Wolcott: Conservatives Prepare For Bush Loss
James Wolcott has a delightful blog-piece about conservative pundits, especially those at FOX News, who seem to be pre-rationalizing a Bush defeat. Between reading about the "Bush-licking Howard Fineman" and "Linda Vester, the one with the sad puppy-dog eyes", I couldn't stop smiling. Mr. Wolcott is a joy to read.
"..There are no coincidences at Fox News. Three times today, and the day is still relatively young, Fox hit the note of liberal bias to sound the theme that the press is "in the tank" for Kerry, and that any victory he gets will be a tainted gift from the media elite.
I'm not saying Fox News is anticipating a Bush loss, only that they seem to be laying the ground work for the blame game should he cough it up on November 2nd. They are taking the first baby steps to denying the legitimacy of a Kerry win, preparing the first batch of sour grapes..."
My favorite line:
"Roger Ailes claps his hands and the monkeys go into their little dance."