
Internet muse.
Daring, bold, never sold. My daily weblog of politics, humor, philosophy...and a constant and nagging reminder of the existence of universal love....
Thursday, August 26, 2004
McCain's looking mighty hypocritical
"527s - I think these ought to be outlawed. I think they should have been outlawed a year ago. We have billionaires writing checks, large checks, to influence the outcome of the election."
--President G.W. Bush 8-26-04
"What an impressive crowd: the haves, and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite, I call you my base."
--President G. W. Bush at a fundraising event, as seen in "Fahrenheit 9/11"
"He has condemned the 527's, which I'm pleased that he did. I'd like to see him go further....
I must and have put anything disagreeable concerning the 2000 campaign behind me. Americans don't like a sore loser."
--Sen John McCain 8-25-04
The Kerry campaign has yanked this ad per John McCain's wishes.
What has the Kerry campaign gotten in return?
Not much.
McCain says he thinks Bush has gone far enough in condemning the Swift Boat ad accusations.
I don't think Bush has gone far enough. All Bush has done is to blame 527s entirely (rather than denounce the liars who support and work with his campaign).
The White House has announced that Bush will join forces with McCain in a legal action to "crack down" on political ads aired by the 527s because of a section of the tax code that covers them. If the court action doesn't work, Bush would be willing to cram his plan to gag our free speech down our throats by pursuing legislative bully-action with McCain.
None of us should stand for this.
I'm respecting McCain less and less these days. We know what the Bush campaign did to him in 2000. He condemned the Swift Boat liars, and then gave Bush a free pass when Bush stubbornly refused to firmly denounce the ads himself.
Worse yet, he fully supports Bush's reelection and will assist the President in gagging our free speech.
Howard Dean's internet-based fund-raising campaign showed the GOP that Progressives could learn how to play the same fund-raising game better than the GOP themselves had ever learned. Suddenly, Conservatives become the imitators who lag behind. Little voices, yours and mine, have found their way to a large audience. We've discovered how we can work together. Dean's campaign awakened and inspired enough of us to take part by making our small contributions. We've learned how we would be able to opt out of the system-- because the system was broken.
The power must remain in the hands of the American people. Only the American people have the power to honestly change this broken political system. It is every citizen's duty to ensure our new-found power is not crushed by the likes of G.W.Bush and John McCain.
Swift boat smear: Why would you believe it?
On the face of everything that has ever made common sense to you, why would you choose to believe this group of political thugs?
"...many of the veterans now accusing Kerry of being more of a poltroon than Barney Fife were supporters of the candidate, some as recently as a year ago....Hustings thugs created a blatant special interest group that exploits Vietnam veterans who served with distinction, and who may well have a fair beef with Kerry over his antiwar activities, simply to advance the political career of a candidate who used the war himself as little more than a glorified dental plan.."
--Daniel Ruth
"George Bush has two silver dental fillings in his teeth to show what he did during the Vietnam War. John Kerry has a Silver Star, a Bronze Star and three Purple Hearts. You wouldn't want to be there for four hours or four minutes. John Kerry went above and beyond the call of duty, sticking his nose into enemy fire. Not everybody liked that because some were just intent on survival. But until recently, nobody ever said he did not serve honorably. John Kerry should not be alive today," He was aggressive -- more aggressive than the rest of us. That was his nature, and everybody who was there knows it."
--Rich Baker, former Navy lieutenant and Swift boat commander in Vietnam
Your comments would be appreciated.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Tell me lies about Vietnam
Adrian Mitchell
Listening to all the Bush-supporting Swift Boat veteran's lies-- hearing these men attempt to erase settlesd (unsettling) history--- I am reminded of a poem by Adrian Mitchell...
I was run over by the truth one day.
Ever since the accident I've walked this way
So stick my legs in plaster
Tell me lies about Vietnam.
Heard the alarm clock screaming with pain,
Couldn't find myself so I went back to sleep again
So fill my ears with silver
Stick my legs in plaster
Tell me lies about Vietnam.
