Showing posts with label Rift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rift. Show all posts
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Ask Gauss
Sunday... yes your weekend is coming to an end. You can be a sad panda another time for right now you are here to see what questions have been asked of me this week, and exactly how I am going to respond to them. Or maybe you are here randomly and don't know why. If that was the case then you now know exactly what is about to happen. So let's do this
So honestly did you really think Shadow of Mordor would play out this well?
I always had my hopes. I like all of the trailers and I became extremely hyped when I saw the Nemesis system working during E3. Sure the game plays a lot like the Batman games and Assassin's Creed, but why is that a bad thing. Those games are successful and they have built on those ideas and put in something I truly believe will be looked back on in years to come as something special. Do I think the game is one of the best ever? No, but it is extremely fun to play and besides some slight anger issues when mounted I have enjoyed every minute I have played.
Do you thin the Heroes of the Storm shutdown means the game is closer?
Well we do know that when it comes back up on Tuesday there will be new hardware, more people playing and most importantly it will be connected directly to That last one is the most important thing. They are keeping the same process as they were with Hearthstone. The game is getting closer and with a larger pool of players will have more opportunities for testing. Blizzard games though are surprisingly hard to predict so release date is just something we will have to wait for.
Do you plan on playing Rift again when the expansion launches?
Maybe, haven't decided yet will keep you all posted.
There is the questions for the week. Thanks as always to everyone who sent something in if I answered it on here or not. This would not be possible without your contributions. Enjoy what is left of your weekend!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Safiree & Gauss
Mostly Epic Saturdays
Happy Saturday everyone! Hope your week was fantastic!! Another week for us playing WoW. I'm also still doing Rift, raiding with the guild i'm in. TOO MUCH MMO! ugh. Soon I think i'm going to drop Rift for a while. It was fun, but the grinding aspect is too heavy for me. Still reconnecting with old friends in WoW, trying to remember whether I met them in Threescore, or the guild I was in before I met Gauss. So confusing sometimes. When people greet me, i'm often hesitant because i'm not sure if they're "Gauss fans" trying to touch base with me, or people who actually know me but I don't remember them. (I have terrible memory.)
Gauss and I tried the "Timeless Isle", and the Scenario stuff they added. He can't stand doing the Isle because he says, they are easy rare farms for idiots who enjoy not doing much to earn gear. Which technically he is right, but honestly we died 500 times each. Always a good time though lol. Scenarios are pretty interesting. Newer mechanics i'm not familiar with. Basically I feel brand new to WoW with most things in Pandaria.
Dailies are CRAZY! Legit so many for cooking, and fishing. I love it. So far we've completed questing in I think 3 zones total in Pandaria. The Heroics are simple. Nothing really too complicated we haven't been able to just BLINDLY GO INTO INSTANCES AND KILL STUFF. =) I love it. I'm so glad khulk, and I were able to convince him to come back. All of us at the same time made it even better. Think i'll always have a soft spot in my heart for WoW. (ADHD TIME) Did anyone else notice the Jade Serpents voice is the same as Tyraels in Diablo III. I nerdgasm fangirled that moment I realized.
Anyways, I hope if you guys still play, Whisper and say Hi - Safiree-Llane. I'll be happy to hear from you.
Thank you (JayLOL) for the awesome screenshots you sent me. We also take ALOT of screenshots. :)
Feel free to send more QEDSAFIREE@GMAIL.COM
Saturday, January 4, 2014
So far, So good
Safiree & Gauss
Mostly Epic Saturdays
Happy Saturday everyone. It's been a hell of a week. Khulk, and I finally convinced Gauss to come back to World of Warcraft. We all 3 went back together after not playing for years. It definitely wasn't an easy task, and things will most certainly be much different. We won't be raiding, or being all hardcore like we used to be. Basically just came back to explore a little bit of the content we've missed out on. Quest chains, and the pet battles are insanely amazing. :D
Of course when we both finished installing we counted down log in at the same time. First thing he did was link Pi in trade chat. Which is actually pretty hilarious, for the longest time before I formally met him he was on my ignore list for months because I absolutely hated spam in my chats. One day I just decided to clear off some people from my ignore list and he was one of them. Sooo glad I did :)
The changes they made with the specs are pretty straight forward. I got used to Rift where your specs have a huge window for custom builds. World of warcraft definitely disappointed me seeing how dumbed down they made the talents. Guess that's a given though. Also nice seeing my paladin actually wearing gear, and not wearing lingerie, or a swim suit lol. I was still wearing my Viscous Gladiator gear from season 9 Arena.
