Saturday, January 24, 2004

He can't blame Clinton for this Cheney blames the little wife
Asked on Saturday whether he considered the United States to be an empire, Vice President Dick Cheney had the perfect dodge: Ask my wife.
Cheney is still lying misleading about WMDs and Hussein link to 9-11
Cheney's comments were aired Thursday in an interview with National Public Radio.
[Cheney] revived two controversial assertions about the war in Iraq Thursday, declaring there is "overwhelming evidence" that Saddam Hussein had a relationship with Al-Qaida and that two trailers discovered after the war are proof of Iraq's biological weapons programs. "There's overwhelming evidence there was a connection between al-Qaida and the Iraqi government," Cheney said in the interview. "I am very confident that there was an established relationship there."
Cheney Cites Discredited Source as Proof of Iraq-al Qaeda Link

You remember that bogus article from Weekly Standard..yes?

One more Cheney beauty
The vice president said the Bush administration believes the deficit, recently forecast to reach $500 billion this year, is manageable.
"We think we've got it calibrated right and I wouldn't believe everything I read in Paul O'Neill's book."
RIGHT. Don't believe David Kay, who says there are no WMDs in Iraq. Don't believe Paul O'Neill who was told by Cheney that "deficits don't matter". Don't believe those empty trailers were devoid of bio-chem traces. Don't believe Dick knew anything about what the little wife was sticking inside that Caesar-wannabe-wacko Chrstmas card. Don't believe what you see...believe in Dick...believe in Dick.

I'm beginning to think Dick Cheney is insane.
Syracuse Post Standard:
A Father's Iraq Journal

Part One of an intriguing, informative, and unique series of diary entries from a man named Mike Lopercio is linked above. Native Central New Yorker Mike Lopercio spent a week traveling in Iraq where his son, Tony, has served since the start of the war. The Syracuse Post Standard has run a special series of these entries for the past six days.
"Before I'd arrived, I'd had my doubts-but now I knew. Over the course of one week I actually began to see things through Iraqi eyes. Our country is fighting a delicate diplomatic battle, solely with a brutish military machine. It's not only ineffective, it's counterproductive. I now know that it doesn't matter how many bad guys we catch. The fighting will go on, and our kids will stay here, and continue to die here, until we make the commitment to win the faith and trust of the good guys. That is something we clearly haven't figured out yet.
- Mike Lopercio
Part Two: » Island of Decadence
Part Three: » Iraqi Women's Lament
Part Four: » Rugged Road to Fallujah
Part Five: » In the Middle of Chaos
Part Six:» Emotional Farewell (to be linked soon)

Man, oh, man..I love the man!

Zogby said Dean's fevered, arm-pumping speech after the caucuses on Monday "had no negative impact on young voters at all in New Hampshire."





AC/DC Remix
Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy Train (Dean's Aboard)
Dancin' Dean
Funk Mix
Techno Mix
Welcome to Dean's Jungle
Howard Dean MegaMix
Extra Mix
Capital Mix
We Will Rock You
Pretty Fly for a Dean Guy(FUN!)
Immigrant Song (HILARIOUS)
Bush "the deserter"?
Peter Jennings, stop dogging Wesley Clark!
Investigate the facts yourself if you want to know, you lazyboned chickenshite excuse for a journalist!
Stop wasting Democrats' precious debate time.

Howard and Judy Dean's neighbors:
Words of Support from those who truly know them

"It is easier to love humanity as a whole than to love one's neighbor."
~ Eric Hoffer ~

In that case, Howard and Judy Dean are exceptional people.

