Showing posts with label Cloth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cloth. Show all posts

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Saint Cloth Myth Series: Orion Eden Officially Revealed!

It was reveled earlier in a magazine scan along side with Andromeda Shun and now he is ready to be preorder by you. Orion Eden that is following the series with Pegasus Kouga, He will include with changeable hands removable bandana/crown and his Orion Cloth. 

There was a normal version of him in the S.H.Figuarts line as a protoype (Currently No Further Infrormation). The figure will be release on January, 2014 and it will 7,350 Yen

Saint Seiya 10th Anniversary: Andromeda Shun God Cloth Offically Revealed

Following the aniversary series for Saint Seiya: Saint Myth Cloth is Shun wth his Andromeda God Cloth. The figure will include with changeable hands, face expression and his Nebula Chain. He is schedule to be release on January, 2014 and he will cost around 7,875 Yen.

Monday, 5 August 2013

Saint Seiya 10th Anniversary: Cygnus Hyoga God Cloth Officially Revealed!

 Cygnus Hyoga is the Bronze Saint of Cygnus. One of the main characters in the series, Hyoga appears calm, collected, and unemotional. Beneath the surface, however, he is passionate and devoted to his ideals. He will be release on November, 2013 and he will cost about 7,500 Yen

Monday, 24 June 2013

Saint Seiya 10th Anniversary: Dragon Siryu God Cloth Officially Revealed!

Dragon Shiryu, also known as Shiryu is a bronze saint of Dragon. He is considered the most mature of the five heroes, and thus the wisest. He will be joinning along side Pegasus Seiya God Cloth, and he will be including several changeable hands and an extra changeable face.


Saturday, 1 June 2013

Saint Seiya 10th Anniversary: Pegasus Seiya God Cloth Officially Revealed!


Earlier this month Tamashii made a big announcement about their Saint Cloth Myth 10th anniversary project. They revealed that they would be making new anniversary editions of their main characters. Now Tamashii has officially listed the first 10th anniversary edition figure that will be released, God Cloth Pegasus.

With the last Pegasus figure coming with his New Bronze Cloth, God Cloth Pegasus will come with two interchangeable faces, replacement wrist set, and a robe set. This 10th anniversary edition will be released in September for ¥7,875.


Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Saint Cloth Myth EX 10th Anniversary Figures Revealed!


Last week, Tamashii Nations teased Saint Seiya fans with an announcement that they had a big news. Setting up a special page with just a banner and a video, all that was said was that the Saint Cloth Myth 10th Anniversary Project had an announcement. Their news would be revealed on May 15 on Ustream at 1:30 Japan Standard Time.

Since the beginning of the Saint Cloth Myth Ex line 7 million Saint Seiya figures have been sold. Since this has been such a success, a special exhibit tour called the World Sanctuary Tour has been planned. The tour will visit 10 different areas in over six months with Saint Seiya figures in toy.


To also celebrate their success, a special item has been made for the occasion. A PURE gold figure of Sagittarius in armor has been made with the help of Tanaka Precious Metals Jewelry Co. Standing at almost 6 inches, this figure is not for sale.
Now for what will be for sale. For their 10th anniversary, a new version of all five of the main Saint Seiya figures will be released with a new version of their God Cloths. Also announced was a new figure that will be added to their line, God Cloth Athena! These anniversary figures will start to be released in September.