So far though, Gauss, and I are happy all around with returning. It makes me happy seeing alot of his old friends surface to welcome him back :) Gauss really made a difference on Llane server over the years. I'm very proud of him, and how far he has came since meeting him. Both of us really. Hope you guys had a good 2013. We certainly did. You guys are awesome!
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Something witty
Safiree Saturdays
Happy Saturday everyone :) My week has been crazy. Believe it or not, I went raiding with my guild the other night (in Rift, not WoW). First time i've raided since doing it with Gauss and Three Score. I was so nervous lol. Then once things got going, I rediscovered why I stopped raiding in the first place rather quickly. These days i'm so much more ADHD with gaming lol. Being tied down to a raid group for hours on end definitely isn't my thing anymore.
Also, was our guilds first raid. Me and most others don't even PVE much in Rift. I'm all about pvping, and ruining other peoples days. All things considered, we did pretty great picked up learning the fights rather quickly, and progressed along with each mistake that was made. So good on us Veridian Dynamic. Also, shame on you Rift. Everytime I turn around there is something that looks way too similar to WoW. Triumph of the Dragon Queen(raid) looked almost exactly like Ulduar. Although, that is what most gaming companies do. Nothing original just the same concept but with a tweak to the stories. Guess I expect too much.
Found out that Reaper of Souls will be coming out 2 days before my birthday. March 25th, anyone else so uncontrollably excited for this? I certainly am :D
Fae Yule event in Rift is by far greater than the Christmas events in WoW. In my opinion that is. There is this huge mountain you can sled down, and run over snowmen on the way down. This probably excites me more than it should lol. I made Gauss log on to try it out and he said I was retarded. So there's that. LOL.
I'm not sure, if you guys know but in Rift, you can build up your own wardrobe from sets they sell in the Rift store or even just random gear you find. I wanted to finish off my Joker outfit but couldn't because in Rift female characters get to choose between only a skirt, or a dress. Here and there you might come across some pants. I can't buy the suit that I need! So, I opened a ticket. "How am I supposed to rampage Gotham city in a wedding garb? Why is it that I can't access the tuxedo?! Also note, no i'm not a lesbian. I just have no life" So we'll see where that ticket gets me haha.
Hope you guys have the best Christmas! Hope this one brings you all the joy you desire.
Love, Safiree
Saturday, October 5, 2013
League vs. Starcraft
Gauss & Safiree
Mostly epic Saturdays
Hello everyone, happy Saturday! This week... I want, I HAVE... to talk about League of Legends. Gauss and I tried it way back in the day, didn't care for it much. We decided it was because of us playing so much Starcraft, micro managing tons of units all the time then going to one just wasn't much of a challenge. I recently went back though and i've definitely seen quite a bit more to it then just microing, but rather it being a decent team play effort...obviously.
Honestly, i'm terrible at league because I don't have patience. At least with Starcraft I can choose to do early aggression as I see fit and feel comfortable with it. In league however I have to worry about turrets, minions and opposing players. Not feeding them. I get overly confident due to lack of patience and I attack and I lose 7/10 times. It makes the game very unfulfilling for me. I feel like that is more of an obstacle rather then the learning of the actual champions themselves.
Now for some people, they will argue with me that Starcraft and League are not the same thing. Same sort of game play and I know that. I'm simply comparing the different aspects to figure out why I prefer Starcraft to League. League is fun... but only for so long. And really for me it's only because i'm competitive and love showcasing my progression in games. Plus League will never be as special to me, because Gauss taught me Starcraft, my first RTS and that in itself is very special to me.
The PVP grind in RIFT is going well, when I actually log on to play. Kind of getting where Gauss is at and getting burnt out on the whole MMO deal. But I keep an open mind and stay optimistic. Joined a new guild, and they are great people. Which as you know I feel is really important in MMO's. Surrounding yourself with good people. This upcoming week Gauss will be off playing Beyond Two Souls I believe. So I will finally buckle down and plow through the Assassins Creed games I have built up lol.
Thanks for all the support, any questions feel free to always reach out.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
You Fail At Trash Talking If...
Fail Day! Yes it is that time once again. Also today is a great day because the NHL season starts today! Yes that is the hockey crazed Canadian coming out in me, but I don't care. Go Leafs Go! With hockey starting, and some recent events in my own little gaming world I thought I would do this week's piece on trash talking so here we go.
You Fail At Trash Talking If...