Why are so many bloggers upset with the New York Times?
In the Salon article "Silence of the blogs", the question is asked: "Why did the New York Times ignore Baghdad blogger announcements and accounts of a big pro-democracy demonstration?"
Zeyad, the "gamer of Baghdad" famous in the international gaming community for his reports on gamer culture in Iraq. But he was also recently responsible for a furious stir online regarding the way news from Iraq is covered by the Western media....On Dec. 10, 2003, pro-democracy, anti-terrorist demonstrators peacefully flooded the streets of Baghdad. A coalition of Iraqis of many political parties and religious affiliations, tribes and ethnicities, young and old (including many students), demanded an end to attacks on civilians. They also demanded that Arab media stop depicting the Baathist and foreign jihadi culprits as members of some kind of just "resistance." Even the Al Jazeera network estimated them at over 10,000 strong. We know all this, not from reading any significant coverage of the event by the mainstream Western press (There was little to none). Rather I know it because an Iraqi who's been a computer user since childhood went out and reported on it himself. Zeyad's entry was linked to throughout the Web. But the so-called "paper of record," the New York Times, gave the event scarce coverage, and that enraged many leading lights of the blogosphere, especially those on the conservative or liberal hawkish end of the spectrum.
After 9-11, Americans woke up to foreign policy and international news. We realized it was far more important than tales of killer sharks and Gary Condit. If there is anything that will unite Americans across party-lines, it is the awakening to the media-problem in this country. Cable news is hopelessly ignorant. I had hoped the print-media was better, but I observe them degrading as well.
Overall, the problem with the New York Times and other major print-news outlets is not a case of the tired "liberal media" myth...nor is the mainstream print-media paticularly conservative. (Papers such as N.Y. Post and Washington Times not included in this discussion..they're very right-wing..we know it). It is primarily what Paul Krugman likes to call "the curse of even-handedness"...journalists try so hard to be "balanced" on every story that they wind up skewing anything close to the truth. Opinion and truth are getting to be inseparable bedmates...and the children they produce are the ugliest creatures I think I shall ever lay eyes upon. Ideological incest produces a retarded child of journalistic truth.
Many times, journalists are smug, arrogant, egotistical, condescending toward (or, negligently, not keeping up with the new, modern tradition of) internet bloggers. (*The salon article states that Baghdad bureau chief Susan Sachs and/or her staff are possibly not even aware of Iraq's postwar blogs*).
In some cases, journalists look non-democratic through professional negligence. Today's "big media" is most certainly corporate-agenda-driven. Sometimes it seems today's print journalists are simply not smart or intuitive enough to "score' the ever-evasive truth. That's the scariest thing to imagine. Is the American media truly hiring the best minds? I would think it would be healthy for American democracy to see federally-funded citizen-commissions (people like you and me) on media review, criticism, recommendations for change.

See Instapundit (Glenn Reynolds') take on the matter here.
Letter From Decorated CIA Vets to Dennis Hastert:
"Intelligence officers must never be turned into political punching bags"

Demand for Congress to hold Bush White House accountable

Go here to see the full text of a letter sent by former CIA officers to House Speaker Dennis Hastert and other key House leaders on Tuesday, calling for a congressional inquiry into the Valerie Plame case. (Subscription or one-day pass required)

Our fallen troops had no place in Bush's SOTU speech
I still can't get over this fact. I posted about it directly after hearing the speech. Colbert I. King talks about it here in his Washington Post column. The troops put their trust in their Commander-in-Chief. Some gave all. None got a moment of silence or respect last Tuesday in the State-of-the-Union speech watched by millions of Americans. What have we become?
"Last Tuesday night was an opportunity for George W. Bush to eulogize the fallen, a chance for him to tell their families what their sacrifices mean to the nation -- a time for the president to help heal broken hearts. That didn't happen....He delivered a line about "sorrow when one is lost," and shared a self-serving recollection of himself landing on the deck of a carrier in the Pacific Ocean and his Thanksgiving Day fly-in to Baghdad. There was also a pledge to supply the troops with all the resources they need to fight and win. But victims of the Iraq war, as well as their moms, dads, spouses, children, neighbors and friends, deserved more than what they got from the president. Instead of a moment of silence for those who have paid the ultimate price, they heard presidential pitches......
Tuesday was the time to tell U.S. families whose sons and daughters are losing their lives and limbs that their brave sacrifices still make sense....Instead, we got a Bush speech laying the groundwork for his quest for reelection.....A president who has been down in the trenches and seen people die would never have gone up to Capitol Hill in the midst of war and delivered the kind of State of the Union speech that the nation heard Tuesday night."

Friday, January 23, 2004

Wesley Clark rightfully criticizes Brit Hume for Debate's GOP agenda
I didn't think Peter Jennings was much better with those 'waste-of-time' Bush deserter/Michael Moore questions.
Since when is Bush not an equal target for criticism in a free country? Does Peter Jennings consider Bush his King?
I thought Hume and Jennings looked like death-warmed-over last night. The bad lighting exposed the worst skin I've seen since the last Michael Jackson-trial clip on CNN. The warts on Hume's face would turn off a toad.
David Kay (on WMDs):
"I don't think they existed"

Scott Ritter may have made a date with a 16-year-old, but hot damn, the man was right all along.