Every time I shut my eyes all I see is flames
Made a marble phone book and I carved all the names
So coat my eyes with butter
Fill my ears with silver
Stick my legs in plaster
Tell me lies about Vietnam.
I smell something burning, hope it's just my brains.
They're only dropping peppermints and daisy-chains
So stuff my nose with garlic
Coat my eyes with butter
Fill my ears with silver
Stick my legs in plaster
Tell me lies about Vietnam.
Where were you at the time of the crime?
Down by the Cenotaph* drinking slime
So chain my tongue with whisky
Stuff my nose with garlic
Coat my eyes with butter
Fill my ears with silver
Stick my legs in plaster
Tell me lies about Vietnam.
You put your bombers in, you put your conscience out,
You take the human being and you twist it all about
So scrub my skin with women,
Chain my tongue with whisky
Stuff my nose with garlic
Coat my eyes with butter
Fill my ears with silver
Stick my legs in plaster
Tell me lies about Vietnam
*Cenotaph - war memorial in London
First read out in Trafalgar Square in 1964. Read again Saturday 13 October 2001 at the Anti-War demonstration in London.
Bushites run on nothing but negativity
Poor things. It's really all they've got
Tucker Carlson was on CNN today saying that Kerry has no message.
This is all the Bushites have to run on, my friends.
Sheer negativity.
They can claim no positive American progress of their own.
There is no badge of honor for them to wear so instead they create, in their own fantasy world, a banner of shame to try to place on Senator Kerry's chest.
The funny thing is, every time Paul Begala tried to talk about the past four years, Tucker Carlson would loudly whine over Begala's points.
The past four years will bring Bush down in November, no matter how much his campaign tries to change the subject.
That's precisely what "Anybody But Bush" is all about.
It's a steamroller of a movement.
I'm sure John Kerry won't mind a bit when "Anybody but Bush" translates to "President Kerry" on November 3rd.
Eliminating 527s would limit free speech
No wonder the Bush team wants to do away with them. Bushites aim to limit public opinion just like they screen Bush rally attendees.
Marc Racicot was seen today on CNN with Judy Woodruff saying it's a "complete fabrication" that there is any connection between the Bush campaign and the Swift Boat ads. He takes a lot of Americans for complete idiots, I guess.
Racicot casts the red herring--appealing to the Kerry campaign to denounce all 527 ads---to do away with them altogether.
Once again, we see the Bushites stepping on the toes of citizen's 1st Amendment protections for their own selfish political relief.
They want to hide from 527-attacks on Bush's actual record, which is the very dismal thing they wish to keep out of the public eye in this campaign.
Supporting 527s would expose the cracks in his terrible record and his flimsy logic.
Eliminating 527s would gag U.S. citizens.
What is more important to Bush?
Hiding the record or protecting citizens' rights?
I don't have to tell you.
You're no dummy.
You already know the answer.
Using near-psychotic control-tactics on the American public in the name of politics, the Bush campaign is holding the further spreading of complete slander over Senator Kerry's head unless he agrees to get in bed with them on the idea of eliminating the free speech that the 527-option provides.
Bush wants to limit the great American discussion.
This is evil, my friends...pure and simple.
Kerry to Bush: Time to Take Charge
John Kerry believed Donald Rumsfeld should have resigned from his position long ago.
From what we can glean from Kerry's latest comments, he wonders when the hell Bush will take charge as an intelligently decisive Commander-in-Chief.
(They aren't Kerry's words, but it isn't hard to get his stately drift).
U. S. soldiers in the lower ranks have been scapegoated in the Abu Ghraib scandal and the public knows it.
Kerry recommends a chartered Congressional demand for an Independent Commisssion because of the simple fact that accountability for Abu Ghraib runs through the civilian command, and it is absolutely left out of the Schlesinger and Maj. Gen. George Fay reports.
Bush's campaign spokesman says Kerry will say anything that's politically advantageous.
While that may be a natural consequnce of a political campaign, no one could argue (unless they were politically defensive), that Senator Kerry is making sense.
Bush Attorney Benjamin Ginsberg Resigns Too Late
We already know what he's done, in cahoots with the Bushites.
