's Kamen Rider uses a tablet & smartphone as a henshin device, leading fans to think it as a re-make of Faiz. Recently, new rumors surfaced where the Kamen Rider involves "magic" and "art".

Despite being unconfirmed, there might be something that includes the final product of the said Kamen Rider.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Newest Vocaloid PVs for THE VOC@LOiD M@STER 20

 THE VOC@LOiD M@STER is one of the biggest amateur Vocaloid only events in Japan. The monumental 20th event will be held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, as part of the mega festival "Nico Nico Cho Kaigi", on April 28 and 29.

Monday, 9 April 2012

"PreCure" is Most Tweeted Anime Word for 2 Consecutive Months


The Japanese communications service provider NEC BIGLOBE reported their monthly research for the major topics in the Japanese Twitter on April 6. Following the last month, "PreCure" was the #10 most Tweeted and #1 hashtagged word in Japan from March 1 to April 1.

Sega Announce New Hatsune Miku Project on 12 April


Sega has confirmed t hat they will be annoucing a new Hatsune Miku project this coming Thursday on 12 April 2012.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Go-BusterBeet, Frog Megazord, and BusterHercules

 With the inevitable debut of the fourth and fifth members of the Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters in the next few months, the latest toy catalogs have revealed their mechas, or in this show's term, Megazords.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Puella Magi Madoka Magica Films to Premiere This Fall


At the stage event for Puella Magi Madoka Magica held earlier today at Anime Contents Expo 2012, the first details of the previously announced three films for the series were revealed. The first two films, recompilations of the events of the TV series, will premiere this fall.

Street Fighter Poducer Yoshinori Ono Temporarily Steps Down


Yoshinori Ono, that always-smiling, endlessly positive Capcom producer, is taking a break from the world of fighting games. Because of health concerns related to overwork, Ono will be temporarily stepping down from his position as producer of the Street Fighter series.