- Any of your trash talking includes Call of Duty
- When you loose horribly after your endless banter you disconnect yourself so you have an excuse
- Your skills are trumped by Bagellord
- Your APM is so low it is actually difficult to calculate
- The words "Your Mom" comes out of your mouth while you are talking
- You are a Habs fan
- No one has actually ever witnessed your so called "greatness"
- You think of random horrible excuses why you cannot play the game you are the greatest at
- You are the best rogue on the server
- You were Diamond in LoL but your history obviously points to the fact you were never higher than Gold
- You apologize for your trash talking
- You say "I am the best at ___" followed by "You do you do ____"
- You own people with Goliaths in Starcraft II always in 1v1
- When you lose you enter a state of rage where random giberish comes out of your mouth or is some how typed. This is followed by a moment of silence, which is then followed by the words "I am done with this stupid shit"
and finally
- The words good, great, amazing, and awesome are not words which would ever be used to describe you.
There you go this week's edition of fail. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it!
Call of Duty,
Trash Talking,
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Wipe the Dust from your Steam account...
Safiree & Gauss
Mostly Epic Saturdays
Happy Saturday everyone, hope it was an awesome week. This week has been full of variety. PVP grind, among other gaming. Mostly on Steam. If you're a gamer, you know what steam is and the torture it comes with. SOOO MANY OPTIONS! Honestly I think people should spend more time playing the simple free to play games. Will make your life much happier. :)
Realm Of the Mad Gods: Free to play, simple, and it's a game you can pick up and walk away from easily. It can be addictive and worth the time you put into it.
Team Fortress 2: FUN FUN FUN! Nothing more to say. The only thing better than this being free to play, is the videos on youtube. You're welcome.
Spiral Knights: If you like Zelda, you will enjoy this. It is also free to play. I haven't had much luck with it. Haven't really put too much time into it because i've been pvping. For a good adventure I recommend :)
This weekend there are games free to play temporarily. Dead Island Riptide, Red Orchestra 2, Rising Storm- beta etc. Should check them out :)
For me Steam is a place where all my games go to die. I play the ones I've put a lot of money into, when I can. A lot of people love the smaller company games Steam hosts, compared to bigger titles Blizzard throws at us. I try to balance my gaming but it is hard sometimes. Play simple Wii games, Sim City, Starcraft, Rift, and Steam games. All with Gauss :)
Which games would you recommend playing? A lot of people have asked me to try Terra. Sorry not gonna happen LOL. Keep in mind Trion is having an event called "Extra Life". A gaming marathon, playing 25 hours straight November 2nd, all proceeds go towards those in need across the country. Participating grants awesome rewards, including special titles, and for donors huge prizes they haven't yet revealed. Register online for the event for free and help those in need. As always thanks for reading! Have the best weekend.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Hello everyone. Happy Saturday! Lately, i've been grinding, and not in a good way. My grand quest to get to 80 prestige has now been upped to 90. I'll be the first to admit that I absolutely have to be in the mood to pvp. I get angry so fast. Because when you put too many stupid people in one group things can ruin the whole experience. I am currently 61, and yes, I am very, very much intimidated by the 29 more levels I have to go. I am pushing past the fact that I don't want to do this, because I don't agree with how much EXP it takes to get the decade increments, it is just ridiculous, and I feel like Trion is lazy in that regard. But hell, MMO's FTW =D
Being as competitive as I am though, I don't rate myself and my skills to what gear I have because it isn't accurate. People get this mindset that because they are in merc gear they wont be able to kill higher levels, but it can happen. Vice versa with Warlords. Anyone can get gear. If you think about how long it takes to grind warfronts, or battlegrounds to get the PVP gear you need all of that time is valuable practice for scenarios that otherwise you wouldn't be prepared for. Although.. warlord gear is the kind of gear you want so bad it makes you sorry.
WARFRONTS: So much fun. Especially when you join into one that is winning. One time I joined one that was half over, and I was slaughtering people so much so I didn't even pay attention if I was merced or not. I raged at the control points because it wouldn't let me change it! Pretty sure I've covered this before. But it is well worth complaining about again because being an idiot is just soooo easy lol. I've recently had an amazing mentor teach me how to be a melee rogue. It is pretty epic. I've noticed a lot of other melee players are so easily kited, but I can assure you after playing a 61MM rogue for a while you will not fall for it. Hopefully. I do have a lot more practice in melee spec, mostly to get the STRAFE, STAB, SHANK down.