Why isn't it all over FOX News?
A spoof newsflash by a TV station in Lebanon saying that Osama Bin Laden had been captured in the northern city of Tripoli was taken more seriously than the programme-makers had expected.

Maureen Dowd has lost it

Letter to Editor: First things first

-I appreciate the fact that The Tribune occasionally carries New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd. I usually enjoy her acerbic wit and her ability to hit the nail on the head.
-However, in "What's Up, Doc" (Jan. 18), she has gone too far in pillorying Dr. Judy Dean for her desire to "to stay focused on her own life, healing the sick." It seems to me, and I am a political animal, that Dr. Dean has her priorities straight. Her first obligation is to her patients.
-I am sure that if Howard Dean becomes the nominee of the Democratic Party, she will make the appropriate appearances, but not before finding another doctor to cover her patients for her. With the current shortages in our health care system, it is refreshing to find a doctor who puts her patients before her personal and family agenda.
-I don't think Laura Bush or any of the other candidates' wives Dowd mentions went through the rigorous training of medical school to put on a white coat and take the Hippocratic Oath. Dr. Judy Dean is putting first things first.

Esther R. Landa
Salt Lake City
Food for thought: Ask yourselves why this "bold career-woman", Maureen Dowd, would put Taliban-like social pressure on a fellow career-woman to "chuck it all"..responsibility to patients, a professional career, and closeness to her order to be turned into a pin-cushion by the likes of people exactly like Maureen Dowd? SHould Judy Dean cover her head with a burka, too?

Judy Dean, in Maureen Dowd's fantasies
Is Dowd promoting the "Stepford-wife" culture? Is this a woman we want representing us American women in the opinion columns of the N.Y. Times? Isn't she promoting more "Stand-by-your-man" than American freedom and progress for women?

Diane Sawyer didn't have a 21st century-attitude toward American women during her interview with Judy Dean last night on Primetime, either. She had a decidedly arrogant and hypocritical attitude toward a woman who would choose to maintain a sane lifestyle and responsible career while her husband was on the road.
(Where was Diane's husband, by the way? Why wasn't she with him? Why wasn't he with her?)

Why do so many women hate Diane Sawyer's hair, by the way? Don't you think she's been looking awfully dragged out lately? Do you think everything's okay with her on the homefront? What's making her look so haggard lately?

At, Rebecca Traister writes:
"Steinberg Dean is toothy; she doesn't seem to use much hair product; her face shows her age. It was both fun and horrifying to imagine her dismay at being set on by a team of eager ABC makeup artists, dying to go where only Noxzema has been before. It was also sad to watch her being forced to look at a photo -- the only photo? -- of Laura Bush in evening wear. Sawyer, who didn't even bother to disguise her doubts, wondered aloud how the doctor might feel about having to dress up or look pretty in public...But when Steinberg Dean opened her mouth to reassure Mrs. Mike Nichols, who was pretending to be confused about that crazy "feminist who uses her maiden name professionally and her married name personally" thing, "I'm Judy Dean," it was clear that Judy was going to be just fine......Journalists like me and Jodi Wilgoren and Maureen Dowd -- people who obviously like attention and are fascinated by power -- cannot fathom why a woman wouldn't be thrilled to be in the center of a political lightning storm. We try to cast her and re-cast her, chew on this mystery meat until we can name her. But that exercise apparently reveals more about us than it does about our subject... As Howard Dean said last night: Who would want to give up her life and career to join a campaign and "get poked at by everybody?" Maybe that sounds appealing to those of us who write about him, and who have forced his partner onto the examining table. But the Judy Dean we saw on TV plainly has more sense."

Thursday, January 22, 2004

"Computer glitch" allows GOP committee to spy on and exploit Democrats--Robert Novak is once again at the center of impropriety
Glitch facilitated GOP access to restricted Democratic communications without a password

