1. PencilThe Pencil is one of the visual metaphors most used to express creativity. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to draw a pencil icon. We'll have a look at gradients, selection tools, and basic transform operations. Let's have some fun with this.
2. Construction Helmet Construction icons have always been popular on-screen, and although those dot-com "under-construction" pages have mostly vanished from our screens, the trusty ol' yellow helmet icon still has its uses. In this tutorial, we'll be creating our very own icon from a photograph.
3. CalendarNow i noticed that a lot of people create some really nice icons on their blogs so i decided to actually create a general icon for a Calendar. Below is the outcome of this tutorial:
4. RSSEver wondered how to make your own Mac icons? Have you ever created an icon and had trouble making the icons fully transparent?
2. Attack Brushes
In this brush the design is in such a way that it depicts shooting stars effect at the space. I think that's why it is called as attack brushes.
The silky effect and the chocolate design are the things that I like a lot in this design.
4. Punk Brushes
I searched for the human design in the photoshop brushes and I found out this. Just check this out...