CONQUEST: Depending on if you make the premade, which is alot harder now with RIFT's newest patch, you can either be a fast capped winner, or they can prolong the win with extra kills in between extractors which is legit so much prestige it is HEAVEN to someone like me leveling. I recommend using pots, battle serums etc. They might not seem like much but they do make a huge difference. Also, if you use spotify I recommend the heaviest dubstep you can find. Makes killing your victims so much more passionate. LOL
If you have a pocket healer, or even just a tank that helps too obviously. If you don't want to put money into the game, I recommend putting some time into PVE in RIFT so that you can just buy REX RIFT EXCHANGE's to buy prestige vials, or favor vials. Although i'm doing my grind with none of those if you are impatient and hate PVP grinds go for it.
If you have any questions about any of my specs I will gladly post them, along with my rotations. I have a kick ass spec also for support. SAB/TACT it's pretty boss. Have a great weekend loves!
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Follow the Leader
Safiree & Gauss
Mostly Epic Saturdays
Happy Saturday everyone. I hope your week was as great as mine. This week I was on the fence about posting on two different subjects. So instead of only choosing one i'll do both. Still will be rather interesting, and I hope to get some of your own input. First things first.
Joining/Leaving a Guild. What is the proper way to go about this process? In my opinion it would depend on the type of gamer you are. If you aren't serious or loyal about anything in video games, then most likely you will be willing and up for anything. I am not this way. I put a lot of care into the guild that I am in, and I help others as much as I can. I really only leave a guild if there is nothing else I can do on my part to make things better to be around. Lately i've been really questioning whether being in a guild at all is going to work for me though.
No, this isn't because of the people, not because of progression. I created a guild so that other people who were also new to Rift could share the same experiences I do. I had Gauss with me the entire leveling process, so having any questions, or problems I had a second brain to pick. (although it was always the other way around :P ). So being in this environment was a good place for the new players. Least that's what I was hoping for.
The main problem i've had so far, isn't being a leader who isn't doing the necessary requirements of the job, not neglecting people, or belittling their experiences just because they might be new to MMO's. Really it's because MMO's are becoming the last choice. Keeping people interested on my part there is only so much I can do. People can't seem to get into the feel of the "grind" or even just dealing with other players ego's. I don't really blame them. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for WoW, and Rift but I feel like todays MMO's aren't keeping up with the changes us gamers want in the content.
So basically, I'm at the point of giving up trying to lure people into a game they honestly don't want to play, tired of babysitting the drama that unfolds over the most ignorant problems people come up with. What do you think? Am I just not suited to take up anymore of the challenge it offers? Maybe there is something i'm missing. Hopefully things in MMO's get better. More options of the way we play them will unfold.
The other topic, is Civilization 5. We've been playing with a couple other friends and the game is awesome. It's different from anything else i've ever played. I'm still learning but when I do things I like to be through and through. Have you played any of them? What do you think of these types of gaming verses MMO's? Thanks for reading!
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Switching Roles
Safiree & Gauss
Mostly Epic Saturdays
Hello everyone! Good week? Mine was. I've been doing a lot more reading, and catching up with everyone I used to game with back in World of Warcraft (the days before Gauss) and it seems like a lot of the older gamers haven't been gaming barely if at all. Maybe it's just me but I know for a fact I will be a granny gamer still dominating everything I come across. (._.) Or attempting to dominate anything at all lol.
We've started up Civilization 5 Brand New World. It's pretty insane. Especially with Gauss and I playing. I'm still learning for end game things, but it's pretty awesome so far. I always pick Germany...of course. He picks Rome. Playing it with a few other friends as well. Other than that it's been grinding in Rift. PVP, rep, and I even have been leveling my cleric healer.
Speaking of which Clerics are so overpowered I don't understand how the developers even came up with their heals. Basically made them God-like because in Warfronts, or even dungeons I can do mass amounts of healing, not once drop below 95% mana, and nobody can kill me. It's also incredibly easy.
I'm still really upset with how they have done rogues in Rift. I vowed I wouldn't ever be a stunlock rogue... but it's the only melee spec that works in PVP. Ranged 61mm is just too slow, takes time to build up.. not to mention the boring rotation. o_o Many things are becoming so repetitive in Rift. Which is why were switching things up, by doing even more games along with it.
I will say, I can definitely eat some of the comments i've always made about healers, now that I have finally had the experiences of one. It can be tough, especially when you are healing for idiots who always stand in stuff they aren't supposed to, or they LOS your heals, and run away from you but then complain about not getting heals! That was always the nice thing about playing random in Starcraft. Learning the other side of things, how to counter, and how to reach your objective with a bit more insight.
