Years ago in an old M*A*S*H rerun, Hawkeye said to another character something to the effect of "Next time we throw a war what will happen if nobody shows up". For some reason I have been thinking about that question, it has been rattling around in my brain all day (My Bride would tell me "yeah, and your head sounds like a can of spray paint being shaken") and here is what I have to say about that:
That question has been answered, though I don't think anyone has really been paying attention. In 1985 international terrorists threw a war just for us. They sent the invitation direct to the Beirut Marine Barracks. I know we received the invite to this war cause the RSVP was written in the blood of our Marines, yet the U.S. chose not to show up. The terrorist just went ahead and threw the ball anyway even if we would not attend the dance. They had been sending us invitations to their war for 16 years before we decided we might want to put in an appearance at the soiree. The invitations have come in the form of The Pan Am flight blown up over Scotland, the German Disco bombing, the Achille Lauro take over, the TWA hijacking, the first WTC bombing, the African Embassy bombings, the USS COLE, and finally the September 11th attacks. Up until the September 11, 2001 invitation we have politely and meekly sent a negative RSVP written in the blood of the victims back to the terrorist. In my humble opinion it was high time we accepted their bloody invitation. We should have been all over them like stink on shit after the Beirut bombing, if failing that then the USS COLE attack should have been the last straw! It is way past time to show the murdering son's of sows how to dance!
We as nation seem to learn nothing from our history. Look at Japanese actions leading up to our entry into the second world war. Japan wanted us and everyone else out of Asia. They needed China's resources, and in order to get them they needed America and the European powers out of the way. Well the war in Europe emasculated the European presence and that only left the U.S. to deal with. Slowly, they turned up the heat on us hoping we would withdraw into ourselves and ignore the Japanese brutality in china. Then sent us a loud and clear message with the sinking of the USS PANAY on the Yangtze river in 1937. We told them we understood their message by scaling back the Yangtze river patrol and not retaliating for their deliberate attach on a U.S. Navy vessel and the American owned vessels she was escorting. Armed with the confidence we provided with our disengagement they proceeded on with their agenda. When the U.S. was once again a threat to the Japanese interests in Asia, they felt it was time to send us another message. This message came in the form of two waves of aerial attack on our fleet base in pearl harbor and almost simultaneous attacks on our facilities in the Philippine archipelago. Japan had good reason to believe we would respond by disengaging and withdrawing just as we had with previous provocation. It wasn't the first time they killed American Sailors, Marines and Soldiers and sunk American ship's. Why would we do anything about it this time. We did not withdraw this time, we drew the terrible swift sword and threw away the scabbard!
We have once again drawn the sword and I hope we have thrown away the scabbard. I am not sure. It seems as if our national will, our backbone has been eroding over the last several decades. Are we still a nation that can pay the price and meet the evil of terrorism with tenacity and aggression? We have suffered about 500 casualties total in the first two years of the Global War on Terrorism and many people already scream that the butcher's bill is to high. The price of victory in the second world war was 1,078,162 dead and wounded, in the first world war it was 320,710 dead or wounded, in the War of Northern Aggression 970,227 American were killed or wounded fighting for their beliefs. We have taken more casualties in the years we spent ignoring the terrorist than we have in the last two when we have been kicking their asses.
The terrorist started this soiree, now it is time for to turn out the lights and close the ball.