He joins retired Air Force Col. Ken Cordier in the Bush campaign's Hall of Shame.
Another Bush connection confirmed.
How very ugly.
It's too late for the resignation to mean anything at all.
He may as well have stayed because anyone who believes the Bushites were unaware would have to be an imbecile.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Swift Boat Vendetta-The Real Reason
The right-wing mouth machine got through to their parrot Matt Drudge and we ascertain a glimpse of truth about the reason for the bitter Swift Boat lie-attacks facilitated and given a free ride by the Bushites and the malleable ("we have to present two sides of a story regardless of ethics") press:
KERRY: "Why are all these swift boat guys opposed to me?"
BRANT: "You should know what you said when you came back, the impact it had on the young sailors and how it was disrespectful of our guys that were killed over there."
Has anyone read Four Hours in My Lai? The My Lai massacre was 'Abu Ghraib on speed'. The book should be required reading for every American who enters a voting booth before judging Kerry based on the dishonest political contortions of John O'Neill and Company. No yellow ribbon or Purple Heart or delusions or Swift Boat liar will ever conceal the truth of the war crimes that took place in Viet Nam.
I spent an entire afternoon just listening to A Viet Nam vet a few years ago. He was a cashier at a dollar store. Business was terribly slow. I was making a purchase and the book I was buying caught his eye. We began to talk and the conversation drifted to war. He began to talk about his own life and his experiences as a young soldier in the Viet Nam war. The memory of a young Vietnamese girl haunted him. She sold trinkets and doodads by the side of the road and the Vet's Army transportation vehicle would pass by the sweet, friendly girl nearly every morning. She would smile brightly and wave and the soldiers in the truck would all wave back. It was their routine. One morning as they passed the spot where they'd normally see the girl and wave, they noticed she wasn't there. As their truck came closer, the horror of seeing that little girl's entrails spilling out into the dusty road had poisoned the Vet's mind forever. She'd been killed for someone's amusement...or perhaps someone's frustration or anger.
Do the Swift Boat Vets wish to conceal the truth of the horrors of the VietNam conflict? The Sixties protests didn't happen for no reason. People knew the truth.
Self-examination is a healthy American value. The green and gangly Lt. John Kerry gave us a healthy dose of it when he returned from the war.
Our souls will wither if we fail to examine our conscience. Casting away inquiry will numb us to the pertinence of civility and law.
Whither goest our souls when memory faileth?
Whither goest thou, America?
My War- A Soldier's Blog
At night here in Mosul, all you can hear the faint barking of loathsome stray dogs coming from the city, and every now and then, all at the same time, this somewhat creepy recording in Arabic is blasted from all these shitty radio shack quality speakers mounted on various mosques scattered randomly throughout Mosul. Its kinda eerie hearing these recordings, which is some guy speaking Arabic, in a monotone voice, versus and parts from the Koran.

It's one of those sounds and you'll experiences here in this country that you will never forget. Every time I hear those recordings being played from those mosque speakers, it completely hits me with the realization that I'm on the other side of the planet far away from home, and that I'm stranger in a really strange land....
This is a great new blog written by a soldier who is serving in Iraq.
What you hear on CNN is not the whole story.
Step into this soldier's boots for a while.
God is not Republican or Democrat
..or a Democrat
People are beginning to talk.
Democratic Underground is talking about it.
The Common Good movement has contributed to it.
...sincere Christians and other people of faith can choose to vote for President Bush or Senator Kerry - for reasons deeply rooted in their faith.
We believe all candidates should be examined by measuring their policies against the complete range of Christian ethics and values.
We will measure the candidates by whether they enhance human life, human dignity, and human rights; whether they strengthen family life and protect children; whether they promote racial reconciliation and support gender equality; whether they serve peace and social justice; and whether they advance the common good rather than only individual, national, and special interests.
Sojourners feels so strongly about it that they've taken out full-page ads.
Freepers are talking about it.
God is not a Republican...or a Democrat.
