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Hardtack and Havoc

A private of the 1st Texas Volunteer Infantry Civil War Reenactor with a day job in Uncle Sugar's Navy trapped in the unholy land of New England...I wish I was still in Iraq.

November 29, 2003

Mmmm Thats Good Eating (If It Ain't The Only Thing You Get)

I ate an MRE (Meals Ready To Eat) today. Didn't have to, just kind of considered it a cross culture culinary experience. It was definitely edible and even quite tasty. Back when MREs first came out I used them when backpacking. They were almost edible, fairly compact, and had a lot of calories. There has been considerable improvement in the last 18 years. I had the Chicken Capasomethingorother with wheat bread, peanut butter, pretzel sticks and spice cake. It was really good for a processed chicken patty (chicken, chunked and formed, breaded) in tomato sauce. Eating one is O.K. and even fun (as for as eating is fun) but I certainly could get tired of them if I had nothing to look forward to other than another MRE.

Military Rations have come a long way since the War of Northern Aggression. Back then a soldier was lucky to get any meat based meals at all. If meat was available it was generally of poor quality, and poorly cooked (I wonder what the rate of triconosis (sp?) from undercooked pork was during the war?) An MRE is one individual serving for one individual soldier. You don't have to fight with your messmates to get your fair share, except if your the poor bastard who gets the tuna and noodle MRE may the Lord have mercy on your gastrointestinal track. Sitting around the cook fire with the pards in my mess, they could starve to death or loose a finger (keep hand, feet and any loose articles a way from me when I am hungry). Marching with the Ragged First under General King at Sharpesburg back in '62, I thought a small piece of salt beef, hardtack, a carot that the mule turned his nose up at, and a somewhat scrawny onion was feast fit for a king. I guess it all about expectations.


November 28, 2003

The Second String

We got a special visit today, the Secretary of the Navy dropped by to wish us a happy holiday season and thank us for our service. It wasn't as good as the visit that the boys in Baghdad got (we are all pretty jealous but they deserve every bit of support they can get for the hard work they are doing out that way) but at least somebody came to thank us. It's nice that SECNAV cares but they had all of us nautical types (you know, the slimy things from the sea) form up at the cantina. Then after about ten minutes in the hot sun (I will remind you good reader, the it ain't just hot here. IT'S AFRICA HOT!) the powers that be announced delay in the schedule. We broke formation but we weren't to leave the area so my buddies and I hunkered down in the shade of a concrete bunker. We started to discuss the protective qualities of these protective bunkers against various common types of dropped and launched munitions and submunitions. The verdict was that we didn't believe our bunker would stop anything larger than a 40mm round. We pretty much decided that in the event of incoming fire we were going down the manhole to the cable/pipe runs in front of the building.

Oh and after about an hour of evaluating the protective ability of the concrete bunker SECNAV showed up and said "thanks"


The Man Has A Big Pair Of Brass Ones That Click When He Walks

It is refreshing to have a real leader for our nation. His recent trip to share Thanksgiving with our troops engaged in Iraq was a ballsy and welcome effort. In my 12 years of service, this Commander and Chief has been the first to earn my respect. God Bless him and we should all be thankful that we have a proper leader at this critical juncture in history.


November 26, 2003

Deep Thoughts From The Shallow End Of the Pool

I was taking my post PT shower this afternoon and I started thinking. My Bride would warn that thinking on my part would set a dangerous precedent. Never the less I don't know why I was thinking about the Warrior Class or the second amendment to the constitution as I was soaping my wee danglies etc. but I did and now you can read about it.

The American Warrior Class

We tend to think of society as a single entity but it is, in fact, stratified. These layers of our society, classes if you will, can be expressed as the poor, the working class, the middle class, and the rich. There is less of a distinction between the working class and the middle class than exists between the others. Overall the majority of Americans fit neatly in the working and middle classes with the bell curve dropping off sharply with the poor and the rich. One of the most important facets of our American society is that one is not bound by caste one is currently in, i.e., the American dream. A person can be anything or go as for as that person's ability may take them. However, behind this a societal stratum is a fifth class that transcends the boundaries of all the others. This is the Warrior class. The Warrior class while once an acknowledged and critical piece of the societal pie is now largely a shadow culture. Early in our nations history the benefits and pitfalls of maintaining a standing military were actively debated. Governments fear disciplined armed bodies because they are a threat to their power. I will talk about this in a later post. Throughout the military we can see where families have generation after generation that "wear the cloth of the nation"'. In my family alone, we have had three consecutive generations serve in the armed forces not to include that members of my family tree have served in war and peace throughout the history of our nation. If you walk up to any Sailor, Marine, Soldier, or Airman assigned to this Combined Joint Task Force and asked if they were the first in their family to serve, far more than half would tell you that they are at least second generation military. I think that the warrior ethos is instilled by heritage. By that I mean when an individual decides to place many of personal freedoms on hold and even put their future in doubt by joining the military the majority do it for deep personal reasons. What I believe to be some of those reasons I have discussed in another post. I think these reasons are inherent to the individual's core values and in turn are passed on to their issue and so forth until they almost become a family birthright.