Again, thanks for reading and the continued support has been great. Thanks guys! Have the best weekend. C:
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Ask Gauss
Here we are Sunday Morning. Always a great time for pancakes, maybe with some white chocolate chips in them, covered in some strawberry jam and of course layered in real maple syrup. I just made you hungry didn't I? It is all good you should make some, mine were pretty awesome. Anyways, got sidetracked. Sunday means Ask Gauss the post of the week where I answer questions sent to me throughout the week. Unsure home to send in your questions? Well as always it is the top right of the page or if you are too lazy to look there works just as well. So let's get into it then.
So the patch is right around the corner. Who is going to be the new Warchief of the Horde?
This is a very good question. If you asked me awhile ago I would have thought Nazgrim was a shoe in to take over as long as Thrall didn't come back and say. It's me what's all of your problems? Nazgrim though if you don't know is one of the bosses and appears to die during his encounter. Forever loyal to his warchief even when he knew it was the wrong thing.
Now I always thought the Warchief of the Horde needed to be a Orc. After all this is Warcraft. It started out as Orcs vs Humans. Now if they keep with this I don't see how Thrall doesn't come back or Saurfang takes over. Really there is no other high profile orcs that have the leadership abilities. Who haven't been killed ie Nazgrim and Saurfang the Younger, unless some how they make an Eitrigg stroyline make sense.
I honestly think after reading Shadows of the Horde that Vol'jin will be the leader. It makes sense from the point of the Alliance that a non Orc would lead out of respect for what happened. Also throughout the book they were talking about how races didn't matter and it was about family and home. This to me is foreshadowing the moment of being an Orc doesn't matter. So with all that in mind Vol'jin I believe has it locked up.
How goes healing?
I don't mind it really. It is a different style of play. Makes me angrier when people do stupid things because I often have to heal them through it, or be a hero and heal trash packs and bosses. I don't find it overly difficult to watch fight mechanics and health bars because as a raid leader for years I was already watching all that for everyone anyway. I am just now eliminating the middle and I am responsible for it.
Have you ever played Halo Reach?
I know this is a troll, but really?
There you have it questions answered for the week. Hope you all got something out of it. Enjoy what is left of your weekend, and if you are lucky your long weekend tomorrow!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
The Flame of the Game
Safiree & Gauss
Mostly epic Saturdays
Hey everyone! Hope your week was awesome, got plans for labor day weekend? I sure don't! lol. Things have been so stuck on the same kind of gaming lately. Gauss and I play Starcraft, and even Sim City just to have some variety. Sure there are other games out there but none really interest me. Someone actually asked me about the "gaming scene" and what was going on with that.
Honestly, since World of Warcraft, I swore i'd never pick up on another MMO, just raided so much that it felt like a second job. Come home from work and raid for hours. Wipe constantly because some people don't like to listen- so forth. though the rewards of being successful were priceless to me I just grew tired. We all did. After i'd say a year, Gauss and I picked up rift, and we've been pretty happy. But like any other game, sometimes you hit that wall. The wall of "meh I don't feel like it". So this week, i'm gonna tell you what Gauss and I do to keep the flame in the game ;)
Competition, is literally what him and I live for in gaming. We turn absolutely everything into some form of an objective. Yes, sometimes I cheat and start things before him, or turn things in first, and move on to the next thing on our list...but it doesn't always work lol. He'll Braveheart his way to victory. NOT always though. I'd say I win like 96% of the time.
When leveling anything, characters, professions, PVP stuff you name it he always has to be finished first. He will do whatever it takes to be first. He denies it.. But it's true. I'll be sleeping, and he is online grinding. When he loses he will argue, saying "Oh it was the wind in the game or something, something stopped me from winning but it wasn't my fault so it doesn't count". Always love those.
Gauss and I do alot with other people. Help level them, get gear, do dungeons etc. and we still find ways to outdo one another. Hehe it's harmless fun, making him second in everything. :D Even with dimensions he has to have more +1's than me. Always showing off his pride and joy to others like I don't notice he fishes for more and more people to admire his work lol. I still wouldn't pick anyone else to spend my days with gaming. Never a dull moment. We've even acquired other people to enjoy our company daily.
Side Note!! I've gotten quite a few emails from people. Thanks for the support, and I will gladly help share your stories :) Also I know the picture I chose has nothing to do with gaming. But it still wins, and that's all that matters. :)
Next weekend will be fun! -Have a great weekend.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
You Fail At Rift Dimensions If...
Fail Day! Yes it is that time once again how excited are you? I always love writing Fail Day posts as it is a way to vent frustration and to poke fun at things I have done, friends, random people, or the village idiot have done. Lately I have been spending too much time and an insane amount of platinum building my dimension in Rift so it came naturally that I would do the Fail Day post about Dimensions so here goes.
You Fail At Rift Dimensions If...