We believe that poverty - caring for the poor and vulnerable - is a religious issue. Do the candidates' budget and tax policies reward the rich or show compassion for poor families? Do their foreign policies include fair trade and debt cancellation for the poorest countries? (Matthew 25:35-40, Isaiah 10:1-2)
We believe that the environment - caring for God's earth - is a religious issue. Do the candidates' policies protect the creation or serve corporate interests that damage it? (Genesis 2:15, Psalm 24:1)
We believe that war - and our call to be peacemakers - is a religious issue. Do the candidates' policies pursue "wars of choice" or respect international law and cooperation in responding to real global threats? (Matthew 5:9)
We believe that truth-telling is a religious issue. Do the candidates tell the truth in justifying war and in other foreign and domestic policies? (John 8:32)
We believe that human rights - respecting the image of God in every person - is a religious issue. How do the candidates propose to change the attitudes and policies that led to the abuse and torture of Iraqi prisoners? (Genesis 1:27)
We believe that our response to terrorism is a religious issue. Do the candidates adopt the dangerous language of righteous empire in the war on terrorism and confuse the roles of God, church, and nation? Do the candidates see evil only in our enemies but never in our own policies? (Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 8:12-13 )
We believe that a consistent ethic of human life is a religious issue. Do the candidates' positions on abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia, weapons of mass destruction, HIV/AIDS-and other pandemics-and genocide around the world obey the biblical injunction to choose life? (Deuteronomy 30:19)
Catholics are talking about it.
Blogger Chuck Currie's talking about it.
We also admonish both parties and candidates to avoid the exploitation of religion or our congregations for partisan political purposes.
The topic is of great interest to Independent voters.
Now I am talking about it.
Monday, August 23, 2004
When Bush regrets 527s, he regrets freedom
he regrets freedom
Joe Gandelman posted today that President Bush has denounced the Swift Boat Vet ads, but continues to tie that in to a call to do away with 527s (which are, in reality, representative of free speech).
Joe quotes Bush:
" 'That ad and every other ad' run by such groups [527s] have no place in the campaign."If we choose to lean toward freedom, the freedom of 527s must be kept intact.
I do not regret that the Swift Boat Vets have employed the rights and priveleges enveloped by our nation's First Amendment protections.
I do regret dishonorable opportunism when it comes to a politically calculated revision of settled history.
The president also reissued his call for Kerry to echo his statement about such ads.
I would be very upset with John Kerry if he denounced 527s.
I would be pleased to hear Kerry admit that any deliberate and reckless lie is never acceptable in political advertising, especially when it so blatantly dishonors the service of any veteran.
A Commander-in-chief worth an ounce of honor would have denounced the Swift Boat ads "day one".
Talk about your whining politicians, this is the FEC complaint Bush-Cheney made against 527s (against our freedom) last March.
Speaking of dishonorable opportunism, Joe comments, in the same post, that he believes Bob Dole's recent comments are truly reprehensible.
I couldn't help but notice, while Bob Dole made those comments, he did so with his eyes continually cast down to the ground, indicative of a man who may have felt some shame in what he was saying about a fellow citizen who gave honorable service to America.
Shame on Bob Dole.
At Crooked Timber, I caught a discussion about 527s:
Uggabugga links to a list of 527s and asks, “Why does the Bush campaign object to ads that the Oregon Grocery Association might run? What are they doing that is objectionable?”
Sorry to keep harping on this, but it’s pretty incredible that a serious candidate would talk like this. I doubt that five people in a hundred would agree with Bush’s position if it was presented in a cooler-headed context. The right of people to organize and speak out is right at the heart of the First Amendment.
Mr. Bush should realize this is a bipartisan issue and that he isn't fooling those of us (on either side of the ideological fence) who truly respect freedom.
