HobbyBrush.com" itemprop="name"/>

News, Updates & ramblings

This Blog is acting as the news and updates page for my new website, HobbyBrush.com.

The website itself is the archive of my painting through the last decade or more, with easy navigation around what now amounts to over 3000 images of wargames figures & display miniatures.

It is also the repository for my musings, workbench notes and reports on all things gaming and miniature painting that I get up to.

I've been collecting miniatures for 24 years and have covered most scales, periods and styles in that time. Don't expect consistency on one project here - there will be variety in project, but hopefully consistently high standards!

Thanks for reading!

Showing posts with label sow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sow. Show all posts

Sunday, 18 January 2015

And again, things from ages past....

More from the backlog of miniatures painted in years gone by this week, but these are the last which I am currently aware of, so I will get photographing and painting new stuff again!

First up I have a mixed gallery of figures from the French company, Fenryl. I first ran into them in 2004 when they produced a set of miniatures for the Boxing Day Tsunami appeal, and have picked up various pieces from them in the intervening years. Granted, many of them remain bare of paint, but those which have passed the workbench can be found here! Fenryl Fantasy Gallery (15 pictures)

Next up, it's back to the old favourites in the form of 6mm sci fi, and more importantly, the Dark Realm Miniatures / Seeds of War line. The Desert Pax Arcadian gallery (10 pictures) shows a small force, painted for sale in 2013. 

And finally, we stay with the 6mm sci if but go right back into the depths of the photo vaults, to bring you a mixed gallery of two Imperial Guard commissions (22 pictures), both completed back in the early stages of my Mercenary Brush ways, around 2003. Not the highest quality photos, but they're part of my history so I'm posting them anyway! 

Of more current gaming and painting....
Thought I'd better give a hint that it's not all old stuff going on around here! 
Having painted over 100 of the wonderful vehicles from warlord games in recent months, I'm having a break from 28mm WW2 and have been painting more random figures from The Reaper Bones range, and am looking back to the Anyaral: World of Twilight range for my next small collections to complete. They've got a promotional painting challenge running at the moment on their forums, and there's nothing like the temptation of some more wonderful models as a reward for painting wonderful models I already have! 

Pictures and updates soon. 

Happy hobbying! 

New galleries: 3
New galleries: 47

Friday, 15 March 2013

Kraytonians are here at last...

My Kraytonians are definitely my largest collection.
I worked for Dark Realm Miniatures for years.
I designed the game, Seeds of War, from which they originate.
When I desiged this site, it was one of the first galleries set up as a placeholder to see how it would all work.
But,somehow, even given all this, its taken me years to get any photos in there!

They're simply too big a force for me to photograph easily. As such even ow, they only pics I have for the site are of the latest batch of additions. There's a fair few models here, but they contribute only about an eighth of the total force to date!

None the less, I've included detail shots of all the units added with this batch, so its a fair start!

 My Seeds of war Kraytonians - 2013 additions. (20 pictures) 

Also, I'm slowly snapping units as I finish them ready for future galleries. Here's a little teaser - a 45mm AT gun I painted for use in Bolt Action, and also because I wanted to play with my airbrush and do some weathering before I think about doing 28mm tanks!

New Galleries: 0
New Pictures: 20

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

In the pipeline....

Its been a long time since I updated much at all here, and I've talked about the many projects I'm working on without much proof.

As we all kow "It didn't happen if there's not pictures", so here's a little "proof" that I have indeed been busy lately...

First up my Firestorm Invasion army. I only just Blogged the gallery for these guys earlier today, but as you can see its grown considerably since those photos were taken, and even the bases on the old models have been added to so it is in fact completely out of date already!

Then there's the last of the Kraytonian army which were painted a couple of months ago, and are actually almost ready for a proper gallery at last! The pic below is just the latest reinforcemets to the far larger complete force... 

Beyond that, I have finally had the excuse to work on a 28mm Soviet army of my own. I've wanted to since I did a commission force and had a few models kept in storage from those days. Of course, when I say a few... 

And then there's my flames of war forces. But whilst I've done a fair bit of work on them, there's few which I'd call complete just yet. They're ext up for final touches after just a few more soviets!  Then of course there's the "Tank Park" which is my current "To Do" board....

A fair selection of vehicles from different nationalities and eras on there. Mostly Forged in battle bought cheap from various sources - very nice models and I'll be painting as many as I can for ebay, so plenty of varied updates to come!

Well, that at least proves that I'm not idle even if it does fall short of a proper gallery update. More soon!

