Visar inlägg med etikett forever Santa. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett forever Santa. Visa alla inlägg

06 januari 2013

Winner? Winners!

It`s Bellaidea today with a very good news.
We would like to thank you for all beautiful projects you made for our last WAITING FOR SANTA challenge.
Today we have two Winners!

First, let`s see Brises work:

You won our last Winter collection and we would love to invite you as GD !
I hope you will join in?

Another project we all loved was made by Leoni
Congratulations Leoni! I hope you will aslo accept our invitation to GD for Inkido?
Please let us know and send your postal info so we can send you some products to work with:).

Don`t forget abour our new Challenge!
You have to use black and white photo on your projects, it`s all!
We will wait for your projects till end of February.

Visit us on Monday to meet first new member of our INKIDO 2013 DT!

Well, even better, visit us every day this week since we will introduce one new Member every day!

19 december 2012

Christmas wishes and my last 2012 canvas for Inkido

It`s Bellaidea today with my last post this year.
I want to thank all of you for visits, nice comments, participation in my challenges and to all my girls from DT and Inkido Boss , thank you for having me!
My last project this year is made with Christmas collections but is good for all year long.
So if you still have our papers from WAITING FOR SANTA etc you can use them for any project during 2013.

I know many of you are familiar with Inkido papers but please check our flowers. jewels and metal, new stamps are aslo beautiful!

By the way, we are having Inkido DT Call for 2013! It`s so easy to applay, give it a try!

Wishing you all wonderful Christmas
and all the best  in 2013 
with  regards
Agnieszka Bellaidea

05 december 2012

Miracle by Agnieszka Bellaidea

It`s Bellaidea today with new LO and remainder about our WAITING FOR SANTA Challenge.
Let`s start with my new LO.
I created my own palette with different products from Inkido. Burgundy and purple together with a touch of cream for Christmas? Why not!

I aslo wanted to show you today where you can find all those pretty stuff:).
Big selection of Christmas papers - HERE 
Beautiful flowers - HERE 
Tiffany Jewels - HERE 
Lace - HERE 
Christmas stamps -HERE
Vintage Christmas - HERE
I'm sure you will have fun creating with Inkido !
Now it`s your chance to winn Christmas Collection;do you know about our WAITING FOR SANATA Challenge? 

 Tell us some more what is happening in your house when you are waiting for Sanata. Do you cook a lot? Do you decorite your house? Do you have some nice family  traditions in December? Tell us about it, show us your photos and check just before Christmas who won. Remember to have fun!
You still have... 15 days, 8 hr and 44 min to join in...:) HERE

02 december 2012

Santa is coming...

Hello ladies! Its Evgenia Petzer today with you, and its time to share one more christmas card with you. I really love that this year Inkido offers non-traditional christmas colors along with traditional, you can go from one to another. So here I am with a soft retro inspired card.

I took the cap from the bottle, that had for a while at home, covered it with white acrylic paint to give it mpre shabby retro look, and put a flair button inside.
 Used lots of glimmer glam from Tattered Angels here as well it works perfectly for any christmas stuff, adding this wonderful sparkle/

Are you ready for christmas? Looks like I already have enough cards to give/send, this week will go to the post office to send some.

Enjoy your weekednd:)

21 november 2012


It`s Bellaidea today with a new Challenge, I hope you had fun playing with us before and I hope you will join us again.
I know we all are busy at the end of the year so I had an idea for nice and easy challenge. 

                                   WAITING FOR SANTA

 Tell us some more what is happening in your house when you are waiting for Sanata. Do you cook a lot? Do you decorite your house? Do you have some nice family  traditions in December?
Tell us about it, show us your photos and check just before Christmas who won.
Remember to have fun!
You can winn this collection from Inkido ;
and if you are good we can still add some more , I mean Santa can:)

Scrap X-mas Greetings (25)

    1. You are allowed to make a card , layout or altered/off the page project as long as you follow the  challenge       specifications.

 2.   Projects must be linked up via our Linky using the URL of the ACTUAL POST/project  or make a comment under this post with a link to the post on your blog with your project if Mr Link is out of order :)

 3.  You may submit as many entries as you like for this  challenge and combine your entry with up to 2 other challenges.

 4.  It is required that you mention in your blog post that you are playing along at Inkido  TOGETHER with a link back to our blog. 

 5. All entries must be received by end of 20 December 2012.

6.  If you are using Papercraft Scandinavia / Inkido product please let us know what is it.
7. Have fun!
 General information;

1.  Inkido  Challenges are open to anyone, 
anywhere in the world.

2.  Our Design Team do their best to comment 
on all entries, you can make their job easier by turning OFF 
your word verification.  Try it and if spam is a problem 
you can always enable comment moderation.

3.  Challenge winner will  be announced within a week
of the challenge closing and winner is then required to
contact Inkido. It`s better to follow us :)

4.  Prize not claimed within 2 weeks of the challenge closing 
will be forfeited.

5.  The Winner will have an image of their project featured in the winner post, together with a link back to the homepage
of their blog and will be awarded a Winner's Badge to post
on their blog - full bragging rights included!

11 oktober 2012


It`s Agnieszka Bellaidea today with a little Helper from Santa.

You may think it`s too early to talk about Christmas but you know there is so many presents to buy, cookies to bake, decorations to make...
So it`s time to order new papers and stamps from Inkido!
Did you see new collections already?
You can make layouts, cards, decorations or canvas like this one I`m showing today.
Remember, you can aslo winn those beautiful collections  in our CHALLENGE !