Credentialed RNC Bloggers
RNC Bloggers
Here is list of credentialed bloggers for the Republican National Convention:

Kevin Aylward, WizBang
Dean Esmay, Dean's World
Blogs For Bush
Matt Margolis of Blogs For Bush
Captain Ed, Captain's Quarters and Blogs For Bush
Scott Sala, Slant Point
John H. Hinderaker, Power Line
Karol, Dean's World and Spot On,
Bill, INDC Journal (was a disinvited blogger from DNCC)
Tom Bevan, RealClear Politics
Ben Domenech, Red State
Roger L. Simon
Brian Reich, Campaign Web Review
David Adesnik from OxBlog
Hugh Hewitt
Unofficially blogging:
Travis LaFrance
RNC bloggers more privileged than delegates?
The Bloggers' Invitation (difficult to read)
GOP Convention Media Walk-Through
RNC.org blog
Convention musical entertainment
Includes: Brooks and Dunn, Lee Ann Womack, Third Day, Jaci Velasquez, Darryl Worley, Dexter Freebish, Gracie Rosenberger, Donnie McClurkin, Michael W. Smith, Daniel Rodriquez, Daize Shayne, Ron Silver, the Gatlin Brothers, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Sara Evans and Dana Glover.
Top GOP Convention FAQs:
1. When is the Republican National Convention?
The Official Convention Period runs from Monday, August 30 thru Thursday, September 2, 2004.
2. Where is the Republican National Convention 2004 being held?
Madison Square Garden will be the main site. MSG is located in Manhattan, New York, USA and is bordered by Seventh and Eighth Avenues, 31st and 33rd Streets.
3. What street, subway, LIRR, business, and transportation closings and restrictions are expected?
Traffic, Transportation, closings, restrictions roundup. MTA-LIRR closings, Penn Station entrance closings map. Latest Penn Station closings, Republican Convention street closing map one, this map represents the first days street closings and the less extensive closing conditions that will apply for off hours. Republican Convention street closing map two, this map represents the more extensive street closing rules that will apply when the convention is in session. The Official NYC RNC street closings press release, with full details. Latest press Release For Penn Station, subway, business, pedestrian closings.
4. Who will speak at the RNC 2004? Updated RNC speakers list.
Here is the Official Prime Time list of speakers for the 2004 Republican Convention:
Monday, Aug 30:
Michael Bloomberg, Rudy Guiliani, John McCain
Tuesday, Aug 31:
Laura Bush, Rod Paige, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Wednesday, Sept 1:
Lynne Cheney, Dick Cheney, Zell Miller
Thursday, Sept 2:
George Pataki, George Bush
Others: Senator Bill Frist, Senator Elizabeth Dole, Senator Rick Santorum, Senator Sam Brownback, Rep. Dennis Hastert, Lt. Gov. Michael Steele-MD, Rep. Heather Wilson-MD, Rep. Anne Northup-KY, Erika Harold(Miss America 2003).
5. What Security is being enacted for the 2004 Republican National Convention?
This is a question with many aspects, here we will catalogue a few. Latest security updates, airspace security, airport security, Security Cost, Federal Task Force, NYC Security, MSG Penn Station security, federal RNC waterside security, NYPD convention harbor security, bio-tech security.
6. To whom/where should permit applications be submitted?
Applications for march permits or sound device permits should be made with the Office of the Chief of Department, room 1300, One Police Plaza, New York, NY 10038.
7. Who handles applications for parkland use?
Permit requests to use parklands are handled separately by the New York City Parks Department.
8. How many delegates will attend the 2004 Republican National Convention?
2,509 delegates and 2,344 alternates.
9. How are delegates for the 2004 Republican National Convention chosen?
Delegates are chosen by a primary election, a caucus[closed political meeting], or a combination of the two. The selection process varies depending on the state's, territory's or District of Columbia's rules. state delegations to the 2004 republican national convention.
11. Who founded the Republican party?
The Free Soil Party and The Conscience Whigs [Whig Party Northerners] founded the Republican Party in Jackson Michigan July 6, 1854.
Kerry documentary: Brothers In Arms

The documentary by Paul Alexander.
Produced in 2003.
To be released September 7. Get it here.
Howard Kurtz is off the mark
Since when is cooperating with liars a requirement to winning public office?
Howard Kurtz writes that the Kerry campaign's new ad reflects "anxiety and astonishment" over the Swift Boat Veterans ad. [LINK]
Are you kidding?
