HobbyBrush.com" itemprop="name"/>

News, Updates & ramblings

This Blog is acting as the news and updates page for my new website, HobbyBrush.com.

The website itself is the archive of my painting through the last decade or more, with easy navigation around what now amounts to over 3000 images of wargames figures & display miniatures.

It is also the repository for my musings, workbench notes and reports on all things gaming and miniature painting that I get up to.

I've been collecting miniatures for 24 years and have covered most scales, periods and styles in that time. Don't expect consistency on one project here - there will be variety in project, but hopefully consistently high standards!

Thanks for reading!

Showing posts with label BTD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BTD. Show all posts

Friday, 2 January 2015

New Pics, For sale, and new random paint.

well, what do you know - I actually got a few models in front of decent lighting and a proper camera, we have an actual HobbyBrush update!

Not many, granted, but its a token start ;op

First up, a few more pics added to the 28mm Soviet WWII gallery. This whole section is going to need a complete reorganise soon when I add all the new bits to it, but these first ones are all for sale so got priority for good pics. IS2, SU76, T70, and a T34/85 in summer green. (9 pictures)

 The Classic Metal Cadian Squad I painted a few weeks back are going up on ebay, so they qualified for a photoshoot too - new pics in the 40K misc section (2 pictures)

A few upgraded pics added to the Warmaster Misc section - High Elf and Wood Elf Lords and Brettonian king - all painted years ago! (7 Pictures) 

The Witch Hunters Mordheim Mob uploaded to the blog earlier this week get their own gallery (11 Pictures)

New Figure alert! Completely random quick paint job on a classic old citadel foot knight. Added to the Warhammer Misc Gallery and on bay soon (2 pictures) 

And finally, there's this guy. Another random and very quick paintjob on one of the hundreds of figures I received in the Reaper Bones Kickstarter deal. Really cant decide how he should be based, and dot think I'll get back to him anytime soon, so here he is now on the Blog - welcome the ever honorable (?) Bar Tender!

New Galleries: 1
New Pictures: 31

Its a long time since I've typed that..... Happy New Year and Happy Viewing!

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Project Kursk : the objectives

Well, the big game may have come and gone, but there's still some things I didn't get to show you in the run up, and some details to be added to a lot of models before I declare them 100% 'done' so you can expect the title to continue to crop up! 

In this post, it's the objectives from the game. They were rushed out to be ready for the day, but served us well - nothing like the site of some hardy soviets cooking up a brew whilst 100 tanks fight around them ( indeed, fight for the rightm to control the very field kitchen they're brewing on! ) .

Ok, so they might not make 'sense' as objectives in all instances, but they're a good excuse to put together and indeed use some more characterful pieces. 

Baggage cart, field kitchen and baggage from baker company's winter war kickstarter:

Tank crews from the same winter war kickstarter: 

And, finally, a selection of casualty bases using black tree designs' soviet casualty figures:

More soon, and variety will start once again as the festive season sees me without a specific project, so time to catch up on things, start new things I'll never finish, and enjoy painting some random bits! 

Monday, 24 November 2014

Project Kursk: the guns get bigger

So it's really a tank project, and I started with infantry... I know... I know.... 

But ignoring your cries for some heavy armour, here's a slight step in the right direction - some larger pieces of ordinance have made their way off the bench. 

120mm mortar: the big space on the base is for the trailer rig which comes with the tube( all from BTD) , but which I've completely mislaid so will have to be added later! 

And not one, but two 57mm anti tank guns, which will be being towed until deployment by my forces captured hanomags. 

Actually, because it's meant to be an armour log, here's a couple of things which I painted a while back, but have never posted photos of before - my IS2. Pride and joy of the panther hunting forces already painted and ready for the 14th!
And the ever reliable SU122 

New tanks next time! 

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Project Kursk - the preview

A couple of weeks ago, we ran a "little" test game at our local club to try out some ideas of how to handle a game with so many vehicles involved. It went really well, and master of ceremonies, mr Eddie "the Fez" Turner set out some of the WIP forces for a couple of promo shots. I knocked a couple myself for use on the blog, but forgot to post them at the time! 

That's 20 panthers eddie's putting together to form the core of the axis forces. It's a pretty scary sight! Thankfully what's seen here is just a fraction of the soviet / allied forces, but even so! 

Here's the hobbybrush workbench as of a week or so ago. 
Listings change, as I may have to sell a few before the event, but there's more in the post as well to compensate! 