"The office of Senate Sergeant-at-Arms William Pickle has already launched an investigation into how excerpts from 15 Democratic memos showed up in the pages of the conservative-leaning newspapers and were posted to a website last November.
With the help of forensic computer experts from General Dynamics and the US Secret Service, his office has interviewed about 120 people to date and seized more than half a dozen computers -- including four Judiciary servers, one server from the office of Senate majority leader Bill Frist of Tennessee, and several desktop hard drives.
But the scope of both the intrusions and the likely disclosures is now known to have been far more extensive than the November incident, staffers and others familiar with the investigation say.
...Democrats now claim their private memos formed the basis for a February 2003 column by conservative pundit Robert Novak that revealed plans pushed by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, to filibuster certain judicial nominees. Novak is also at the center of an investigation into who leaked the identity of a CIA agent whose husband contradicted a Bush administration claim about Iraqi nuclear programs.
....."There appears to have been no hacking, no stealing, and no violation of any Senate rule," Miranda said. "Stealing assumes a property right and there is no property right to a government document. . . . These documents are not covered under the Senate disclosure rule because they are not official business and, to the extent they were disclosed, they were disclosed inadvertently by negligent [Democratic] staff."

God is like GOP butter to grease the Christian right:
Bush talks to Right-to-life Group Over Phone from New Mexico

This is not to mock the good intentions of is to point out the pandering hypocrisy of WHITE Republican male Representatives of America.

The March for Life Education & Defense Fund, which took place today in Washington, D.C. received a special phonecall from the President.

Let's start at the beginning.
The group's representative Nellie Gray began the rally by claiming that "homegrown terrorism" started with Roe vs. Wade.
(My! What a sweet, unifying, and loving message).

President Bush called and spoke about abstinence education, adoption, faith-based programs, he talked about the Unborn Victims of Violence bill just approved by the Judiary Committee yesterday. He demanded that the Congress approve and sign it into law. He spoke of banning human cloning, he invoked the Declaration of Independence, he said that he hoped for a compassionate society where every child would be born into loving family (uh-how can government handle THAT one?). He spread the word "God" around like butter.
After he spread the word of "God" like butter,the rest of the guest speakers (mostly male Republican representatives) followed suit.

Rep Steve Chabot(R)- spoke to the crowd and talked about pro-choice Americans as perpetrators of slaughter. He ragged on the Clintons and the crowd went wild. He called Bush a friend and the crowd went wild.
He touted the "Born Alive act"..he invoked Tom Daschle's name..the crowd booed loudly, but cheered upon hearing about the day Tom became "minority leader". Chabot invoked Ronald Reagan's name..and got wild cheers.

Chris Smith-(R)-NJ: Within three minutes, he used words such as "terror", "dismember", "mutilate" "decapitate" "holocaust", "destruction", "violence","slaughter", "killed", "expoliting women", "breast cancer", "hurting", "deleterious", "devastation","tragedies", "regret", "big lie,"wounded", "heart-wrenching", "predators","anguish", "dramatic", "agony"..all in less than three minutes.

Rep Todd Tiahrt(R)Kansas-spoke briefly...only to push a Republican candidate named Toomey from his state.

Rep Roscoe Bartlett(R)MD--a very old man who said he's the only MD. representative who's a pro-lifer. He downed the issue of RU 486.

Scott Garrett(R)-NJ--prayed and harped on scripture. Downed cloning. Downed the chosen "lifestyle" of a woman who chooses abortion. Prayed again. He said might and right is on the Republican's side, (really-this is what he said).

Rick Renzi (R )-AZ- he yelled a lot..whew. He said that true sons of America march for life. He ragged on American men..calling them cowards if they don't fight against abortion. He called young men of America "cowardly", "spineless", "soft", "pushers", "pressurers of death", "non-patriotic" (I'm not lying)..he yelled again...and again. Why yell? Sheesh.

Mike Ferguson(R)- NJ- He said that every Democratic Presidential candidate supports a woman's right to choose, so it's important to re-elect Bush.He said that baby turtles are protected..why not humans? He mentioned "Lacy + Conner's Law"(Unborn Violence Act)...crowd cheered. He credited prayer..spreading the God-butter again. The crowd licked the butter enthusiastically.

A woman..whoa!!! I'm shocked..she is Melissa Hart(R)-PA- She talked about being on the bus with her religious parish. More God-butter.

Mike Pence(R)-IN-invoked the name of Martin Luther King whose niece was in the crowd. He said Roe v. Wade is a "lie"..suggested an amendment to the Constitution to end Roe v. Wade. He said 2004 will be a divided be sure to re-elect Bush!
He criticized Clinton... praised Bush. Clinton bad/Bush good. He pointed out the Jefferson memorial...invoked the statement "God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever." (He failed to say the next line, which is: "Commerce between master and slave is despotism." Is a woman chained to unwanted pregnancy not a slave? Is slavery not a sin?)