This is what is called 'fighting back'.
It's what Al Gore failed to do in 2000.
It never ceases to amaze me when I see the media crediting the Bush crowd for political genius on these Swift Boat lie-ads when all the public sees are a bunch of well-funded Bush-supporting vets doing anything they can to revise history for their preferred candidate's sake (calling "black" what is truly "white"--- even when your eyes can clearly see it's white).
This takes nuance to a whole new level.
Perhaps crediting scum is considered to be apropos in the world of politics.
Perhaps I'm naive to think Americans care about having a shred of decency regarding all activities in which they choose to participate--including politics.
Perhaps a lot of people will stay home on election day.
That is what the Bush team is praying for.
Our political pundits further propel the chance for lowered voter turnout by disgusting the public-at-large, playing directly into manipulative hands.
Perhaps our political pundits truly believe a candidate must "cooperate
with indecency" without fighting back or they risk political failure.
Would you put up with the line of thinking in your life?
That line of thinking is exactly what we're hearing from many in the land of professional punditry.
Perhaps our political pundits truly believe
a candidate must "cooperate with indecency" without fighting back or they risk political failure.
Would you put up with the line of thinking
in your life?
Perhaps this contributes to a world where unnecessary wars are started by the same lying techniques. Meanwhile, we say a loving goodnight to our 16-year olds and look forward to the day the draft letter comes for the next wrong-minded, barely-planned military event. Mission accomplished.
If we expect the world to change, politics is going to have to change.
The pundits must stand up for common sense, decency, and honesty...even in politics.
This swift boat garbage is not only causing a rift in the media..it's causing a rift amongst our great protectors---the military.
There's a young man or woman facing enemy fire in Najaf today. If he/she eventually runs for public office, who will be questioning his/or/her bravery or honesty in 35 years?
Tom Oliphant gives weight to the (common) sense of decency-in-politics in his observation that the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth may backfire and end up hurting George Bush rather than John Kerry.
ABC Political Note disappointment
I was reading ABC's Political Note today and I was not particularly impressed by some of the sections of political analysis I was seeing.
First of all, they write:
—The traditional media has shown no capacity to resist the story — for a week and counting this stuff has been the dominant narrative of the presidential race.
I submit to you, dear readers, that these analysts are speaking as if they are not writing to you from one of the biggest players in the traditional media. They are the ones showing no capacity to resist the story themselves. It's much like an alcoholic calling another guy a sot.
Another point of analysis that had me tearing at my hair for lack of meaningful comparative contrast was this one:
—There is no evidence that the Bush campaign is orchestrating the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, and the known ties between them are significantly less close than between John Kerry's campaign and the 527s supporting him.
First of all, the analyst makes a definitive statement: "There is no evidence..".
No evidence? According to whom? (Howard Kurtz, apparently. Why are they using Kurtz as the definitive font of wisdom?) Has there been an end-all news story I haven't heard about?
When you work for a power player like ABC, either you must be more careful of definitive statements like these or risk being seen as a Bush-coddler or, at best, a news network who doesn't care to investigate further because they "already know".
Then we have: "..the known ties between them [SwiftBoatVets and Bush] are significantly less close than between John Kerry's campaign and the 527s supporting him.."
Once again, where's the beef?
Where's the investigation and the end-all proof?
Most importantly, why are we pointing fingers at the 527s?
This is sick, my dear readers.
Sick, sick, sick.
The 527s are representing our freedom of speech.
It isn't Freedom to Lie.
Thankfully, slander and libel are still remedied by American justice. (That is, until our rights to sue are removed by the radical right-wing--look what's happening with Overtime Rules today for a taste of the slow death of justice and freedom in America).
Why would ABC political analysts drive the public to blame the 527s and not the deliberate and outright lies presented in the Swift Boat ads?
Would ABC analysts recommend that 527s be outlawed by the FEC?
Dear God, some bastion for defense of the First Amendment they're turning out to be if that's true.
James Madison would spin like chicken rotisserie in his grave.
Needless to say, I'm disappointed. I thought I trusted these folks.