20  x t34/85 (inc 3 OT variants)
3  x T34/76
1 x IS2
1 x captured panther
2 x KV 1
2 x KV2
1 x KV8
1 x SU76
1 x SU85
1 x SU100
1 x SU122
2 x SU122/152
2 x captured hanomags, which will be towing 57mm AT guns
5 x universal carriers
3 x T26a
6 x T26b
3 x Kht26
1 x T70
3 x BA10m
1 x BA64
And a few jeeps, trucks and associated unarmed vehicles 

US allies:
10 x Sherman
3 x M3 half tracks, filled with as many bazooka teams as I can compile (anyone got spare zooks to trade?!?)

They're unlikely to get painted in time.... Ad frankly who cares? ;op 

So there's a bit to do...... Then there's infantry to match it.... But not specifically for this game thank god! 

Project Kursk - the countdown

Well, I have the workshop back running at speed again, and there's a big game approaching on December 14th (see here : http://fez-man.blogspot.co.uk/p/bolt-action-fez-kursk-1945-th-november.html ) so it's time to drag mysf away from twilight and random painting to once again focus on the big picture - 28mm soviets 

Mainly armour, but a few infantry and artillery thrown into the mix too. 

My own, personal, aim is to be taking 70 vehicles of various classes to the game. Yes 70. Yes 28mm. Any further questions? 

Let the countdown begin! 21 days til Armageddon. 

I'm easing myself in with some infantry (specifically scouts, hence the amoeba camo suits)  and medium mortars. Figures are black tree. Bases are mdf from warbases.co.uk. 

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

In the pipeline....

Its been a long time since I updated much at all here, and I've talked about the many projects I'm working on without much proof.

As we all kow "It didn't happen if there's not pictures", so here's a little "proof" that I have indeed been busy lately...

First up my Firestorm Invasion army. I only just Blogged the gallery for these guys earlier today, but as you can see its grown considerably since those photos were taken, and even the bases on the old models have been added to so it is in fact completely out of date already!

Then there's the last of the Kraytonian army which were painted a couple of months ago, and are actually almost ready for a proper gallery at last! The pic below is just the latest reinforcemets to the far larger complete force... 

Beyond that, I have finally had the excuse to work on a 28mm Soviet army of my own. I've wanted to since I did a commission force and had a few models kept in storage from those days. Of course, when I say a few... 

And then there's my flames of war forces. But whilst I've done a fair bit of work on them, there's few which I'd call complete just yet. They're ext up for final touches after just a few more soviets!  Then of course there's the "Tank Park" which is my current "To Do" board....

A fair selection of vehicles from different nationalities and eras on there. Mostly Forged in battle bought cheap from various sources - very nice models and I'll be painting as many as I can for ebay, so plenty of varied updates to come!

Well, that at least proves that I'm not idle even if it does fall short of a proper gallery update. More soon!

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Painting New, Uploading old...

I'm afraid its all old stuff again this week, as I work my way through the thousands of miniatures I've painted in years gone by and work out which of the photos I deem reasonable enough for public viewing!

I am still painting a mixture of my own projects and a couple of small commissions, but I've not managed to get anythign in front of the camera for a month or so. Thus, I do hope that variety will make up for the lack of any new brush work for the time being!

Whats New?
Following up from the MotoStrelkovy last time around, this time its the Soviet FoW Tankovy Gallery - 22 pictures
And a very small German Commission - 4 pictures
Black Tree Designs Fantasy Gallery - 6 pictures
6mm Goblin Gallery - 15 pictures (you gotta start somewhere...)
6mm amazon gallery - 14 pictures (ditto!)
And, just because we're missing the sci-fi element so far this week, a VOID gallery to finish off - 27 pictures

Todays totals:
New Galleries - 6
New Images - 88

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Continuing Clearout

More stuff being photographed for sale means more pictures up here again today!

Total picture count for today - 79
New Galleries - 6

Soviets for Sale
- 10 Photos
Epic Scenery Gallery - 13 pictures
Warhammer Misc Gallery - 4 pictures (a classic Ogre)
15mm medieval / Fantasy Human army 1 - 6 new photos
15mm Fantasy Human army 3 - 11 new photos
28mm BTD WW2 Soviet tank riders - 13 pictures
18mm BTD WW2 German DAK - 26 pictures

Sunday, 30 May 2010

More Galleries added!

Today I've added galleries of a few more old commissions from my mercenary days to the HobbyBrush.

This time round, I have 5 galleries. Picture count: 228

Epic "Studio" Eldar gallery
Epic "Studio" Others Gallery
Epic Imperial Guard Gallery 1 (of many to come!)
40K Dark Angels Gallery
28mm WWII Soviets Gallery