Showing posts with label Saints Row 4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saints Row 4. Show all posts

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ask Gauss

Sunday! Yep here we are with the weekend coming to a close typing away when it is cold as hell outside. Leaves me to wonder if the weekend itself was really a break from it all. Regardless of that fact weekends end with me answering some of the questions sent to me throughout the week so we should get going on that fact.

See the new trailer for The Orde:1886?

For those who haven't

I must say the trailers more and more keep pumping me up for this game. Like I said before I was always interested in playing this, but with each passing trailer it keeps making want to play it more and more. It really is unfair isn't it? I also don't think this is a case of overhype as some have been suggesting to me there just seems to be too much showcased for that ending up as the result.

Are you finding Rank play in Heroes of the Storm pretty unbalanced?

I think for the moment if you are queuing as a single you will be matched against others queuing as a group which when group queues become a thing won't happen. Remember this is a beta and things come in steps. So if you are queuing for ranked solo at the moment this is something which you should expect. Does this mean you are bad at the game? Not necessarily just could mean you are up against an organized group of players.

Any thoughts on Gat Out of Hell?

Lots of dick kicking.

There you have it my question choices for the week. Hope you all found some use out of them. As always thanks to everyone who sent in a question if I answered it on here or not. I know I am slightly behind but I will get to yours if you are still waiting!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Even After Everything You've Done, I Would Have Saved You.

Here we are in the middle of the week once again, and I am sitting here with a list of topics for my lists. I am not going to use any of these this week though. I was thinking and with next week so many great super hero shows are either starting a new season or starting fresh I thought this would be the perfect time to make a list of my favourite Super Hero games of all time. So here goes!

5. Saints Row IV

Now I know most of you wouldn't even consider this to be a super hero game. Well I say think about it there are humans with super powers which can do outrageously improbably things. So really it is a super hero game isn't it? Not only that it is insanely fun because really anything you can think about you can do.

4. X-Men Arcade

Back in the 90s there were great games of the beat em up style. It  seemed like a monthly thing to have a new brawler where you'd slowly walk to the right and punch the hell out of bad guys. Most of these games are now forgotten to history but X-Men stayed with me. It wasn't that complex at all, and it wasn't groundbreaking by any means it was just better than the others. Cleaner. More fun. Oh, and it let six of us play!

3.  The Punisher

It was the Punisher game we deserved, but maybe not the one the world was ready for back in in 2005. The ESRB almost gave it a rare AO rating for violence, and several countries demanded edits before allowing its release. It’s hard to blame them, the game played was ultra-violent even by todays standards. You could drown a man in a toilet, crush a skull in a piano, use a piranha-filled aquarium as a dunk tank, and even play matador to a rhino, using a bad guy as a cape. What made this game something to remember for me though was fighting Yakuza alongside Iron Man, storming a beach with Nick Fury and killing Russian mercenaries with the Black Widow.

2. inFamous 2

inFamous 2 isn't based off of something we already was a super hero story created directly for gamers. While I liked the first game it wasn't until the second that I really thought this is a super hero game I will never forget.

1. Batman Arkham City

What else could it be? All the other games gave legitimacy to titles based on comics, but the Arkham releases were the first to be game of the year caliber packages. Arkham Asylum understood Batman like no game before, embracing and perfectly recreating the character at his best. He was a warrior, a detective, a stealthy predator, and most importantly, a hero. Arkham City improved upon all this and more and to me is the obvious choice more so than any other as best super hero game.

There you have it this week's list all put together. Do you have a favourite not making the list? Let me know or complain about my list and tell me what should replace what. It is what these lists are for.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Ask Gauss

Happy Sunday everyone. The day of pancakes and bacon and all that fancy stuff. Any day which starts with bacon is a good day for me. Frankly, any day that has any bacon in general is a good day to me. Now I want some bacon. Anyways, got sidetracked with the thought of bacon. Sunday, what does that mean? Why it means Ask Gauss, of course. You know the post of the week where I answer some questions sent to me throughout the week. So why don't we just get on with it.

Did you see the Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer? What did you think?

First for those who have no seen it.

Now I enjoy these trailers probably more then the next person and I will never forget my disappointment with the 4.4 trailer. There have been some great ones in the past namely the Black Temple, ZA, and Ulduar ones. This though is in my opinion the best they have ever done. It more than any of them gets you pump up to take Garrosh down. Lore wise I am really excited to know what happens at the end of this though. Will he be killed? Will he escape only to become something else? What is the future of The Horde? Who will be Warchief? So many questions and I cannot wait to find out.

Do you plan of playing Saints Row 4?

Honestly I don't know. I may pick it up eventually but overall I have played the series but never been a huge fan. I have heard a lot of great things about it. Although I have seen some claims that it could be up there with The Last of Us for game of the year. That I think may be going too far. Now yes I haven't played the game, but a game like The Last of Us doesn't come around very often at all. So that's not taking anything away from SR4 just that I pretty much know they are not on the same scale.

Game you will never play?

Any game which is an Xbox exclusive.

There you have it this week's questions answered. Hope you all got something out of it. Keep sending in your questions every week I am always happy to answer them here or with the return email.