Friday, 25 May 2012

Its new, yet old...

Of, well, whoops... 
I was just looking at my own Blog to check out my Pledge update and realised there was a post missing! I'd somehow saved it rather than published it, D'oh!

Its now in its rightful place below - check it out 3 posts below for Pledge, World of Twilight Fubarnii, and a (belated) Gaming update...

Of Painting...
Since I'm here, I'll throw in some pictures of the Workbench. Painting has been delayed by "big Shopping" as Kim Puts it. That is to say that after months of searching and false starts, I've finally purchased my first house this week. In between searches, viewings, offers, solicitors and estate agents I've been waiving brushes as fast as I can and pulling some pretty long days at it too - I'm just not as fast as I used to be - Cursed Eyes that wont focus for more than 5 minutes!! Grrr....

Ahem, anyway, Pictures... 

Two regiments that are taking WAY too long. The Roman Auxillaries are now complete, but still need shields. The Mantic Dwarves are also complete, but have no Banner and I dont think I'll give them one - too much of a time sink for ebay. 

Kraytonians!! All the basing is now finished on the models shown half done here, but I'm yet to tackle the Kameli or Veteran units awaiting paint, and havent even decided how I want to do the Dino Riders yet! 

So all in, a relatively slow week. Quite disappointing on the painting front, but Sod it, I've bought a house!

More soon!

Sunday, 18 March 2012

I got Washed Away!

Guildford Games Club - your Galleries are here, and they're awesome - thank you!

The flooding yesterday took even myself by surprise! That or I watched a lot of Rugby... No, no, the numbers of pictures speak for themselves! Guildford Games club is on fine form, providing you plenty of viewing pleasures at your finger tips!

First up, the return of a now regular name to the Hobbybrush. Alex Foyster is back for his third Guest Gallery. This time 40K if is focus, and its his latest project. An Absolutely gorgeous Eldar Army. Check it out NOW! (9 images)
Rumour has it he's painted more since this gallery was first created, so you can expect more soon!

Secondly, and Thirdly, we stick with 40K but move on to a Space marine Double. The admirable skills of Justin Carnzu on his Blood Angels and Simon Richmond with his Space Wolves grace our tables regularly and often grab my eyes. It is here that the flood barriers gave way. Treat yourself to a whopping 46 images of red death, followed by 24 images of Grey wolf terror.

Finally for today, I thought I'd best include something which has sprung off my own brush for a change, but alas its still come from days gone by rather than more recent times. Of course, what we're missing is something in small scale, so the DRM Studio Skyth Gallery is long overdue a spot on the Hobbybrush and finally arrives today! (29 images)

New galleries: 4
New Pictures: 108

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Old boards and Guest Galleries

It's going to be the story of the next few weeks I'm afraid - I've got a lot on, so it'll only be quick updates from me squeezed in where I can.

The good news is that we have some truly beautiful Guest Galleries Lined up ready to fill the gap!

This week, Guildford Games Clubs esteemed chairman, Eddie Turner, gets his first airing on the web, with his Guest Gallery of "Not" Blood Angels for 40K (9 pictures).

From me there's something slightly different. Its a photographic project log, split over two years, of building and then expanding the Terrain Boards for the Seeds of War Demo Games, as seen at many a show across the UK! (54 pictures).

Galleries: 2
Pictures: 63

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Just a little one..

Just a little one today as I'm all over the place this weekend, but am determined to keep the updates flowing!

Of Gaming...
I Played Infinity last Monday against Eddie Turner. A finer hobbyist is hard to find, but for knowledge of Infinity we were both rather lacking - it being his second game and only the third of my own. We were both playing Ariadna however, which did help limit the special abilities a little.

He was plagued by some bad luck ("Lucky" hi sniper fell off a roof as his very first activation...) and fell foul to both our naivities when it came to terrain layout. A shooting duel erupted down one very long corridoor beween my Line Kazak with Missile Launcher (Hereafter known as "Bugs") and his Tank hunter with Autocannon (hereafter known as Elmer (Fudd) ). His autocannon came off the worse for ware, and it continued from there. I got caught in a fearful crossfire at one stage, which saw the temporary demise of "Bugs", but it all swung my way when a lucky shot took out his lieutenant, and then a mad rampage by my one painted model - the Chasseur, got lucky the following turn and took out his newly appointed replacement lieutenant!

At the end of the game, I'd lost Bugs, He'd lost over half his force, but we were both smiling so a success all round! Mores the point - rematch on Monday!