Todd Aiken(R)-MO-He claimed Right-to-life is a "calling" and a "cross to bear". He asked" Tell me.. in one sentence..the basic principle of what America's about?" He answered with the Declaration of Independence statement: "We hold these truths to be self evident...etc. Life' liberty, pursuit of happiness...( ...). He compared terrorists to women who have a right to choose.( He is a miserable and hypocritical louse, in my humble opinion. A poster child for what is wrong with keeping a woman a slave on behalf of the God-butter.)

Jim Ryan (R)KS- He brought his teenage sons (I said sons..not daughters) to talk. One said the GOP I guess a woman made miserable and ruined by being forced to bear a pregnancy to completion will make her very free..very happyis the party of "life"..Democrats are the party of "death". He said America was at cultural war. (How unifying). Another son came up to get younger folks in the audience to register Republican.

Steve King(R)IA--He was determined to overthrow Roe v. Wade. He talked about a homily at church..the crowd went wild. (More spreading of the word "God"... just like butter.) He called Roe v. Wade the "Dred Scott of our time."He said we must not infringe on another's liberty. (HELLO?) He invoked the word SIN. (Geez-where's that in the Constitution?)

Sam Brownback(R)KS-He stated all human life at any stage is "sacred" (which has what to do with law, again?) He asked: "If any of you were researched on as an embryo, how many of you would be alive today?(DUH!!) He said: "PRAY PRAY PRAY!!" (God-butter). He invoked a Jesus-prayer. Invoked the word of SIN again. Last words were: "God Bless America".(Whose America?)

Norm Coleman(r)MN- He said there was "a lot of love there" in the crowd (love for whom?)..the phrase "better angels" was invoked. (Where?) Congress needs the crowd, so he said. He used the quote of Jewish Rambam (He changed the words so Rightwing American Christians might understand)..the original went like this: "A person must constantly view the entire world as if it is half meritorious and half guilty. If the individual performs one sin, he tips the balance for the entire world toward the side of guilt and brings destruction to the world. If he performs one mitzvah, he tips the balance to the side of merit and brings salvation."
He strongly encouraged marches on clinics. Last words: God Bless America. God-butter.

They wrapped up the rally with a resounding rendition of the Lee Greenwood song: "God Bless The USA".
Just like buttah.........God buttah.

I got bored with all these Republican WHITE MALE representatives. As a woman, I was appalled and shocked to understand that even Sam Brownback is a panderer. I was not surprised that so few women would attest. Only ONE woman spoke. They obviously couldn't get any others, or they surely would have. This is very "telling".

You know, it's mostly White Republican men I see speaking at this rally. Where are all the women? Their absence speaks louder than any man using negative words while invoking God like butter and sin like stop-signs at every turn could ever say.
Grover Norquist Melts Down--Invokes Holocaust Images of the AMERICAN LEFT
A top anti-tax activist and White House ally is standing by his comparison of proponents of the estate tax to the perpetrators of the Holocaust, while taking the analogy further and dismissing his critics as "socialists."
Look at the utter hypocrisy from these a*swipes:
*Wah! Unfair! Wah! Wah! Leave my Republican friend alone! So sayeth the lobbyist.*
Jack Abramoff, a close friend of Norquist's and a prominent Republican lobbyist, said that Norquist is being unfairly lampooned and argued that it's unreasonable to completely limit discussion of the Holocaust. Asked where he would draw the line between "reasonable" and "unreasonable" Holocaust analogies, Abramoff said it was very much subjective and imprecise."If it's mentioned every time your opponent disagrees with you, that's inappropriate," Abramoff said. "On the other hand, is it reasonable to say no one can ever discuss the evil of Nazis and learn lessons from it in the current political climate? It takes a reasonable balance and that's always going to be subjective."
Lampoon Grover Norquist? Bah...hang him out for all to see. He's an anti-community
wretch...a greedy slob..not at all American.
If Thomas Jefferson was alive today, he'd either be:
1.scratching madly at the lid of his coffin
2.kicking Grover Norquist's a*s.
Concord Monitor: In New Hampshire, no one Democrat is guaranteed the lead

This is hilarious.
Under the Washington Times headline reading "Republicans train sights on Clark", it says:
"....Sen. Joe Lieberman maintains a list of Mr. Clark's various statements and positions on the war. After sending out a press release chronicling six different stances, the Lieberman camp issued a correction, saying: "We screwed up. Clark has taken seven war positions, not six."
Who said Senator Lieberman is Republican?! Did I miss something?
*I think the Lieberman attack on General Clark is a cheap political move. I am disappointed that the Senator, who I believe is a good man, has run such a dismal campaign.*

