Showing posts with label RMAH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RMAH. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

You Failed At The Diablo Auction House If...

So here we are on Fail Day and just a few hours ago the Diablo Auction houses were shutdown. Yes there will be no more selling no more bitching and no more idiotic forum posts about the Auction Houses. So in the honor of them being shutdown I give you the goodbye version of it in Fail Day.

You Failed At The Diablo Auction House If...
  • You never made any money off the RMAH
  • You paid more for an item then you paid for the game
  • You posted gems without thinking about the cost it took to make them
  • You didn't take advantage of people panicking and buying up gems
  • You bought things off the RMAH when it would have been cheaper to buy gold and buy them on the Gold AH
  • You used the gold dupe
  • You instantly posted any legendary you found for 2,000,000,000
  • For the last 3 months you have made a forum post everyday asking how you are supposed to survive without the AH
  • You are wondering how you are going to pay your rent without the RMAH
  • You will forget to empty your completed tab
  • Any time someone has had better gear then you you labeled them a "RMAH Player"
  • You have been one of those people buying whites for 30,000g the past couple weeks
  • You have bought any gear since 2.0 went live
and finally
  • You were one of those people who thought supply on the AH reflected drop rates.
There you have it this week's edition of Fail. The tears of the Auction Houses fill the internet today hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ask Gauss

Sunday! Not to mention the last Sunday of the year. What a crazy year it has been. To think I thought for so long to get the blog started up again. Sure it is a lot of work, but I also have a lot of fun doing it. All of you keeping me on my toes making sure when I push some buttons you never let me forget it. So let's get this last Ask Gauss of the year over with.

What do you think was the biggest surprise of the year?

Honestly, I think it is the shutdown of the auction houses in Diablo III. They put so much into it. They wanted to give players an easy trading option with in game currency, bu then also didn't want 3rd party sites making money off of their game and scamming their customers. So they put all this time making this revolutionary Real Money Auction House. The problem which they recognized is people were able to get top end gear much quicker than they should have been able to. Caused this shift where they had to develop a Monster power system to actually make the game have some sort of difficulty. In the end they shocked us all and said no more Auction houses in Reaper of Souls. Meaning also no more trading. I like the route the game is going now but still doesn't mean after all that time and effort put in I thought they would scrap it.

What is something you learned about the gaming world this year?

People are getting more and more entitled. They want everything given to them for free and really Hearthstone has brought this to light more than any game I can remember, and it is still in beta. You see just because you play a game you don't deserve to have everything. There was a time where it was considered the norm to not be able to finish a game. You would feel proud and accomplished when you actually did it. The sense of accomplishment was there. Now there is this mentality of everyone wins. Sure there are difficulty settings to still have the challenge but when there isn't when you actually have to work at something people complain because there are used to this entitlement crap that has been going around. I am sorry if you are bad live with being bad. Don't try and ruin others experiences because you want to feel like you deserve more. Makes me sick that some of these people call themselves gamers.

Did you have a good Christmas?

As a matter of fact I did. Hoping for an even better New Year

There you have it all questions answered. Thank you to everyone who has sent in questions this year. I enjoy answering them if they are troll or not.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

You Fail At Complaining About The RMAH Fees If...

Fail Day! Yes it is that time of the week once again. The day of the week where I decide to make you feel better about yourself by making others feel worse. Unless, of course, you are one of the people I am making feel worse, and if that's the case it is all in good fun any ways. This week I am making a stab at the real money auction house fees in Diablo III. So sit back and enjoy.

You Fail At Complaining About The RMAH Fees If...
  • You think Blizzard made it 15% to cash out to spite you
  • You believe the fees are too high with nothing else to compare them to
  • You quit your job because you believed you could make a living off of the Auction House
  • You don't have a cellphone
  • You think Blizzard shouldn't have any fees whatsoever
  • You feel as if you are now entitled to make money off of a video game
  • You wrote forum post upon forum post stating why these fees are too high
  • You don't even think for a second that Blizzard may have researched what is a good fee
  • You think this will force people to use Third Party sites
  • You think people will buy things illegally when they have a simple easy way to do it legally
  • You think it is stupid you can't set a buyout higher than $250
  • You have put not thought into the fact the fees will be used to maintain the system so you can continue to profit off of it
  • You still fail to see Blizzard is giving you the option to make money off of pixels, and yet you find something wrong with that

and finally
  • You think you are going to be the first Diablo III Millionaire
There you have it. This week's edition of Fail. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ask Gauss

Sunday the weekend is finally coming to a close. Just means you have to spend your time accordingly so you don't regret it. So what better way to start it off by answering questions that have been sent to me throughout the week. What a wonderful idea! If somehow you still have no clue how to send in your questions; there is a link on the top right of the page or you can send them directly to Now since that is out of the way. Let's get right into it.

So D3 RMAH fees have been released and don't you think they are rather high?

Are they higher then I would like? Yes, but that doesn't mean they are higher then they should be. Blizzard has spent the time and the money to give us a safe and secure way of making real money trades within their game. Is there another game out there, which has a comparable system where we could say "such and such a game has cheaper fees" no there isn't so how are people able to base their decisions on this without their own personal bias. Sure this will probably cause the overall price of items in the long run to be higher then expect since players will learn to take the fees into effect, but overall that is all it will do. Blizzard won't change their mind no matter how much you complain. The research which goes into a decision like this is more then the average persons 2 minute thought and following complain session. I trust even if I would like them to be lower that it is in face the right decision.

Are you excited they are trying to bring the War back in Warcraft?

Frankly, this is one of the major things I enjoy about the games lore. Sure both sides want the same thing, but they have different ways of achieving that. Different ways of thinking, and of course different ways of acting. Some more spiritual, some more miltaristic, some more daring, and so on and so forth. Now my only concern in doing this is they will take away from the other points of the game in the same way as taking the war out helped them develop the other side of the game. There needs to be a balance so that everyone who enjoys the game can enjoy themselves. I am not saying make it a PvP game at all. I just want some tatical and world PvP elements, but I do understand that most don't want this unless there is some sort of reward. So these are those times when I am glad I am not a developer of WoW and I can just talk about the choices they made, and if I think they are good or bad.

Do you find the Panderen child model as disturbing as I do?

I am pretty sure it will haunt my dreams. For those who haven't seen it.

There you have it. Questions answered for the week. Hope you all got something out of it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!