Its a return to usual stylings for me now, and hopefully if I can stay active, the 3 sections will all be regulars once again.
Of Gaming...
Finally put my dice back to good use last week, and had a great game of Blitzkreig Commander aganst Matt Arnold (aka "Rug"). We play so infrequently that every game is a learning experience, but its always good fun. (THat's a World of Twilight Fubarnii Jenta in the pic by the way - didn't get any pics of the game - he's on the workbench at the moment! )
A small game (1000 points), I started being plagued with bad command rolls. In the first 3 turns, I achieved just two successfull rolls between my Co AND HQ combined, and failed to make it to the positions I had hoped for by the time the German Iron tide washed upon my soviet shores.
However, I was saved by a couple of unlucky assaults in turn 3 on the part of my opponent and my infantry held out well. Turn 4 saw my tanks (6 T70's and an early T34)rumble into action at last, taking on the enemy assault guns in a forest to forest fire fight. T70's proved to be a fair old weapon at the given range and the enemy were wiped out in a couple of rounds of firing for the loss of a single tank to enemy reactive fire.
My infantry were feeling the brunt of the enemy force, being assailed by armoured mechanised infantry and the bulk of the enemy armour in the form of panzer II's and III's. As they started to pull back, they were saved by the soviet armour making their way back through the wood to front up to the enemy once again. Firing from the woods, against enemy armour clearly visible on the open face of a hill, they had the advantage. As the infantry faught a fighting withdrawl, the tanks took their toll on the enemy armour, pushing the Germans past their fragile break point.
In the end I won by numbers. I only had two formations which hindered me when bad command rolls struck, but when they came off, the sheer weight of fire and high break point meant even the fancy manouvres of the Germans didn't stand a chance.
Of Painting...
I've been on the Brushes every spare moment I can this week. Salute is presenting a good, rare, chance to play World of Twilight and it has spurred me to paint up the majority of my remaining collection.
I've got 6 hunters, an Engineer, 2 civilian youngsters, Commander Brenner, Captain Danomar and 2 knights of Relan on the workbench all at various stages. Fingers crossed, they'll all be ready for action on the 21st!
Of updates...
But, of course, the bit you really care about is the galleries and I've opened another classic today. My Epic "Agri-Guard" Imperial Guard forces became some of the first models I posted online which earned my painting a recognizable status. I collected three massive Imperial Guard armies at the time. I have sold most, but a valuable few will always remain in my collections. The pictures in this gallery vary from the antique to the relatively recent - please forgive the mass of varying quality!
New Pics: 60
New Galleries: 1
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News, Updates & ramblings
This Blog is acting as the news and updates page for my new website,
The website itself is the archive of my painting through the last decade or more, with easy navigation around what now amounts to over 3000 images of wargames figures & display miniatures.
It is also the repository for my musings, workbench notes and reports on all things gaming and miniature painting that I get up to.I've been collecting miniatures for 24 years and have covered most scales, periods and styles in that time. Don't expect consistency on one project here - there will be variety in project, but hopefully consistently high standards!
Thanks for reading!
Showing posts with label twighlight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label twighlight. Show all posts
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Monday, 9 April 2012
The Twilight of Easter...
The Easter Bank Holiday weekend is coming to a close here in the UK and I'm finally on the Brushes!
I'm working on a few more of my Fubarnii for the World of Twilight. I've got 6 herders on the bench as I type and a host of others waiting to see some paint. In the mean time, I remembered that my current gallery isn't even up to date & that needs fixing!
I've posted these on the World of Twilight Forums previously, but for the first time on the HobbyBrush, Here's the full Militia and Knights contingent of my Fubarnii.
New Galleries: 0
New Pictures: 9
It might only 9 images, but it just put us over 3000 images on the HobbyBrush - Enjoy your browsing and thanks for looking!
Sunday, 10 July 2011
I can see! I can see!
But I haven't done much painting :(
My eyes continued to trouble me and took some time before I could focus well enough for long enough to really get down to much painting, so apologies for the lack of updates and for the very poor start to my pledge!
I do have a few new things to show off however, so please take a look if you care at....
The Next Big Thing - World of Twilight Diorama (9 Pictures)
The Giants Gallery - Selected Giants from across many 28mm ranges. (7 new pictures) And dammit, I'm counting those giants as 4 models each for the Pledge!
And because that's not enough new pics when you've been waiting so long, I've also uploaded the hasslefree Fantasy Gallery to add a little more colour (15 pictures)
Good News, I sold some more 15mm Flames of ar WWII Soviets. £120 worth to be exact which sets me off well on the pledge. I am, of course, however, just a normal gamer so no sooner had I done so that I made a purchase to further my Twilight Demo'ing capabilities (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!). Using the same system of counting cavalry as 2 models each, I purchased 24 new models this month. So I break even so far. Not great, but could be worse I guess!
Gallery count: 3
Picture count: 31
The Pledge:
Models Bought: 24
Models Painted: (edit!) 26 - I didn't count the Diorama. counting 1 for model, 1 for setting ;)
Months into the Pledge: 2
Thursday, 19 May 2011
The World of Twilight...
yes yes, I know its been quiet here, but a lot's been happening in the "real world" lately, and I'm pleased to be able to say that a fair bit has been happening in the workshop too :)
Having taken 51 weeks to get the first model painted frommy modest World of Twilight collection, inspiration hit and I've finished up not just the first unit of Enuk knights, but also the first unit of militia for my Fubarnii Empire Forces.
So, there's a modest update to the Twilight Fubarnii galleries today. (6 pictures)
There have been other projects afoot, which will hopefully start bearing fruit int he next week or two. Well, they better had, or I'm going to be in some trouble!
Gallery count: 0
Picture count: 6
Models Bought: 0
Models Painted: 12
Months into the Pledge: 0.6
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Taking the Pledge....
Thats it! This is MAD! I'm taking the Pledge!
Well, I'm taking a variety of "the pledge".
Confused? Let me explain....
The pledge is a commitment to paint more models every month than I buy.
I, like most gamer / collectors have always had a huge lead mountain. However, over the last 6 months I have come into a staggering amount of models on the cheap. Friends closing down trade stands, clearing out old stock and just generally being in the right place at the right time. Deals I could never turn down, but its become simply ridiculous. My flat now resembles the back room of a well stocked hobbyshop.
Thus, my Pledge is a modified one.
I hereby Pledge, that month on month, I will Paint more miniatures than I buy. Furthermore, I pledge that henceforth I will only purchase with funds made from the selling of figures(painted or not).
That way, I should not only start to finish some of the myriad of projects I've currently got partially done, but also be inclined to not just expand my cabinets every month, but actually get on with selling some stuff too, making my hobby self-sufficient once again!
Looking at my workshop, I have a lot of figures nearing completion that have been around for a while, so that should give me a head start, but lets see how long I can keep it up!
Oh, and I suppose I'd better start with a new model hadn't I...
The Twighlight Gallery is Open with my first Fubarni knight. More to come very soon! (4 pictures)
Gallery count: 1
Picture count: 4
Models Bought: update at end of month
Models Painted: update at end of month
Months into the Pledge: 0
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