I've been watching CSPAN and I have observed Wesley Clark getting a tremendous response from New Hampshire crowds. It may be the fact that he is laying out a clear state-of-the-union-style agenda (including raising the minimum wage to $7/hr) and at the same time, strongly appealing to the crowds emotionally with personal stories. He stresses a higher standard of leadership in America. I'm trying to get a "feel" for the New Hampshire Democrats...I happen to think Clark will do better than Kerry in the upcoming NH primary. The debates tonight will be very important. I think that any candidate who tries to attack Wes Clark on his stance on the Iraq war will fall flat on their faces when he has a chance to respond. He's ready for's apparent. With all this concentration on candidates remaining positive, Clark is at a distinct advantage. One begins to wonder if Iowa was relevant or not. Obviously, it was relevant to Dick Gephardt...yet I have to say that I'm awfully sorry he had to drop out of the race, for this particular year it seems the race has not yet begun! I hope Dennis Kucinich will have a chance to speak..and speak often in tonight's debate. However, I hope he does not go off frothing-at-the-mouth at Howard Dean...especially after throwing his supporters to Edwards (in who-knows-what deal was made in Iowa last week). Remember, today's revelation that the John Edwards campaign was not an angelic bounty of optimistic positivity will be in the minds of anyone who's been keeping track.
Clark is coming in with a lot of advantages. It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Republicans have lost a lot of ground in New Hampshire
There was a very "telling" article in the Providence Journal Wednesday about the GOP being a "house divided against itself". Link is here (reg. required)
There's no love of taxes in New Hampshire, but even Republicans here regard Washington-style tax cutting with contempt. Last spring, anti-tax activist Grover Norquist pestered New Hampshire state legislators as they debated plans to raise revenue. Dick Green, the Republican chairman of the state Senate Finance Committee, got into a shouting match with Norquist and told him to go back to Washington.New Hampshire has been called a Northern outpost of Sunbelt conservatism. In truth, it is no longer reliably Republican, and not particularly conservative.
This fact will bode well for candidates like Howard Dean and Wesley Clark in November.

Now they're looking for WMDs in cubbyholes!
The jury is still out,'' Vice President Dick Cheney said on the failure so far to find any weapons of mass destruction since Saddam was toppled last April.
It's going to take some additional considerable period of time to look at all of the cubby holes and...dumps and all the places in Iraq where you might expect to find something like that,'' Cheney told U.S. National Public Radio.
Blame Syria
Senator Pat Roberts raises (shady) public fear about Syria (neocons and other assorted insane sorts need to turn up the heat in the Syrian's a re-election campaign season).
Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Pat Roberts said there was some concern Iraqi weapons of mass destruction had gone to Syria, and Washington vowed to carry on searching for such arms in Iraq.
Roberts, a leading member of President Bush's Republican Party, said in Washington on Wednesday: ``I think that there is some concern that shipments of WMD (weapons of mass destruction) went to Syria.'' He did not elaborate.
*Oh Please! When is the last time you heard Pat Roberts elaborate? OK--maybe once when he melodramatically played the whining victim of the Democrats in the pathetic Intelligence Committee-politics spat last fall designed to halt WMD investigation altogether.)

And we shall continue to pay through the nose
for Bush's War

*but we won't technically "know about it" until after the November elections.*
U.S. Congress sources and budget analysts said Bush may seek an additional $40 billion or more for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan next year -- on top of the $400 billion military budget he will send to Congress next month.
But Bush was unlikely to send the request to Congress until after the November presidential election to minimize any political damage, the sources said.


Gee--thanks! One year ago today I started her up.....
It's been quite a year. I'll highlight some entries from the past year all through this Blogiversary week!

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Gore Vidal on the "United States of Amnesia," 9/11, the 2000 Election and the War in Iraq
"...we have a global empire and nobody knows where anything is, nobody knows any languages, so our statesmen go abroad and people laugh at them, because they are so dumb, or seem to be so dumb."

"....In the U.S., everybody listens to 19th Century Fox TV News. In which a bunch of loons just scream and scream and scream. And with each scream they tell another lie. How are we ever going to have an informed citizenry? Which means then how can we have an informed election?"