HobbyBrush.com" itemprop="name"/>

News, Updates & ramblings

This Blog is acting as the news and updates page for my new website, HobbyBrush.com.

The website itself is the archive of my painting through the last decade or more, with easy navigation around what now amounts to over 3000 images of wargames figures & display miniatures.

It is also the repository for my musings, workbench notes and reports on all things gaming and miniature painting that I get up to.

I've been collecting miniatures for 24 years and have covered most scales, periods and styles in that time. Don't expect consistency on one project here - there will be variety in project, but hopefully consistently high standards!

Thanks for reading!

Showing posts with label workbench. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workbench. Show all posts

Friday, 25 May 2012

Its new, yet old...

Of, well, whoops... 
I was just looking at my own Blog to check out my Pledge update and realised there was a post missing! I'd somehow saved it rather than published it, D'oh!

Its now in its rightful place below - check it out 3 posts below for Pledge, World of Twilight Fubarnii, and a (belated) Gaming update...

Of Painting...
Since I'm here, I'll throw in some pictures of the Workbench. Painting has been delayed by "big Shopping" as Kim Puts it. That is to say that after months of searching and false starts, I've finally purchased my first house this week. In between searches, viewings, offers, solicitors and estate agents I've been waiving brushes as fast as I can and pulling some pretty long days at it too - I'm just not as fast as I used to be - Cursed Eyes that wont focus for more than 5 minutes!! Grrr....

Ahem, anyway, Pictures... 

Two regiments that are taking WAY too long. The Roman Auxillaries are now complete, but still need shields. The Mantic Dwarves are also complete, but have no Banner and I dont think I'll give them one - too much of a time sink for ebay. 

Kraytonians!! All the basing is now finished on the models shown half done here, but I'm yet to tackle the Kameli or Veteran units awaiting paint, and havent even decided how I want to do the Dino Riders yet! 

So all in, a relatively slow week. Quite disappointing on the painting front, but Sod it, I've bought a house!

More soon!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Happy New Year! And a tour of the workbench....

Well, Holidays are done, presents have been given and gratefully received, and the brushes have been flying!

I will do a proper website update and Pledge update in the next few days, but for now, I shall return to a New years tradition of my own. Every year, I do a tour of the Workshop & Cabinets. This is as much for me to remind myself what's been sitting around for far too long, what's new, and what needs selling, as anything else, so please bear with me!

Currently Being worked on...

First up, we have some more from the World of Twilight range. This represents the majority of my Military Furbarnii Empire miniatures collected to date, but I have plenty of civilian elements still to add ASAP!

Then there's the ever-present Kraytonian reinforcements. I was almost sad to finish what ARE ('Onest Guvnor..) my last ever Kraytonian light, medium and heavy infantry formations as you see here (proper pics in an update soon!) until I remembered this little lot....

Yep, they'll keep me going! That's two formations of kameli, two formations of veterans, a couple of converted Basilei, twoi formations of Rakkats, two formations of Torrak Riders (Mounted Bounty Hunters from Exodus Wars ) and a formation of oversized Krayt Bodyguards / Ferral Krayt (also from EW). Then there's the 42 coins, which are in the process of being made into bases for the 42 Kraytonian Vehicles I have waiting int he wings.... not to mention the 11 Super Heavy Flyers still in their boxes.... GULP!

And then there's this dude. He just crept back onto my workbench using his obvious powers of stealth... I was never planning to work on him but he suddenly looked cool somewhere around 3pm on Boxing Day....

Annual tour of the cabinets and a proper web update soon, but thats all for now - back to work!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


What's this? A mid-week update? Bet that caught you un-awares!

Truth is, I'm away at the weekend and might miss the next update so a mid-week workbench post seems ot be in order.

Of Painting....
I'm still yet to get the first regiment of Roman Legionaires finished, or either the Auxillaries or second hlaf of the archers photographed, but I remembered I had some WIP photos I never posted, so here they are as proof that they at least got this far (and honest, they have been finished!

Beyond them, I've started eyeing up the next little project. I only have the Romans because I bought a huge stockpile of DRM figures when Ian closed down his games store, the HobbyBox. This stuff has been sitting around for a fair while now without being touched and its time I changed this. What's more, its time I really knocked some stuff out fast and I know I can do this with DRM's 6mm sci fi range, having painted thousands of them already!

Here's the latest round of reinforcements having been cleaned and prepped for undercoat.

Yes, thats a re-inforcement for my Kraytonians. There's a mix of 42 vehicles & aircraft (6 aircraft require converting & aren't in this shot) and 85 stands of infantry or cavalry. I also have 11 Super Heavy Flyers, but they're not getting a look in yet.

Basically the plan is to get the Romans and these all done for Christmas. Then move on to more detailed painting of Fubarnii for World of Twighlight and Ariadna for Infinity. In the mean time I've also been challenged (by my girlfriend no less... I dont think she likes seeing me..) to enter a coupld of painting competitions, so we'll see if the plan holds up at all!

Of Gaming...
Just got time for a quick gaming update as well. Played Infinity against Eddie for the second time last Monday. Far more knowledge of the scenery requirements was a great help and Eddie had set up an interesting board for us to fight across by the time I got to the club.

I made a fair few mistakes and Eddie was on the game, with his Autocannon managing to pin down not one but two main routes of advance with some very good manouvering fire throughout the game. In short, I lost hideously but had a great time doing so - Cheers Eddie! More next week!