Of Painting:
There's not been much of this, but there's been loads of prepping going on for the next few "jobs". One regiment of Legionaires is ready for paint, another are cleanded & ready for assembly. I've also started to look ahead to the next project, but more on that next week!

The only painting I've completed is the 8 Auxillary Archers mentioned last update.

So, on the matter of Updates, what's new?

I've uploaded a new DRM gallery - "The 5th Race". Its all pre-release models from years back. Will they see production? Your guess is as good as mine, but they're pretty none the less! (25 Pictures)
And the second And Third Guest Galleries from my recent photoshoot at the Guildford Games Club are both up. Dan and Marks' forces were two of the main influences in me deciding to do the guest Galleries in the first place, so it seems right they should be among the first online! Small, but perfectly formed, I present the Warmachine Cryx force of Dan Gardiner (4 pictures), and the Warhammer Chaos Force of Mark Shaw (9 pictures).

New Galleries: 3
New Pictures: 38

And an update on the Pledge!
I've not bought anything new at all this month, so its looking good! Unless you count transfers, in which case you can... umm... well, get a life really ;op
The Pledge:
Models Bought: 37
Models Painted: 101
Months into the Pledge: 6

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

File Upload Woes :(

Hi all, I'm Paul, and I broke the HobbyBrush....

I'm sorry to say that there wont be any articles going up in the proper articles section for a while.

I am having a few issues, undoubtedly with myself rather than the website itself, but either way I cant get the PDF uploads to work!

I've put them all online, so you can take a look, but I'm afriad you have to dig for them from here as I cant link them directly into the website :(

[SoW] GGC's Alternative Core SoW rules pack
[SoW] Suburban Carnage V2.0
[SoW] Loading the Guns V1.0
[SoW] Unsung heoroes V1.0

More fail! I'll keep trying though - galleries a plenty next time :)

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Snow is here, and so are the updates!

Its been snowing here in Surrey, UK, and that means everything stops working in England. Including me! Not by choice, but there isn't much one can do on a roof under 6 inches of snow!

So, I've been uploading pictures and creating galleries for a couple of hours & there's plenty more to come!

So, what's new?
General galleries:
First up a gallery that actually contains some relatively new models!
SoW Objectives gallery - 16 pictures

And then lots of old projects to fill in a few of the many gaps still to go...

15mm Dwarf army 2 - just 6 pictures :(
Warhammer Empire Army - 24 pictures

The Flames of war section finally opens, and with a bang!
Small british Commission - 8 pictures
DAK Army Commission - 27 pictures
and the Flames of War Objectives Gallery - 11 images.

Totals for the day -
New Gallery count: 6
Picture Count: 92 :)

And at this rate - more tomorrow!

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Latest two SoW Games

Had a Couple of great games of Seeds of War lately - here's the super-quick over-view of them both - more details in article form soon!

Game 1 - 800 points, Krayt Vs Andrayada

We went for a big game, and a good one it was too!

6x4' with many a building, and a few forrests for good measure.

Game 2 - 400 points, Krayt Vs Andrayada, testing "Suburban Carnage" Bolt-on

As part of our continuing testing of the Bolt-on rule sets, we played a small game on a 4'x4' board, absolutely packed with buildings.

We decided (ok, I declared...) that each force should contain at least 50% infantry, which would be deployed in the buildings in the center of the board at the start of the game. The aim was to test the Building rules, so we figured we needed targets!

The winner was stated as the first player to completely wipe out the opponents infantry forces.

In the first three turns, James succeeded in levelling a very large section of the city, as my infantry ran from building to building, watching them fall like dominoes behind them.

My Veterans and Basileus formation came into play in turns 4 & 5, making a couple of good assaults and suprisingly, the standard monitior formation did a fine job too, showing an Andrayada warrior Phalanx how to do it up close and personal in the last turn.

In the end, we both had infantry left alive, but, having both taken armies designed to take down buildings, very little that could actually kill infantry in the open!

We declared a draw & a great success for a playtest.

The outcome:
Buildings are too easy to destroy with standard AV fire.
They're far too hard to destroy with Artillery.
Infantry escaping a falling building should have some chance of gaining suppression counters when they successfully escape, or they walk out as though nothing has happened.

Tweaking needed!

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

SoW game - 24 / 05 / 2010

I have promised myself to keep more of a record of my gaming on this blog. This I have done many times on various other mediums, but, honestly, I intend to do it this time!

The First installment is fuller than many may be, and can now be found in the articles section of the hobbyBrush, HERE