27 september 2012

Butterflies Challenge and ...Forever Santa collection for you! by Bellaidea

It`s Bellaidea today with a Very Good News!
You know by now I like to create challenges at Papercraft Scandinavia and I have a new one for you today!
It`s all about ...butterflies.

On my layout I used cuttouts from our beautiful Inkido papers but you can use chipboards, stamps, you can even paint them or use a photo with butterflies.
You think you will play?

As always there are a few basic rules to follow:-

 1. You are allowed to make a card , layout or altered/off the page project as long as you follow the challenge specifications.
 2.   Projects must be linked up in your comment under THIS post using the URL of the ACTUAL POST not your entire blog.

 3.  You may submit as many entries as you like for this  challenge and combine your entry with up to 2 other challenges.

 4.  It is required that you mention in your blog post that you are playing along at Inkido  TOGETHER with a link back to our blog. 

 5. All entries must be received by end of October 2012.

6.  If you are using Papercraft Scandinavia / Inkido product please let us know what is it.
7. Have fun!
 General information;

1.  Inkido  Challenges are open to anyone, 
anywhere in the world.

2.  Our Design Team do their best to comment 
on all entries, you can make their job easier by turning OFF 
your word verification.  Try it and if spam is a problem 
you can always enable comment moderation.

3.  Challenge winner will  be announced within a week
of the challenge closing and winner is then required to
contact Inkido. It`s better to follow us :)

4.  Prize not claimed within 2 weeks of the challenge closing 
will be forfeited.

5.  The Winner will have an image of their project featured in the winner post, together with a link back to the homepage
of their blog and will be awarded a Winner's Badge to post
on their blog - full bragging rights included!

 Now it`s time to see what you can winn:)
Beautiful Forever Santa collection , you can see more HERE
 and for our Random Winner we also have something.
Coming Home For Christmas collection, you can see it all HERE

I also think you should know  we  have lots of nice stamps HERE, more Christmas papers HERE  
annd lots of ...jewels 

24 september 2012

Christmas card by folding

This card is made by folding and you can find a guide here.

Papers: Forever Santa-Winter Sky
Picture of angel is `Coming home for Christmas-Angels`-series.
Text- Inkido.
Snowflakes and spruce are decorated with Diamond-Dust.

I`m wishing you a wonderful week:) 

10 september 2012

Gift Bag

My Dt-work in this week is christmas-related gift bag. 
It is very nice to decorate bags and you can utilize even small piece of paper.

These beautiful papers are Inkidos previous produktion, Forever Santa.
The stamp and decorations you can find  Paper Ccraft Skandinavia.

Thanks for visit and have a nice Week!! 

13 augusti 2012

First Christmascard

This is my first christmascard in this year.

 Allthough it is still summer.
Designing of christmascards is good to begin early because
its allways becomes hurry at least to me.

These beautiful papers are Inkidos previous produktion, Forever Santa.
The stamp, ribbon and flower you can find  Paper Ccraft Skandinavia.

Thanks for visit and have a nice Week!! 

06 augusti 2012

Christmas Tags

Nu startar jag med julinspirationen! Här har jag gjort några paketlappar till julklapparna, med de underbara vintagebilderna från serien Santas.

Now I will start with the Christmas inspiration! Here have I made some tags for the Christmas gifts, with the lovely vintage pictures from the Santa´s serie.

Här är baksidan på etiketterna, stämplade med Inkidos vackra stämplar!

Here is the back side of the tags, stamped with the lovely Inkido stamps!

Den nya To & From-stämpeln har jag använt dels som den är, och dels med ramen bortmaskad...

The new To & From Tag stamp have I used as it is, and with the frame masked away...  

Hälsningar från Lisa

Greetings from Lisa

03 augusti 2012

More Christmas........

Jag (Birgitta) gillar att räkna och göra askar så här kommer en liten väska tänkt till jul present, 
botten är 9 x 9 och höjden ca 20 cm.

I (Birgitta) likes to count and make boxes so here's a small bag meant for Christmas gift;
the base is 9 x 9 and height about 20 cm.

I den lilla lådan under kan man ju lägga lite små läckerbitar och inuti väska lite större läckerbitar.

 Valde att bara ha ficka på ena sidan, för jag tycker att denna tomten är så fin så honom ville jag ha som dekoration på den ena sidan.

Gjorde även en enkel tag att sätta i fickan.

och baksidan på tagen.

Have a nice day, Birgitta........

16 juli 2012

Confirmation card

This brown-coloured vintage-card is suitable for forexample confirmation girl this summer.

Paper: Inkido- Forever Collection no: 1 and Forever Santa.
  All decorations:  Paper Craft Skandinavia 

Thanks for visit and have a nice Week!! 


23 januari 2012

Wherever You Go

I just LOVE the memory sized pre-cut cards that manufactures by Inkido. Here is a card made with the winter collection, but is is absolutely not a winter card!

All the material for this card is from Inkido.

Greetings from Lisa

09 januari 2012

Thank You Card

Here is one of Inkido´s pre-cut envelopes, which I have decorated by making a cover that can be sliding of to open the envelope.

The cute vintagepicture is from Ladybug and Friend. Pearlstrings are from Kort og Godt. The paper, stamp, flowers, pearls and heartpins is from Inkido.

Greetings from Lisa

18 december 2011


Har vikt en enkel adventsstjärna med papper från Forever Santa,
virat pärltråd runt och så var det klart!

En härlig 4:e advent till er alla!
Kram Lise-Lotte