- You use Warden's Point
- You have plants coming through your walls
- You can see people waving at you on the other side of your walls
- Visitors zone inside of something and are forever stuck
- The gaping whole in your bridge makes accessing parts an adventure
- A map would be a great addition
- Objects tend to defy gravity
- You have no idea what morphing is
- You mount inside of Chateau Gauss
- You believe making round walls will be an easy venture
- You price check others dimensions when visiting
- Fall damage was a thing you would have issues
- You hate other people for having things you don't
- You think the glowing blue barrier is a great place to start placing buildings beside
and finally
- You enjoy Ember Isle music
There you have it this week's edition of fail. Hope you enjoyed it. If you would like to see what I have come up with. Come visit my dimension on Necropolis "Chateau Gauss" just please don't mount inside the house it angers me.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Ask Gauss
Sunday! Yes it is that time of the week once again. Hard to believe the weekend is over. Well it is hard to believe Friday was my birthday. Regardless it is that time of the week and here in Gauss Land Sunday means it is time for Ask Gauss. The post of the week where I answer some of the questions sent to me throughout the week. Don't know how to send in a question? Well it is pretty simple on the top right of the page you will see a ton of different ways to find me and get a hold of me. Pick one and do it, it is that simple. So why don't I go ahead with the questions
With all the games coming up, what one are you most looking forward to?
Well I am looking very forward to Lightning Returns and Assassin's Creed 4, but the game I am by far most looking forward to is Beyond Two Souls. Haven't heard of it? Well you are certainly missing out. I cannot do it justice by jsut explaining it so here is a trailer for it. But beware you will be hooked.
I know right?
So you are a Cleric in Rift you like it?
Well it has been quite awhile since I have played anything healer. It is different which is good. Most would be suprised I didn't pick a warrior, and I guess that would make sense, but there was a time when picking a warrior would have seemed weird. You see I only played a warrior in WoW because Cairne was my favourite character in Warcraft III. I wouldn't have picked a warrior of any other race. In reality I have in general always prefered mages of the black magic variety throughout my gaming career.
Anyways, to get back to the question is I like it gives me something different to do in a game which is very similar to WoW. So to anyone I would suggest playing something different then you are used to just so it seems different, because the game is similar enough that it wouldn't be much of a change.
Do you still hate Ret Pallys?
Do I still require air to breathe?
There you have questions answered for the week. Hope you enjoyed it or got something out of it. Enjoy what is left of your weekend!
With all the games coming up, what one are you most looking forward to?
Well I am looking very forward to Lightning Returns and Assassin's Creed 4, but the game I am by far most looking forward to is Beyond Two Souls. Haven't heard of it? Well you are certainly missing out. I cannot do it justice by jsut explaining it so here is a trailer for it. But beware you will be hooked.
I know right?
So you are a Cleric in Rift you like it?
Well it has been quite awhile since I have played anything healer. It is different which is good. Most would be suprised I didn't pick a warrior, and I guess that would make sense, but there was a time when picking a warrior would have seemed weird. You see I only played a warrior in WoW because Cairne was my favourite character in Warcraft III. I wouldn't have picked a warrior of any other race. In reality I have in general always prefered mages of the black magic variety throughout my gaming career.
Anyways, to get back to the question is I like it gives me something different to do in a game which is very similar to WoW. So to anyone I would suggest playing something different then you are used to just so it seems different, because the game is similar enough that it wouldn't be much of a change.
Do you still hate Ret Pallys?
Do I still require air to breathe?
There you have questions answered for the week. Hope you enjoyed it or got something out of it. Enjoy what is left of your weekend!
Saturday, July 20, 2013
How do I look?
Gauss & Safiree
Mostly Epic Saturdays
Happy Saturday everyone! Other than leveling, farming, and PVPing my face off, things haven't been too eventful lately. So i'm going to talk about things other bloggers, and commentators and gamers never talk about. VANITY! :D Been to the barber lately? Buy that new transmog you have farmed and farmed and never have been able to get? Well, in rift there are soooo many custom options for your character. I try to make my female Kelari Rogue as ugly as possible. With in game barbers you can change everything from your height, skin color, make up, face marks, and hair of course. If you even wanted to you could change your race, and faction.
I also learned you can literally take any piece of gear in the game and copy the wardrobe design and keep it forever. So what I came up with being a rogue and all wasn't so awesome, but..different. I guess I wanted to be a pally too lol. They have tons of costumes pre made you can buy. Other crafting mats you can add to make yourself "unique" but overall the worst I've seen someone wear, is a wedding dress. Veil and all. Creepy seeing someone trying to kill you wearing such an outfit.
