First up I have a mixed gallery of figures from the French company, Fenryl. I first ran into them in 2004 when they produced a set of miniatures for the Boxing Day Tsunami appeal, and have picked up various pieces from them in the intervening years. Granted, many of them remain bare of paint, but those which have passed the workbench can be found here! Fenryl Fantasy Gallery (15 pictures)
Next up, it's back to the old favourites in the form of 6mm sci fi, and more importantly, the Dark Realm Miniatures / Seeds of War line. The Desert Pax Arcadian gallery (10 pictures) shows a small force, painted for sale in 2013.
And finally, we stay with the 6mm sci if but go right back into the depths of the photo vaults, to bring you a mixed gallery of two Imperial Guard commissions (22 pictures), both completed back in the early stages of my Mercenary Brush ways, around 2003. Not the highest quality photos, but they're part of my history so I'm posting them anyway!
Of more current gaming and painting....
Thought I'd better give a hint that it's not all old stuff going on around here!
Having painted over 100 of the wonderful vehicles from warlord games in recent months, I'm having a break from 28mm WW2 and have been painting more random figures from The Reaper Bones range, and am looking back to the Anyaral: World of Twilight range for my next small collections to complete. They've got a promotional painting challenge running at the moment on their forums, and there's nothing like the temptation of some more wonderful models as a reward for painting wonderful models I already have!
Pictures and updates soon.
Happy hobbying!
New galleries: 3
New galleries: 47