Sunday, August 22, 2004
The Swift Boat Controversy Continues
Officer Recalls Boat Mission With Kerry
by William Rood, Chicago Tribune
Boston Globe Editorial
August 22, 2004
--Update: Two New Witnesses
Contradict Kerry's Swift Boat Critics
--Please take the time to view Patty Ann Smith's brand new blog Hope4America.
Today, she asks you this question:
What could be more un-American than people trying to discredit a soldiers medals? That is sacred territory. And, if it no longer is, then think about the almost 1,000 dead of ours right now...many of whom received medals. Are we going to start investigating whether they or their still living comrades deserved theirs?
Voice of a Veteran in an e-mail to CNN:
For Judge Napalitano:
No sir, not all veterans agree with the swift-boaters, not by a long shot. In fact you are going to see that the Bush campaign will be sorry it ever started this attack when Mr. Bush’s avoidance of military duty is hammered home in the next two months before the election. The Repubs thought they had a “Willie Horton” issue and were frustrated when Hurricane Charlie and the Olympics knocked their issue off of every conservative media outlet. Now they are trying to again force the issue, not Sen. Kerry.
The massive assault on John Kerry's war record appears to be being blamed, by you, on Kerry hyping the subject himself. But let's look at one very important piece missing from what you might call the "chain of evidence." This whole onslaught actually began with conservatives and their media sympathizers’ heavy criticism of Kerry, before the Democratic Convention. Mr. Bush and virtually all of the talk radio conservatives (and several CNN TV notables) blasted Kerry for being, in their words, “the most liberal of U.S. Senators, who is soft on national security.” Mr. Bush continues to use those words, and because Mr. Bush led the polls in that subject area, the attack had to be addressed at the convention and afterwards, and the Kerry campaign did so. This is one veteran, as even Senator John McCain has expressed, who believes that the swift-boaters and their supporters are in deep water and over their heads in personal agendas.
Bush heading for Athens?
Drudge says Bush may go to Athens to attend the Iraq soccer playoffs. (Even though the Iraqi soccer team wants him to take a hike and the White House is trying to sell us on the fact that those Iraqi athletes are simply "naive".
I think Bush would be be less nauseatingly political and better at uniting America if he was gutsy enough to attend a Dixie Chicks concert or an NAACP rally.
Tenor of Bush Campaign: Play Base
The Bushites are approaching the presidential election campaign in much the same way that they have approached their political agenda over the past four years.
Play only to your avid supporters. Give them what they want and talk out the other side of your face about the good you're doing for the other 53% of America.
Ram idiotic talking points down the neck of the media and listen to those points warble and worm back up the parrot-throats of cable news networks 24/7.
If that fails to work, just lie.
Don't worry--it doesn't matter if it's ludicrous on its face.
What is in the military record and has not been disputed for 40 years means nothing when you have a media who will talk about any old reckless subject day in/day out.
Go ahead. Get some nice fellows together to raise up doubts that any rational person would dismiss as nonsense.
Give them plenty of money to place a few TV ads and Brit Hume and William Kristol will do the rest.
A lazy recipe for Republican election success?
-Go negative on your opponent hoping swing voters will stay at home on election day (while constantly reminding them they might be attacked by terrorists come voting-time).
-Play to your base--only your base. Screw the rest of them. Watch out especially for those precious under-45 white males from small towns and rural areas. They've got your back.
-Don't allow anyone to hear you publically speak if they have any small quarrel with the fact that they have you figured out.
-Have plenty of friends in corporate media who will keep their cameras off thousands of pesky protesters.
-Avoid talking about your actual record at all costs.
-Code words: Tax-cuts, tax-cuts, tax-cuts.
-Trot out the "Three Ms": The Moderates, the Matrons, and the Minorities in numbers incredibly disproportionate to the reality of your voting bloc.
Soon, the Republican party will trot out their most popular moderates (and one traitorous Democrat) to put a happy face on what has actually been a radical agenda without a mandate, a piss-poor jobless economic recovery, and an unnecessary war for which we were misled and unprepared.