While it is undeniable that the warrior class thrives behind the scenes in our society but why is it not as an acknowledged a piece of the cultural pie as it was half a century ago? I think society in general has developed a fear of the warrior. I don't mean openly afraid but an internal fear of what the Warrior class represents or maybe what the others classes fail to represent. The Warrior forsakes his own personal comfort and safety to provide it for others. The nature of the Warrior class is to give back some of what was provided to us. Our society seeks life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In our early days as nation it was understood that these things are bought with the currency of blood and the Warrior class was the bank. I believe one of the better arguments against maintaining a standing military is that by maintaining a universal civilian militia every citizen would have an awareness of the price at which freedoms are bought. However, the concept is impractical as time and time again the militia soldier has proven a liability on the battlefield due to lack of training, discipline, equipage etc. The professional Warrior of today represents violence, destruction, and death. These are things generally frowned on by polite society which values safety, security and order. On the reverse side the Warrior also represents protection for the weak, help for the helpless, stability in the midst of chaos, things most of society has come to believe should be free for everyone. Society has come to believe that the freedoms and privileges (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness), which are rented by blood sacrifice, should be free, perpetual, and they treat them accordingly. It would seem that we have become a gimme, gimme, gimme society. Society expects to given freedom, given protection, given order, given security. It has become an entitlement society. Well one portion of society has traditionally been the giver. The warrior stands between order and chaos and buys the things that the rest of society feels that they are owed for free. In short, the Warrior stands between the people and things that go bump in the night.

Government's inherent fear of an armed population

"The tree of liberty must, from time to time, be refreshed with the blood of patriots." This quote explains why governments fear an armed civil population and why the right of the American citizen to keep and bear arms was, and is so important as to be the 2nd amendment to the constitution of the United States. The government of this nation was created out of an armed insurrection against another legitimate government that no longer served the needs of the people. It was created as a government of the people, for the people, by the people. The merits of maintaining a standing military were fiercly debated. This new government knew that armed disciplined bodies were a threat to civilian government. Most of our founding fathers desired to maintain a civilian militia to provide for national defense, however; the geopolitical landscape of the world was very dangerous during that day and age and militia had more often than not proven itself unreliable in times of trial. A compromise was reached. The nation would maintain a small standing military that would provide the sturdy skeleton to be fleshed out with the citizen militia in time of war. The founders of our nation also understood one incredibly important truth. All governments everywhere will inherently devolve into corruption and oppression. Because they understood this truth they specifically designed the federal government with checks and balances and also engineered it to be relatively weak. This nation was a designed as a collection of sovereign states united under the umbrella of a LIMITED central federal government. One of the most important but least understood checks and balance that our founding fathers provided us as a defense against the inevitable corruption of government was the right of the people to keep and bear arms. They knew that eventually, if was not actively prevented, that our government would cease to be a government of the people, for the people, by the people and the tree of liberty would, once again, need to be refreshed with the blood of patriots. Today the tree of liberty is still relatively healthy and strong and may God grant that my children's children never see the need to refresh her.


November 24, 2003

With Shipmates Like These Who Need Transnational Terrorists

Forget Al Queda, I've got office terrorists in my shop! I recently modified my computer with a few wav files from The Simpsons. In particular whenever I received an incoming email my computer would loudly state in Grandpa Simpsons voice "Oh Bitch, Bitch, Bitch. I thought this would humorous and amusing considering the type of emails I usually get. Personally, I think it is much better than the Austin Powers "You've Got Mail, Baby" that seems popular with the other yahoos on the staff. When my "Shipmates" (and I use that term of endearment in the loosest possible way. Loose as in stool) realized what I had chosen for my email notification they started emailing me every time an O6 and above came in the shop. Essentially every time our boss came in, my computer would start screaming "Oh, Bitch, Bitch, Bitch" over and over again. It got so bad that I finally had to change the Wav to Homer Simpson saying "Woohoo". I tell you what I work with a bunch of junvenile, supercilious bastards. I really like them! Now how can I screw with them.

P.S. Hey Darlin' I am considering shaving my head bald! What do ya think?


November 23, 2003

My Bride Chastised Me For Not Posting

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been posting last couple days. Really just haven't felt like it. Actually, I still don't but my Bride chastised me that I need to post as much as possible. Not sure why, mostly these are just the ramblings of a disturbed mind. Have you notice that a lot of my posts lately have dealt with food. I have. I am not sure if that is due to a subtle restructuring of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs within my subconscious or if it is just cuz I am hungry a lot? Probably the latter since it is in keeping with the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) principle by which I try an live by.

Has anybody been paying attention to the ruckus in Georgia. The only thing that could make the situation worse out that way would be Gen. Sherman's ghost. Well it appears their is a coup in progress against the RoG government. What little I have heard leads me to believe that President Eduard Schevardnadze is still in charge, barely, but the parliament building, to include the parliament, is under the control of the opposition. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Georgia is important with regard to the war on terror. We have Marines there to train the Georgian Army for just that reason. It is not in our best interest to have additional instability in that region. Only time will tell.