Bits of this and bits of that, but nothing much of anything really! However, HobbyBrush HQ is hosting a paiting & gaming day tomorrow (Christmas eve) so more interesting waffle to come!
Of Updates and Galleries...
This is the important bit. Starting with the galleries recieving updates..
Alex Foyster's Eldar army First graced these cyber pages over a year ago. To be honest its so long ago I've forgotten. All I know is that I took updated photos way back in Spring '12 and they've been languishing in my "to do" pile since then. So Sorry mate, but here they are at long long last- beautiful work, every one of them! (21 pictures)
A little something from me for a change, but they're pictures taken when I sold the units back in 2010, so its hardly new, just more clearing out the backlogs :) My WHFB Orc and Goblin gallery gets a few almost detail shots added. (7 pictures)
Back to the wonderful work of others, and Matt Arnold (aka "Rug") returns to the ranks of Guest Galleries, this time with my arch-enemies across the table when we play Blitzkrieg Commander. These are his 6mm Germans, and yes, there is camo to be seen on the infantry! (10 pictures)
Lastly for tonight, but not for the festive season, I'm sticking with the World War 2 theme with two small galleries of my own recent work, just to prove brushes have actually been moving in my workshop over the last few months! There's a tiny little gallery which I'm looking forward to expanding, in the form of my Blitzkreig Commander Scenery (3 pictures). And there's also some early war 15mm German armour for you to peruse, from Forged in Battle with more to come soon! (14 pictures)
New Galleries: 3
New pictures: 55