Some other people look really awesome. They have different dyes you can use for your gear. The options are infinite when you come up with how awesome you decide to look. You can even hide all of your gear and wear your birthday suit even! Although we can still see you swing your staff you are taken less seriously :) HEHE.
I stopped playing World of Warcraft shortly after transmogs became a thing, but before those, collecting awesome pieces from older raids, dungeons, and quests were priceless. Like my witch's hat, or the ruby slippers that dropped in Karazhan, and everyone at one point or another owned a shovel. Remember those elixirs that turned you into skellies? BEST ITEM IN GAME by far when it comes to costumes. Noggenfogger elixirs in Tanaris. They will change your life.
Now everyone who knows me, knows i'm far from being about "feminism". But if I did have one complaint with games, it is why do female characters always need to look provocative in some way or another? When I look for the pieces of costume, or gear I want to look cool with it but it is usually always skimpy gear when I equip it? I wish I didn't have to make a male character just to see my sick set of gear. This especially in Diablo 3, female characters the higher the level, and amount of gear the less clothing it looks like they have on. They should add abs for males as an enchant or something for us ladies to look at. All im saying :D
Sometimes I wish I could do a boss fight and just strip them of all their gear when they die. If I had to choose a specific boss it would be Lich King of course. Which would you choose? Have there been any amazing changes with your characters appearance lately? Email screenshots and Gauss and I will pick one to be next weeks picture of topic!! As always thanks for reading, and giving supporting feedback. Love yo faces!
^In the beginning stages of leveling, we always look bad... lol
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Ask Gauss
So here we are again on a wonderful Sunday morning, unless of course you are somewhere else in the world and I know there are quite a few of you. Well you will just have to pretend it is Sunday morning once again. As most if not all of you know Sunday means it is time for Ask Gauss, the post of the week where I answer questions sent to me throughout the week. If you have no0 idea how to send in your questions well it is on the top right of the page unless of course you are really that lazy and can just send them to So without making you wait any longer let's do this thing!
So according to Safiree you guys are playing Rift, what do you think?
Ya it went free to play not too long and figured we would check it out. And play it more than I did when i had access to beta. It is what it is a WoW clone. Hardcores will say otherwise but it is. Sure there are some differences, which makes it not the exact same game but it still is an MMO. I find myself just leveling and not really paying attention to the lore. The lore is one of my major draws of Warcraft because I grew up learning about Warcraft Lore. You knew the characters and when you met them in game it had this more of a OMFG its you really. Now I am sure if I paid attention to the lore in Rift there might be some of that, but there isn't for me at this time. Not saying the game isn't fun. Playing a healer who oddly enough cannot die and playing the game actually puts some of the specs of my computer to use, which is always good because you want to believe you paid for something. It is worth checking out if you have time.
What do you think of Hope being a kid again in the new Lightning Returns trailer?
I was not one of those peopel ho depised Hope when he was a child. I accepted him for what his character was a kid how watched his mother die because she was helping this random guy. He blamed Snow rightfully. He was a kid. Now I also think his development in part 2 was well done as well. Building on his character from the first. Now what I have scene of the trailer it is almost as if he is a fixture of the 2 characters. Which is a third part is something which should be the case. I didn't like at the end of 2 how they said they would be living in the future because to me it didn't fit should have went back to where everything began. SO this is my hope that some things will be cleared up and put back how they should be.
Didn't you feel like Ezio was a forced character in Assassin's Creed?
So according to Safiree you guys are playing Rift, what do you think?
Ya it went free to play not too long and figured we would check it out. And play it more than I did when i had access to beta. It is what it is a WoW clone. Hardcores will say otherwise but it is. Sure there are some differences, which makes it not the exact same game but it still is an MMO. I find myself just leveling and not really paying attention to the lore. The lore is one of my major draws of Warcraft because I grew up learning about Warcraft Lore. You knew the characters and when you met them in game it had this more of a OMFG its you really. Now I am sure if I paid attention to the lore in Rift there might be some of that, but there isn't for me at this time. Not saying the game isn't fun. Playing a healer who oddly enough cannot die and playing the game actually puts some of the specs of my computer to use, which is always good because you want to believe you paid for something. It is worth checking out if you have time.
What do you think of Hope being a kid again in the new Lightning Returns trailer?
I was not one of those peopel ho depised Hope when he was a child. I accepted him for what his character was a kid how watched his mother die because she was helping this random guy. He blamed Snow rightfully. He was a kid. Now I also think his development in part 2 was well done as well. Building on his character from the first. Now what I have scene of the trailer it is almost as if he is a fixture of the 2 characters. Which is a third part is something which should be the case. I didn't like at the end of 2 how they said they would be living in the future because to me it didn't fit should have went back to where everything began. SO this is my hope that some things will be cleared up and put back how they should be.
Didn't you feel like Ezio was a forced character in Assassin's Creed?
There you go this weeks questions all answered. Enjoy what is left of your weekend!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Kill. Die. Rez. Otherwise known as PVP!!
Gauss & Safiree
Mostly Epic Saturdays
Player VS. Player. In any game is a one of a kind experience. Pretty sure for gamers ganking someone for the first time releases a deadly neurotoxin in ones bloodstream and brands you for life. My first experience like most others took place in World of Warcraft. I started out on my own, failing terribly but didn't care. (insert joke about me still being terrible) Out of all of the battlegrounds the one I felt most effective in was Warsong Gulch.
Over time I started stacking resilience, and then became awesome. Most female gamers play healers, and most stay away from the epic fighting but for some reason I felt more comfortable beating the Alliance to a bloody pulp. Back before pallies didn't have holy power I felt like I earned a lot of the damage was done with my rotation, and I earned every honor kill with practicing different RET PVP specs. Other times I just felt like some fights were unfair. Then Gauss and I started Arena. Completely different gameplay.
Actually had to use my abilities at the right moment and have almost perfect judgement on their use. We sucked very bad starting but overtime we got much better. Except against shadow priests lol. PVP in RIFT is very similar to World of Warcrafts. Battlegrounds are tons of fun UNLESS YOU ARE ON A TEAM IN AN "ARATHI BASIN" TYPE OF PLAY WHERE NOBODY COORDINATES WITH EACH OTHER ON CLAIMING AND DEFENDING! It's a little frustrating. Or when you're fighting to the death with someone and it's one on one and a friend of theirs joins the fight and tag team you. (Unless you embarrass them both and win, then it's glorious.)
Healers. They are always plentiful on the opposing side. Non-existent on yours. Makes me :) ... -_- RIFT has "the mercenary system" where your battleground ques are almost instant but you will almost always be on the same team as the opposing faction. Which is fine...if you're one of those people who don't mind. Playing Horde in WoW though made me extremely loyal as a faction member. So being a defiant in RIFT, gaming along side a guardian ticks me off probably more than it should. What can you do though. If you are interested in knowing more about Rift, the MMO went free to play and it isn't as bad as WoWs tradechat says it is ;) We play on "necropolis" as defiants if you guys want to play with us PM Safiree, or Gaussification for guild info. We are still leveling so now would be a great time to see if you like it too! Graphics are amazing, as well as the lore. Hope to see you soon! Have a good weekend!! :D
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Gauss & Safiree
Mostly Epic Saturdays
Hello Everyone! Was nice hearing from old WOW friends about last Saturday.
Since then Gauss and I have been very busy playing RIFT, And believe it when I say it really isn't as awful as many WOW vets say it is. Personally I think some of the micro transaction is a bit overboard, and they find creative ways to put it throughout the game, but overall so far it's pretty amazing. So far the LORE is interesting, the graphics aren't at all disappointing. The amount of options as far as how you prefer to play your class are in copious amounts. Some things aren't near as amazing as World of Warcraft, but for a free to play game you can't argue game experience. (All my opinions)
Gauss believe it or not plays a healer (cleric). And he is damn good at it too. He follows me around and no matter how hard I get hit he is limitless. He can also hit hard. Now I play a rogue the bomb spec, can't think of what they call it off the top of my head but when we duel I cannot kill him. It's ridiculously not funny at all how annoying it is to lose to him. He is beyond competitive, and enjoys making me feel like an idiot noob. For example in the beginning of our RIFT adventure we picked professions, and we agreed while playing we wouldn't bother with the dailies or quests they offer, and we get into instant adventures which are basically like mass group quests, and he tells me "why aren't you mining?"
Other than RIFT we've been waiting for MaximusBlack to finish playing The Last of Us, and post his play through onto twitch. He and NovaWar commentate Starcraft games from average, to above average players. Very comical outlook on peoples mistakes. He finally posted it and it's hilarious. Worth our wait.
Off topic I have to say last weeks Dexter was amazing and cannot wait for the next episode. I'm a huge fan :). Also the picture up above is another of us being useless. 10pts to who can say where it was taken in WOW. Hope you guys are enjoying the holiday weekend. I almost blew myself up with a firecracker. I went to throw it in the air and of course it had to bounce off the roof and land on my shoulder -_-
- Safiree
The Last Of Us
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